DMX lighting

Thanks for the quick reply !!!
The LED Matrix are WLED. Jinx is able to communicate with them flawlessly using E1.31.
Home Assistant can also communicate with WLED natively, whenever I am not broadcasting E1.31.
There doesn’t seem to be any setting in JINX for the sequence number on the remote control portion…

JINX is only receiving DMX from HomeAssistant. I send the 8 channels required and get the exact expected behavior. It’s when I try to change to a different scene, so sending another value for the 8 channels that it does that. Even I have seen it do it on first try, where it seemed like it was just resending the values over and over, resetting the scene in a loop…

Trying to help you help me :slight_smile: Thank you !!

Ah E1.31 is something I will want to do in the future as well.

I’m new to JINX!, but I was talking about this checkbox here, not sure how to set it up correctly, but I’m debugging it currently.

This portion of the config is for OUTPUT devices, in my case my Matrixes.
The portion for remote control is found under “Setup > Remote Control”.

Ah ok, now I understand. Like this then?

Let me try that.

EDIT: Can’t get JINX! to work either. I’ve got it set up like this:

But when sending stuff, nothing is changing. Is there some option that I’m missing, or is this the bug?

Once you have configured Output Devices, you need to configure an Output Patch, which is where you will map the LED layout, matrix or line or whatever you like. Once the output device is patched in, THEN, you can go in Setup one last time to “Start Output”. Then most settings become unavailable and the E1.31 broadcast begins. Also, the “Channel” in the Remote Control config is the channel at which the 8 channels for control start in that net/sub/universe…

I got it working on its own. It clears the screen 25 times per second, so I had to time my screenshot very well.

I have seen it spaz out once, don’t know what causes it. But in any case, this is going to be a bug in JINX! as far as I can tell.

I could use some very basic help. I have an ArtNet node, and a basic DMX light, and I’m just trying to get some kind of response from the light using an automation. The light has channel 1 as dimmer, then RGB on channel 2-4, strobe/shutter on 5, autorun on 6, and program on 7.


# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

- platform: artnet_led
  host:                              # IP of Art-Net Node
  universes:                            # Support for multiple universes
    0:                                  # Nr of Universe (see configuration of your Art-Net Node)
        # Dimmer
        - channel: 1                    # Fog LED channel 
          name: my_dimmer
          type: dimmer
        - channel: 2                    # Fog trigger channel
          name: my_rgb_lamp
          type: rgb
        - channel: 5
          name: my_shutter
          type: dimmer


- id: '1663899184154'
  alias: DMX Test
  description: ''
  trigger: []
  condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      brightness: 255
      entity_id: light.my_dimmer
  - service: light.turn_on
      - 238
      - 7
      - 242
      entity_id: light.my_rgb_lamp
  - service: light.turn_on
      brightness: 255
      entity_id: light.my_shutter
  mode: single

I tried manually running the script just to see if it turns the light on, but there’s no response. What do I have wrong?

Dumb thing first.

In Settings > Devices & Services > Entities, can you see find the entities you created? Can you operate the lights through the entity’s GUI?

If it’s the automation that’s bad, it will tell you. For example sending RGBW to an RGB light shows this when running the action separately:

Will your version soon support unique ids?
I tested it yesterday as I wanted to upgrade to HA 2022.9 but found out that all light entities were without unique ids. Resulting in that I couldnt set them to an area and my automations wouldnt work with them - without a whole lot of editing (I have 16 different lights entities). Decided to roll back to jnimmos fork.

Edit: Scratch that, I didn’t change anything that I am aware of, and now it’s all working. I can control it manually, as well as through the automation.

Thanks, I’m new to Home Assistant so I didn’t even know I could do that. Certainly helps break the troubleshooting in half. Yes, I can see the 3 entities that I created, but I can’t operate them that way either. When I open each of the entities, in the settings tab it says the entity does not have a unique ID, therefore settings cannot be managed from the UI. But maybe this isn’t necessarily a problem.

I can see the manual controls on the Info tab. When controlling the shutter or dimmer, it doesn’t seem to have any effect, but there’s also no errors shown. When I try to turn on the rgb lamp, an error pops up saying Failed to call service light/turn_on. Division by zero.

I looked at the logs and here’s the line that is erroring:

  File "/config/custom_components/artnet_led/", line 616, in <lambda>
    "r": lambda: self.is_on * red * self._brightness / max_color,

Seems like I have a setup issue?

Strange that both of you don’t have the unique_id configured, that should already work. Will look into it this weekend.

@BlueWRXPride No that does seem like a bug that I can fix. Give me two days (my dev environment is currently undergoing maintenance)


Fixed that error for you in v0.0.8

@methosmen There was an edge case wherein the unique ID wasn’t correct when the device names aren’t unique. Fixed that in v0.0.8 as well, hope it’s fixed for you.

Coming back on this, as I’ve been implementing more of the ArtNet spec and learned a lot.

A good ArtNet controller re-transmiits the frame continuously:

However, an input that is active but not changing, will re-transmit the last valid ArtDmx
packet at approximately 4-second intervals. (Note. In order to converge the needs of Art-
Net and sACN it is recommended that Art-Net devices actually use a re-transmit time of
800mS to 1000mS).

Competing controllers/nodes continuously send out ArtPoll packets (as should we), to which HA ought to reply with ArtPollReply packets. In this way, HA can “subscribe” to a universe and receive updates as well. That way, HA can be aware if your switches/dimmers’ actions and override it with the same value.

When a device receives ArtDmx packets from multiple IP addresses, it can either choose to merge them, or to error (which we can read from its ArtPollReply). So that depends on your device’s implementation.

I’ll build in toggles for this behaviour anyway, but continuous sending looks like it’s how it ought to work.

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Hello ! Are you saying the Jinx issue we discussed would also be related to this?
The software would be sending back the frames while receiving others from HA and not syncing somehow… which would cause this back and forth… The retransmit of 800/1000ms should be configured the HA side (refresh_every? [Mine is set to 0]) ??
Thank you !

Yeah it might indeed. An implementation that is according to the spec ought to be handled better in any case.

I get the exact same behavior configuring the refresh at 1 (second). :frowning:

I tested your fork again this weekend and followed the instructions to a T.
Again I got that entities did not have a unique ID and I couldn’t do anything with them (e.g. set them to a zone, rename etc).
Not sure why this fork is not liking me very much.
I uninstalled previous for from HACS, deleted all entities, removed the section from lights.yaml, deleted the artnet_led folder from config and rebooted two times before I installed the new fork via HACS.

Thanks a lot for the fork, I am trying it out, I do get the following error in the setup though, does this mean anything? I can control the lights that are mentioned with a light entity in the UI.

Logger: root
Source: custom_components/artnet_led/
Integration: artnet_led ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 8:34:25 AM (11 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:34:25 AM


@methosmen Deployed a fix yesterday, that should do the trick.

@ATWindsor No, that was sloppy logging on my end; didn’t intend to push that. You may safely ignore that.

I am having some trouble getting RGBW-lights to work, with the old integration i had the following script:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.kjokken_led_venstre
      brightness_pct: 80
      rgb_color: [255,90,0]
      white_value: 180

This throws an error now, so i tried:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.kjokken_led_venstre
      rgbw_color: [255,35,0,180]

But this seems to do nothing, the light just doesn’t turn on, controlling it manually in the device settings seems to work. So does just making a light object in the lovelace-UI