deCONZ - Official thread

So normally you could remove them from the core.device_registry file but if you are running homeassistant (formally hassio) you have no way to edit this file as you cannot bring homeassistant down and still edit the file.

Sorry, I am no sure but I think you can, I am in old HassIO, nowadays “hole in one” or something like that :wink: and I have edited this file in the picture below:

It’s the only thing which is connected to Rpi 3b+(?)

Is there some stupidest man in the world awards available?
Nominating myself for that category :confounded:

Well, how I even can start this… I do have that Conbee stick connected to USB extender cable and surprise, it was not connected to Rpi… :smiley:
I can of course blame my wife, when she has made some cleaning the cable is unplugged during that…


My solution to that problem. Measure wife extended to the outmost. Hang nuc/RPI with deconz about 5 inches above that. :speak_no_evil::joy:


I do have a Conbee II stick installed on my Pi3+ but when I look at the deCONZ tab under Gateway I noticed the product is Raspbee instead of Conbee II. I’m a bit confused

Conbee II_1

My configuration:

device: >-
vnc_password: ''

Am I using the wrong USB-Port perhaps?
And should I change the configuration to device: /dev/ttyACM0

It is the right USB port. If you change to /dev/ttyACM0 it will be correctly recognized.
That’s an issue that must be solved in deCONZ from what I’ve read. And it should be solved in next release of deCONZ

Thanks for the tip!
Changed to device: /dev/ttyACM0 and now it’s correctly recognized! :slight_smile:

Lately I am attempting to make my automations more reliable. Right now I have the issue that if commands are issued too quickly then deCONz will have the wrong status set for the light.

For example, say my daughter turns the light on, the a second later turns it off. The off command will usually be ignored by the light but deCONz will report the light as off, and HA updates the entity status as such.
If you wait 5 secs in between command then it is generally more reliable, but it is never really at the level where I dont have to sometimes click the button again to make the command work.
BTW i am using scene commands from a zwave light switch to turn the bulbs on and off. I disabled to actual power toggle so that the lights are always powered.

It does seem that the correct status is updated eventually but this can be as many as 5-10 minutes later.

Upon further examination, it seems this behavior is only exhibited when using group commands on the bulbs. When I toggle the a single light on and off quickly, its status is always reflected instantly and there is no state mismatch. When the same is done for a group, the light will show off and actually be on, or vice versa and neither the group nor the light entity itself will be in sync.
Looks like I can correct this by reworking my light switch flows to operate on the lights individually. I’ll keep the groups for automations.

Are you using Deconz groups defined in Phoscon or Home Assistant groups?

Deconz groups are real Zigbee groups so only one command is sent to the group. If you use HA groups then HA knows no better than sending the same command in sequence to each light.

If you define Deconz groups then they are presented as a single light in HA. In HA you can put this group in HA group if for example you have some none Zigbee lights you want in same group.



I have an Innr SP120 and want to measure Power Consumption with it. The HA Recorder only saves data for 1 day but the power consumption is always at 1.24 kWh even with nothing plugged in.
Shouldn’t it be zero? Does the plug itself uses that much? Or do I missunderstand something here?^^

If nothing is plugged in the power should be minimal.
But the unit kWh is not power. It is energy. It is the amount of energy in kWh that has passed through the plug since this was reset.
The power level is in Watts or W and is the power that is passed through in this very moment.
There may be some feature that can set the kWh to zero

So the kWh is stored in the Plug itself and not in HA? But tracking kWh to see the costs is the way to go, right? :slight_smile:

I have deleted the plug and paired it again. Now its zero kWh :slight_smile:

Since a recent version, sometimes not all my devices are added to HomeAssistant after a reboot. All devices appear in Deconz, but some are ‘unavailable’ in HA. A restart of HA fixes this.

Have seen this multiple times. Anybody else having this issue ?

yeah, i sometimes have this issue too on a full reboot
switches are unavaible untill HA restart…
my sensors are working fine though

There is a deCONZ update service in HA that I linked to a button. That way you force HA to get the devices from deCONZ.


I am using Deconz groups. They are indeed synced to the bulbs.
I find that state inconsistencies are usually bypassed by commanding the bulb off then on, or vice versa. My original idea of sending multiple’ off’ or ‘on’ commands doesnt work out due to Deconz not relaying the message when it deems the bulb already in the appropriate state. I.E when Deconz sees the bulb as 'off" already, subsequent ‘off’ commands are likely to be ignored.

Had no idea about this. Thanks for the tip.

I’m noticing using latest version of the addon (5.3.6) the following log entries:

don’t close database yet, keep open for 900 seconds

I already restarted the addon, run’s for more than 10 hours now but still these messages are logged about every 5 seconds.

Any idea?