deCONZ - Official thread

Have you looked at the vnc map and the lqi?

Sorry, i’m not sure understanding your question. Are you asking for my deConz config? I just discovered the possibility of vnc configuration. I’m going to set that up and see if that helps me.

When you connect through vnc you can look at your mesh as a map. It has wires that show how the wireless connection works. The color of the wires show if the wireless connection is solid or has issues. Green is good, yellow is less and red is worse. There is also a button on top called LQI. If you press it, it shows the connection quality in number. Max (and best) 255.

What a great tip from you! Thank you so much!!! It looks like my ConBee2 has simply forgotten the smoke detectors. I then had the sensors re-searched via the deConz Integration and then they were found immediately. Then I opened the map and first pressed all possible buttons without knowing what exactly they are good for and they came to life.

Ghaa, I’m starting to get pissed on this now. Luckily I didn’t move all my Trådfri devices to deCONZ yet, still using the Trådfri gateway. I only have one orsam switch and two Xiaomi temp sensors in deCONZ but at EVERY re-boot of my Pi, all devices in deCONZ are unreachable and the only way to get them back is to manually add them again, ie this issue:

I assume that the only thing to do is to wait for dresden elektronik to fix this issue. Or does anyone here found any magic solution?

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I have exactly the same problem and my installation is completely unusable for several days…
I despair…

In my case, i keep losing my hue tap in home assistant. The device is available in deconz but not in home assistant I have to remove the integration and re add it to make it work but it keeps losing it… annoying.

Pro tip if you’re having issues with paring IKEA bulbs to the Conbee 2 stick with deCONZ:

Make sure you’re only having 1 bulb in pairing mode at a time. I was trying to pair many at once and they wouldn’t show up in the deCONZ interface but adding one at a time did the trick. Very time consuming though…

I am running Home Assistant 0.110.2 and just updated the addon for deCONZ to
Current version: 5.3.3. However when I go into phoscon I am greeted with a sign that there is a new firmware version 26350500. I am running version 26330500. If I try and update the version it looks like it tries to upgrade but nothing happens. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong…
Any help would be appreciated…Thanks

I do see this issue when I do a full host reboot of my NUC. All devices go offline. But when I reboot home assistant again, everything is coming back… When I do a normal reboot or update, I have no problems at all… Do you use more than one USB device in your Pi?

I have the same question: How do I start over with deCONZ?

Following power loss three days ago, I lost 30% of my sensors and am unable to re-add them (they only appear on the deCONZ network map, but never appear on the Phoscon App, so they can’t be used in HASS). Network is functional, but has far less interconnection between repeaters than before and randomly drops what should be strong repeaters. At this point, I don’t know what else to do but scrap it all, start over, and manually re-add 60 devices.

I never found out - had to start over with Home Assistant to clear all the Deconz stuff - not impressed!
I hope you have a better response.

I am running Home Assistant 0.110.2 and just updated the addon for deCONZ to
Current version: 5.3.4 . However when I go into phoscon I am greeted with a sign that there is a new firmware version 26350500. I am running version 26330500. If I try and update the version it looks like it tries to upgrade but nothing happens. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong…
Any help would be appreciated…Thanks

Do you have other USB devices plugged in? And also you need to upgrade it using the deconz manual update, which means using the terminal and installing the deconz package in the host OS.

This is a RapBee board inside the Pi…I do have a Aeotec Z-Stick S2 plugged into one of the USB ports. I have had the RaspBee for a couple of years now and have never encountered this before. So are you saying it won’t update manually within the Phoscon app. I have to go to the terminal and enter the scripts as per the Update in Raspian

I just clicked on the update button and you could see the update progress in the deconz gui (vnc), it made a backup first

Not sure with a RaspBee. With ConBee for sure.

@Holdestmade are you using a RaspBee module…I can see it updating in TigerVNC but then when it gets to the end and it still hasn’t updated…I removed my USB Aeotec Z-Stick S2 in an attempt to fix and nada !!

I’ve found this in the deconz logs but it still doesn’t shed much light to me

19:29:04:334 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
19:29:04:334 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno:
19:29:04:334 COM: --dev: /dev/ttyAMA0 (RaspBee)
19:29:04:468 Device firmware version 0x26330500

19:29:05:995 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
19:29:05:999 GW update firmware found: /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_Rpi_0x26350500.bin.GCF
19:29:05:999 GW firmware version: 0x26330500
19:29:05:999 GW firmware version shall be updated to: 0x26350500

Na, a conbee I, my firmware is now showing as 26330500 after the update and not showing an available update

So yours isn’t requesting the latest firmware update then which is 26350500…Somethings amiss somewhere…just don’t know where