Disk Space is Full

I have Home Assistant 0.92.0 running in a VM virtual box with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.

I am no expert and still learning.

I did not want to start deleting files until I know what I delete will not impact my current setup as I searched and saw some people had issues after deleting files.

Here is what is in my log.

Error writing config for auth: [Errno 28] No space left on device: ‘/config/.storage/tmp7ztc34in’
7:52 AM helpers/storage.py (ERROR)

Error in database connectivity: (sqlite3.OperationalError) database or disk is full (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation). (retrying in 3 seconds)
8:02 AM components/recorder/init.py (ERROR) - message first occured at 6:25 AM and shows up 1864 times


Could someone direct me into the best approach in fixing this.

What I am confused about is that my VM says I have 10GB and only using 4GB

I’d recommend 16Gb minimum disk size

I can increase the VM but what about inside of Home Assistant are there any files I can delete and what should I be looking out for in the future to purge files?

So what about the virtual size says 10 GB and the actual size is 4.41GB.

Are you saying to increase my actual size to 16GB ?

Yes I would set the ‘virtual size’ setting to at least 16Gb

That seemed to so the trick
i used the instructions form here.
