deCONZ - Official thread

Related to this?

In my case I was able to see deconz_event in developer tools. So for me it looks like the switch and Deconz addon are working just as they are supposed to …

Not sure if this has been answered else where, or if I am in even in the right place to ask…
I use the deConz plugin from the Home Assistant Supervisor Add-on store.
I have recently added some Hue Lamps and wanted to change PowerOn behaviour. DeConz official site says something about editing the Cluster Information, but when I chose the Cluster Info tab in Deconz, it shows blank.
Does anyone know how we edit that in the HA Add-on version?

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This is the only reason that I’m still running my Hue hub and Deconz separately. I too have had trouble working out how to do this via the Hassio add-in. Hopefully someone can step us through it.

Does someone have the same problem that the deconz application (vnc thing,right button in deconz addon) dont load in the mobile app and mobile view (safari + IOs App)?

I finally worked it out, and it was not easy to find.
When you open DECONZ (not Phoscon) and select the node (the philips hue globe in this case) from the network map screen, there are two little dots on the right side. Select the right most dot and it drops down the cluster information for the node.
from there you can select the poweronoff cluster and edit the default poweron behaviour.
Finally got all my hue globes in deconz and not turning on whenever the power is reset.


FFS again an update of the addon and “unavailable” devices. This is not reliable…

Anyone updated to the deconz 6.5.0 addon without any issues?

Thanks Brendan, I feel like I’m getting closer to the solution.
Based on your comment, I stumbled across the instructions here:

My bulbs are now remembering what setting they should be if dimmed. However, I’m still not having any luck getting them to stay off if they are off and I toggle the power (eg if there was a temporary blackout in the middle of the night). Are yours returning to "Off’ if off when the power is disrupted? If so, which firmware have you got on your Conbee? I’m on 2.05.79, although 2.5.87 is now available.

The instructions on the Github link I gave above also mentioned needing to edit general.xml, which I couldn’t work out how to do from the home assistant add-in. Did you find a way to do the general.xml edits?

Yes, I have. And it seems like a small improvement since last version. Cpu load went down 3% and everything on zigbee is a litle bit more responsive.

Hi all,

Since a restart of my RPi 4 with a Conbee II stick the other day, I have issues with deCONZ. After reboot of the system, deCONZ is accessible for a while, but then for some reason I cannot access the the stick anymore (firmware “Not Connected” and login through VNC is not working). I’m on the lastest firmware and software 2.05.84.
Also, during the time deconz do work, the response of any triggered event is painfully slow (we are talking minutes here).
Please help! I have most of my lights and sensors hooked up through deCONZ.


Hello everyone,
I run deConz outside of Home-Assistant in my own docker container. How can I access the stick from Home-Assistant? The ports are open from outside. Do I still need to install the deConz addon?

When you run Deconz on a different machine or in a different VM or on bare metal, you only need to install the Deconz integration in Home Assistant.

No one else has this problem?

Hi there,

i need to install the last BETA version of the DeCONZ plugin for HA ( problems with my Legrand Shutters switches ). How to find the beta version and install it in HA ?

whats the correct process for reconnecting a device again, once its battery has died?

i have that if:

  1. a battery is changed before it dies (>0%) then it reconnects to deconz right away
  2. if a battery has totally died, when i put a new one in, it doesnt connect back, i have to reset the device and pair it again.

is 2 the expected option? eg. dont let batteries die and get to 0%? or am i doing somethnig wrong?

note: ive found this with the following:

  • smartthings multipurpose sensors
  • smartthings motion sensors
  • ikea remotes

anyone seeing this behaviour lately?


I have had a few instability issues with deconz over the last few months where I would have to restart HA several times for Deconz to work. I finally realised that after moving my HA Instance to VirtualBox I didn’t change the device from /dev/tty/usb0 to what is shown in HA Supervisor Hardware (not sure why it worked at all). Changed this to same device name that was passed through Virtual Box and has been rock solid since. Maybe worth checking you have correct device listed in your deconz config as what is shown. You can check your usb device:
Supervisor -> System -> Host system -> Hardware` page.


I am running deCONZ on a RP4. I have 10 philips hue (only dimmable) and 4 Müller Licht tint color bulbs.

I restart HA every night at 2:00 (because of the bad running Home Connect integration). Sometimes in the morning I see some blubs are on. Sometimes 1 bulb, sometimes 2, sometimes nothing. They all were off when I went to bed, but the restart turned them on. Sometimes it is a philips bulb, sometimes it is from Müller Licht, it is just random. So I think it is not a problem of Müller or Philips.

Has somebody an idea or maybe the same problem?


HI, I have a problem with connection of conbee it says in phoscon NO CONNECTION.
i can not access to downgrade or upgrade in phoscon. I have ver.2.05.88 / 2020-10-15 and it says ConBee 2 but I have the old conbee. has switched to another USB RPi3 + and also switched to a longer usb cable but it will be the same error NO CONNECTION .have tried to connect with VNC viewer but NO CONNECTION. Has / dev / ttyUSB0 in the configuration for deConz. I don’t have connexion at all (GCFFlasher_internal -l never but never find the device. What can you do?

Your user on the pi might need to be added to the dial-out group to have access to the device.

Do this:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Then restart the pi.