Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)

Hello, I am not sure what the specific issue is. Can you please provide some more informations? For example some screenshots?

Thanks for your help @FL550 So I hope you can do more with it, sorry, I hope you understand what I mean, I want to display the rain amounts to the left of the mm data even if no rain is reported= 0mm.

Do I need another weather map possibly?

Would be really cool, I’m still missing, otherwise you have a top integration!

Ok, I see. Unfortunately there is no function for the current precipitation only for the forecast: Weather Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs

You can get the current precipitation sum, if you read the first forecast item which contains all current values.


any chance that the integration broke due to recent 2022.11?
Since the upgrade I get:

> Logger: homeassistant.setup
> Source:
> First occurred: 19:43:50 (1 occurrences)
> Last logged: 19:43:50
> Setup failed for custom integration dwd_weather: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'markdownify' from 'markdownify' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/markdownify/


Hm, I use markdownify to generate the weather report text. But as far as I can see, there was no update for this package, which might cause this error. Can you please confirm this issue persists after a restart?

Yes, restarted at 6pm. Same.

I can remove and reinstall, eventually that resolves it.

2022-11-07 18:01:20.304 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for custom integration dwd_weather: Unable to import component: cannot import name 'markdownify' from 'markdownify' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/markdownify/

In the New Homeassistant Version 2023-09 a hint is given which state the Integration has an old prediction attribute. Can you solve that?

Hi community,

I’m trying to use a temperature value from DWD hourly forecast in a sensor template.
The sensor should show the forecasted temperature in 3 hours.
Unfortunatley I can only see the values in the dashboard, but I cannot find them in the attributes of the DWD sensors. Can I access the hourly forecast values somehow?

Thanks a lot!

Is the hint still there?

Have you activated the temperature sensor and can you see the values in the developer tools?

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No it is solved, thank you :clap:

Hello, this integration is awesome, the precipitation radar is amazing, didn’t even know it was possible to pull this over the DWD API…

One question: was anyone able to built a forecast chart of temperature with this integration?

Do you receive any errors during setup? The max temp for the day is included.

No, I mean the forecast card does not include any graph. I would like a graph of the hourly forecasted temperature over the next days. Unless I missed something obvious?

short question: How often will the daily forcast be updated?

Depends on the exact setting, but normally the data is updated every 6 hours.

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Hi, I’m having trouble building a template sensor for daily forecasts, like temperature, precipitation probability based on this DWD implementation. Any hints are highly welcome :slight_smile:

Post what you have tried and we can build up on that. :slight_smile:

Here the example of the my hourly template sensor pulling hour “0”.

  • name: Weather Precipitation Probability Hourly P1
    unique_id: sensor.weather_forecast_ph1
    state: “{{state_attr(‘sensor.stuttgart_precipitation_probability’, ‘data’)[0][‘value’]}}”

To do the same for daily I would need an attribute that gives me daily data.

You could do this with a template Sensor:

- trigger:
    - platform: time
      at: "00:00:01"
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - platform: event
      event_type: event_template_reloaded
    - service: weather.get_forecast
        type: daily
        entity_id: {INSERT WEATHER ENTITY HERE}
      response_variable: weather_data
    - name: "Max temp"
      unique_id: max_daily_temp
      state: >-
        {{ weather_data.forecast[0].temperature }}
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    - name: "Min temp"
      unique_id: min_daily_temp
      state: >-
        {{ weather_data.forecast[0].templow }}
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

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