Thanks for this post, was just what I was looking for, have added the Device tracker in the configuration.
and created the, there was no directory path /config/custom_components/device_tracker/
under my .homeassistant directory so created that and placed the py file in there but when I do a config_check it gives me an error:
General Errors:
- Platform not found: device_tracker.experiaboxv8
Did I place the file in the wrong position, or am I over looking anything.
I’m using the image, which has a share called config. There I created the directory custom_components and subdirectory device_tracker. In that directory I created the .py file.
It works and is detecting my devices in known_devices.yaml.
Did you add this file to a fork of
I would like to help to get a pull request accepted.
Hi All,
Just signed up because i started using Home Assistant a week or so ago. I really like the idea of the device tracker but cant get it to work.
I think i did all i need to do, but the Home Assistant configuration is telling me the platform is not found.
After tripple checking the folders and filename i did some googling but i could not find anything.
Is there anybody that has a tip to get this working?
I’m running the last stable version on a RPI3.
In a release a while ago the path should be diffrent: /config/custom_components/device_tracker/
This should be changed to /config/custom_components/ experiaboxv8/
Thank you Timo,
Just tried this. I created a new folder and file with the path you stated but still get the notification:
“Integration experiaboxv8 not found when trying to verify its device_tracker platform.”
Just not get it working, latest version with Trying to change folder locations, naming reversed like remark above but every time getting an error:
2019-10-23 12:35:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: device_tracker - Integration ‘experiaboxv8’ not found.
Any suggestions? My guess is that it has to do with Hassio, wrong location of files?
This tracker looks good. I am trying to port it to Domoticz,not much success so far.
The first problem is how to login to the VGV7519. Can you give me the syntax what to send to the VGV7519
The file can be left empty.
The file should contain the aforementioned script.
The manifest.json should contain the following:
"domain": "experiaboxv8",
"name": "experiaboxv8",
"documentation": "",
"dependencies": [],
"codeowners": ["Mark van den Berg (@MvdB)"],
"requirements": []
Then you’ll have to restart your HA (required for new integrations to show up).
Then you can add the aforementioned device_tracker platform to your configuration.yaml.
If you then do a Check configuration you should receive no errors, so you can restart HA again.
I vond op dit forum o.a. van jou detail kennis van de firmware voor de [Arcadyan VGV7519 router (Experia Box V8)]. En op andere sites heb ik niet gevonden wat ik ik wilde weten.
Het heeft weinig of geen relatie met Home assistant, maar over de firmware en configuratie van deze router. Zoals bekend wil KPN geen technische kennis delen of alternatieve configuraties openbaren. Ik ben vooral op zoek naar de mogelijkheid om de POTS poorten van de VGV7519 te gebruiken. Ik heb tot vorige week zo eentje gebruikt en verbonden met een SIP centrale, tot deze het begaf. En ik kom tot het inzicht dat KPN helemaal geen enkele mogelijkheid meer openstelt om met externe SIP diensten te koppelen, andere dan hun eigen. En dus heb ik een andere VGV7519 aangekocht, maar die blijkt nu ook te zijn voorzien van nieuwere firmware (Firmware Version:02.00.138) waarmee ik nog steeds de VOICE poorten niet aan kan koppelen. Heb je hints of koppelingen waar ik de oplossing kan vinden ?
Ik heb nog te weinig kennis van de manier waarop KPN de firmware manipuleert, hoe de “verborgen” configuratiepagina’s in elkaar zitten, wat de RESET knop nu precies doet, en hoe ik de oorpronkelijke firmware van Telfort weer kan activeren.