Denon AVR X3000 Disappeared Upgrading 0.111.4 -> 0.114.2

Upgraded to 0.114.2 and the Denon AVR X3000 disappeared after years of faithful service. Backed up to a snapshot and read through the release notes and all the doco I could find was here but it wasn’t really conclusive.
Followed another suggestion and deleted the media_player from config.yaml

  - platform: denonavr
    name: Denon
    show_all_sources: True
      - zone: Zone2
        name: En Suite

and added

discovery: enable: dlna_dmr

This did find the Denon, but not the zones for any functions…

Grateful for any advice.

This was my latest venture with Denonavr. Cant really comment as I do not really know what fixed it suffice to say a power failure to the machine forced a full restart and it came good.

I had sudo -r shutdown the machine before to no benefit …weird but working

The Denon integration was recently moved to GUI configured. Remove the - platform: denon section from your config, restart, then go to the Configuration > Integrations section, check to see if it’s automatically discovered first. If it’s not automatically discovered, click the “+” in the lower right corner and add it there. Use the Denon AVR version as it supports auto discovery.

EDIT: It was a breaking change in 0.112. See here (scroll about halfway down the list of breaking changes):

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Thanks for that squirtbrnr, I now have music again! Very much appreciated.