Dishwashers and home assistance (+solar panels)

Our dishwasher broke for the n time so it may be time for a new one. I found some older topic’s about dishwashers and HA, but nothing recent.

I am curious, do people have experience integrating dishwashers into HA? Any brands that already can be integrated?

The main interest would be to use it in combination with our power use and solar production. That HA could be used to decide when to delay start it.

Being able to create notifications when finished or when finished when coming home (we have this for the washingmachine, it it was finished when we where away and we come home it reminds us… welcome home, now do the laundry).

Cloud is acceptable as I presume local will probably not exist.

While there are some “smart” appliances, they tend to be closed source so you probably can’t find the integration for it to work with HA. You can, however, use systems like ESPHome and build your own if you are comfortable voiding your warranty and doing some soldering.

For a smarter, but not as smart as ESPHome, solution you could perhaps use smart plugs to power on and off your dishwasher but that’s probably not going to get you the automation you are after. With most stuff being solid state, this would just prevent you from starting it at an undesirable time rather than starting it when you want it to start - for that you would need something with mechanical dials so that when your smart plug comes on it puts it right into dishwashing mode that you set earlier.

I supposed you could use solid state + a smart plug and have the smart plug turn itself off if it’s not a good time and make an announcement to let you know to start it later but that seems like a lot of work to end up doing things manually anyway.

Finger bot, contact sensor and a smart plug is enought to make any dumb dishwasher smart.
No need to turn it on or off by a smart plug. Smart plug is here just to monitor power consumption so that you know when it’s finished.

You mean like switchbot? Unfortunatly its a buildin system we need. Meaning the buttons are on the inside.

We recently bought a Bosch dishwasher and have it connected using the ekutner/home-connect-hass integration. We’re really happy with it, both as something we can automate and just as a very good dishwasher (cleans brilliantly, quiet and energy efficient).

It seems like Bosch have made quite a good effort to make the device usable through APIs (albeit cloud based, so that’s a tradeoff). We generally only use it to start a specific program every night, but there are various settings and sensors exposed if you have varying needs.

We have an automation set up to run the dishwasher on an ‘eco’ cycle during the cheapest continuous period of overnight electricity (our electricity tariff varies every 30mins). We’re really pretty happy with it!


Just curious, how did you automated this proces?

Our siemens products (dishwaser, washingmachine) are all home connected, but the thing is that every time the door opens your remote control is being reset. So any daily automation cannot be started because of the reset of the remote control.

Its a safety policy from siemens.

So is that a manual thing you do? Open door, put dishes in the washer and enable the remote control option again?

Or did you find the magic trick (hope so :slight_smile: )?

No I meant fingerbot. It’s the same device different name.
Putting contols inside dishwasher is some of the smartest engeneering I ever heard of.

you do realise all build in dishwashers have that? :wink:

Thanks! Bosch will for sure one to look out for then. The smart-connectivity isn’t the main feature. It will ofc. be cleaning (and being silent). So it’s good to know that your experience on the cleaning part of it is also positive.

For us it will probably mainly be during the day (so silent is a thing) given the solarpanels. Sounds like that is also for sure an option here!


Our washingmachine from LG has the same. I used to think it was really stupid (still kinda think it). But on the other hand, if you can sense that the cycle would only start when that button is pressed. That could actually be usefull for a machine to only go on once its loaded. Sort of like using that button as an indication that it’s ready to start and then leaving it upto HA and what you want when it turns on. Preventing it from just trying to turn it on even if there are no dishes/clothes and all in the machine.

With the Bosch dishwasher, as long as the door is closed it’s possible for an automation to start it. We generally leave the door slightly ajar all day and fully close it after loading the final things at the end of the day. We’re lucky to not have to re-enable remote control, but I guess it’s just another way of confirming that you do want something to happen.

Like @AldoQ, I think it’d be a pain if it were to run when not needed!

Our automation is pretty simple - a template trigger basically looks out for a few conditions to simultaneously be true, primarily the door being closed and the electricity being in a cheap period:

- id: automation_run_dishwasher_at_cheapest_time
    - platform: template
      value_template: >
          is_state('binary_sensor.octopus_energy_target_cheap_overnight_electricity_4h', 'on')
          is_state('binary_sensor.dishwasher_status_doorstate', 'off')
          is_state('sensor.dishwasher_status_operationstate', 'BSH.Common.EnumType.OperationState.Ready')
          is_state('input_boolean.dishwasher_needs_emptying', 'off')

Thanks for replying, it just gave me enough ideas to modify my own automations regarding this.

My automations are based on the production of the solarpanels, if the production matches the maximum watt usage of lets say the dishwasher it should start a program.

Reading your replies it makes me realise that I can change the thought behind it. Instead or reacting when the maximum is match it is better to calculate on the end if we produced enough solar energy to run a program. If not just wait, if so just go :smiley:


We eventually decided to go for a Miele dishwasher. The same model from Bosh had a slightly higher energy consumption for actually a little less space, and the Miele also had some other minor pluspoints. It also has remote-start and Wifi.

But will only be able to share my own experience if it’s easy to get into HA in about 1 month time. Apparently it’s so busy and due to labor-shortages it will be installed in only about 1 month time…

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Cool! We very nearly went with Miele too - it’s a good brand.

Best of luck with your automations!

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The Siemens model with remote start we got was available earlier then we originally thought. It was a breeze to get into Home Assistant (and Google Home, and it’s own app). It is cloud based (Home connect), but its at least easy to do.

For @DotNet2Web : Its a setting with Siemens if you want to just monitor the data, are only able to use remote start after pressing the button on the door… or if you want it to simply always work.

I dont understand what you mean I think?

The remote start functionality on the Siemens dishwasher will be reset (set to disabled) everytime you open the door.

So in case of monitoring the solar production and starting the dishwasher when it produces enough power to completly provide the dishwasher is a no go. Simply of the fact that our dishwasher is opened frequently by putting dishes into the machine.

And sure we can teach ourself everytime we open the dishwasher we enable the remote start again. But that is not what my developers head is telling me to do. As a developer I dont like the fact that I have to repeat some manual actions if I have the option to automate it :smiley:

In this thread, I got some new insights and will change my automations for my dishwasher and washingmachine.

The revised automations will check at let’s say eleven o’clock at night if the solar panels produced enough power to provide the dishwasher and washing machine of power.

If so start the dance :smiley: , if not just wait another day.

Ah! I see now what you mean. I thought this setting would mean opening or closing the door did not matter. I just tried it out and you are right… That is really annoying. My hope was to make you happy with that they perhaps did an update this behavior changed just reading the description of that setting. But alas… we are not so fortunate.

Nope we are not :frowning:

So we have to be smart and think about a workaround :smiley:

Not sure if it just for newer models, but now, via app you can set the remote control level to “Permanent remote start” (source).

Hi there,

I’m seeing that some of you are using Home Connect to control Bosch Dishwashers. I bought one last week and I’m pretty happy with it and the integration. However I can’t get the power or energy because Home Connect Alt integration is giving percentage values on those sensors. Anyone else solved this issue and gets, at least, the energy from the device?
