File System not auto expanding on VirtiaBox

Currently I am unable to update HA since I do not have enough space. I used to be on version 6, but from the steps below was able to upgrade to version 7 then 8, but I cannot go any further.

My first attempt to fix this was by visiting the Clear up storage page. I purged the database and added a config line to only store 5 days, all backups are deleted (don’t even need since I can clone the VM), I only have 6 add-ons installed, and I reached the last resort of expanding the partition. It was 32gb, so I expanded it to 64 (per this article).

I have read in a few forums (such as this) and in the HA docs that HA should expand the file system automatically, but after changing the partition to 64gb, I still only have 0.6gb free and Host still shows 92.9% used space.


The other odd thing is that when I look at the Virtiual Media Manage, it shows the “Actual Size” to be 4.51gb, both before when it was a 32gb partition, and still after it is a 64gb partition.

Additionally, after reviewing [this old post](https://community.hoProcessing: home-assistant.log…, I added the system monitor, which indicates I am using 28.6gb of space 98.0% (of the total). I assume HA is the more accurate measurement (and not the VM manager)?


Below is my log, but I didn’t make out anything specific (it doesn’t look like I can upload text files, is there a better way?). I have rebooted HA several times since the partition change, but HA still reports 98.0% used.

Looking into this further, I am still not able to find what is consuming the space or why the system is not expanding to fill the partition, but one thing I tried was to putty into HA and run a largest file size command (from here). I ran the following command to make sure the output was in kb: du -ak / | sort -n -r | head -n 20

It appears that the root volume is only 1,126,036kb, which if true would be 1.23gb and is smaller than VirtualBox or HA’s output.


Is it possible HA is installed on a sub-partition (I’m very much a Linux novice and do not know what the two .vdi objects are that are under “home_assistant_hd.vdi”)?

Have been trying more setting changes, but still can’t find anything new. This really has been plaguing me for past 2 years, but figured I give in a concerted effort, but I just do not know enough about VMs, Linux, and/or HA to resolve…

Still trying.

With the incredible help from cogneato on Discord, I was able to find two fixes to the above problem.

For the VM issue, it turns out that when I changed the “main” .vdi to 64GB nothing happened to my HA partition. But when I changed the {324601…}.vdi disk to 64GB and started HA, it went to 47% full instantly!

For the second fix, cogneato also figured there was additional space not being used properly, and he was right! I had installed the portainer add-in a while ago for a camera AI project which I ended up doing something different so I removed it. So he recommended me PuTTy into the VM and use the command “ha su repair” which rebuilt my HA database, and after it was done I’m now to 14% used space!