Determining if you have HassOS 64bit or 32bit installed on RPi?

I’m embarking on trying out the ESPhome method of making sensor nodes for my HA system.
I’m having issues making a first build and I read that it’s not supported on HassOS 64bit.
I can’t see anywhere in the HA front end Info or System that tells me if I used the 32bit or 64bit when I swapped from Resin-OS.
Anybody know how I can tell from the HA GUI ?

Nobody ?
Here I am again a year later and I never worked out where to find this.

IIRC, the platform should be x86_64 for a 64bit platform (Configuration>Info):


With that said, AFAIK, all the hassio builds are still 32bit and the only platform today that supports a 64bit build of hassio is the beta 5.0 running on a rPi4 8GB. I don’t run hassio, so I’m not 100% certain.

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Hello, i cant find these information in my informations.

Can someone help me? Many thanks in

Hi, your CPU architecture is armv7l which is 32bit. ARM added 64bit support in 2011 to armv8a onwards.

Pi2B and on have an ARMv8-A, so you will be able to install a 64bit version from here:

This is only necessary of you have a 8Gb model, otherwise it’s not necessary, and you loose access to the GPIO pins when using the 64bit version.

TIL you can also just type “uname -a” in a terminal.

This info is also found in Settings, System, Repairs, menu > System Information.

Afd load_ something to you config yaml

And the entity icon shows 32 or 64.

Also the studio code server addon is grayed out on 32 but.
So you can just check if you can install this one.