DMX lighting

Hi Jnimmo,

Of course i use a valid IP address, instead of XXX.XXX.XXX.255 i use something like
But it doesn’t matter if i use an ip ending on .225 (broadcast) or for example.

I still got my fixtures greyed out in HASS.

Any idea ?

I hoped that would be the easy solution :slight_smile:
Can you check the logs to see what might be going on?

Hi Gunnar,

the only deviations I see to my working setup are the following:

  • I have set the universe to “0”
  • I have no default_type defined on first level.

Which device are you using for Artnet->DMX conversion?

@ jnimmo
Could you pls have a look at my 3 topics I raised a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe you have some insights/input for me.

Thanks, Matt

Hi Jnimmo,

Operating System
Home Assistant OS 5.8
Supervisor version

I only see this error in my log:

Logger: homeassistant
Source: custom_components/dmx/
First occurred:  (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 302, in async_add_entities
    tasks = [
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 302, in <listcomp>
    tasks = [
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 177, in <genexpr>
    lights = (DMXLight(light, dmx_gateway, send_levels_on_startup, default_light_type) for light in
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 227, in __init__
    self._dmx_gateway.set_channels(self._channels, self.dmx_values,
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 508, in set_channels
  File "/config/custom_components/dmx/", line 493, in send
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

I still can’t see my fixture come alive, and is greyed out.

Hi Matt,
I’ll try to set it to universe 0, the first 5 channels of my fixture are drgbw so i guess that’s ok.

Yes, i use a ESP8266 based ArtNet to DMX conversion. GitRepo

Hi community,

First of all @jnimmo thank you so much for making this ArtNet to DMX repository on GitHub.

I’ve got a question, being busy to get this up and running with a ENTTEC DMXUSB PRO. Does anybody know if I can replace the host in the configuration.yaml file from a IP- to a USB address?

Kind regards,
Bernd - The Netherlands

Is there a way to get the custom dmx component to work with the DMX-AN2? I’m having no joy. Here’s a link to the product.

Hi community,

I just tested ArtNet integration in my HA and it works great with Pathway Pathport C-series Ethernet-DMX adapters.
Thanks a lot!

I’ve had good results using a cheap USB-to-DMX dongle, and a little ArtNet proxy I wrote.

No issues with responsiveness or fixtures not reacting. Transitions in HA are silky smooth.

Hey @Matt1976,

  1. You mean the range displayed in Home Assistant? Don’t think that’s possible (noting this integration is just a type of light, and lights in Home Assistant use 0-100%)
  2. Looks like there are some improvements I need to make to the code to make it more responsive which might help with this issue, my development is just with a DMX simulator so haven’t got experience on what works well
  3. You could create an automation to blackout all fixtures from the HA UI

Hi all:

My situation:

  • I’m a coder/tinkerer, though limited linux experience

  • have got a limited home control system hand-crafted with Arduino code, running on ESP32. Hand built DMX using an RS485 chip connected to ESP32. Working well, including controlling lights, relays, heating valves, buzzers all with DMX addresses.

  • complete HA noob, have just done my first hass install on an rpi4 per ‘getting started’, want to migrate over existing DMX setup.

  • have got @jnimmo DMX add-in installed (had to manually install because cannot access via HACS - because of the hass sandbox that I’m using?), with the example (‘dance floor’) working, and using Artnetominator on another PC to verify: validated!

  • I have got a udmx usb dongle (acquired a while ago for early testing). This works, including under test with this utility:

This is where my trouble/questions begin:

  • Ultimately, I am looking for something as off-the-shelf as possible. This is starting to look like a pretty remote possibility so far… :frowning:

  • the above udxmartnet app is not bridging artnet-dmx - I’ll keep banging away at it, but frustrated that I have confirmed a PC receiving artnet packets, and same PC with udmx dongle can output DMX.

  • I’d like to try @peterdey 's uDMX bridge, but the HA install is such a sandbox that I can’t apt-get or gcc

  • I’m considering getting one of these bridges:

I’d love to get confirmation that using a stock HA on hass means that udmx/ftdi bridging solutions running on the same rpi are no-go (or some guidance on how to achieve)

The next set of questions will come about controlling non-light DMX devices, including all my heating valves (and master relay). Right now, just trying to walk before running.

Thanks any/all for guidance,


I use the DMX to Artnet converter to sequence shows then trigger them via an MQTT publish event, flawless for me to date.

GitHub - hobbyquaker/mqtt-dmx-sequencer: Control DMX devices via Art-Net by MQTT. Includes a simple sequencer. 💡🎬, just use templates to make all the buttons :smiley:

@jnimmo Thanks for this integration.
I have a feature request, state retention. So that the lights show in the same positions after a server restart etc. maybe with mqtt?

In the mean time i’ve written an appdaemon app that sends brightness to mqtt and restores state after a restart/reload etc…

1 Like

Just some info.

Here is a tool for testing ArtNet network from the company that invented ArtNet.

And here is a link to the company that maid the original USB-DMX dongle.

This is an page with lots of info

Will the new RGB lighting function in HA change anything for this plugin, and handling RGB-lights through DMX?

Thanks for this great integration!

I’m using with an Ethernet to DMX adapter to replace a custom ancient automation component that suffered an unfortunate accident due to a PG&E over voltage situation. The combination of that adapter and this integration works great.

One concern that I have is with this integration is the following log entries that have started showing up:

No 'version' key in the manifest file for custom integration 'dmx'. As of Home Assistant 2021.6, this integration will no longer be loaded. Please report this to the maintainer of 'dmx'

The current version of core is 2021-5.1, which should I guess should be safe. But it would be great to get an update that addresses this problem before 2021.6 is released.

Thanks in advance!

Yes it’ll be a nice improvement to add support for the new Home Assistant color modes at some stage; I’ve been having a bit of a look at it.
I think at this stage people should checkout @spaceman_spiff 's DMX plugin (home-assistant-artnet/ at 30a6dc32f692889ac13b42ea9c7620b5423434d6 · spacemanspiff2007/home-assistant-artnet · GitHub ) rather than having two different DMX plugins, and then ideally get that incorporated into the core product rather than it being a custom component.

Is it possible to trigger scenes with artnet as input? That would be great! We use HASS in a large office with a wide range of DMX and IP fixtures. Sometimes when there will be an event in the building we connect a professional lighting console to do shows with. It would be great if we then can trigger scenes in hass so all the ip lights can run in time with the showlighting or to dim the house lights when show starts for instance.

Hi @jnimmo

I’ve started using your integration a few days ago, but your suggestion here leads me to believe I should switch to spaceman_diff’s implementation?

BTW: I added a PR to your repository. If you still want to get your code in the core, I’d be willing to help. Not that I’m familiar with HA development but I want to learn if necessary. Restoring state is an important item to fix before I can make the switch from LoxOne to Home Assistant.

Edit: Had a look at the arnet implementation by @spaceman_spiff but it doesn’t seem to load in Home Assistant 2021.6.5 It starts with a missing version key (easy to change) but than, there are all sorts of python errors. I guess dmx by @jnimmo is the way to go then?


@spaceman_spiff removed the file so its not possible to use anymore :frowning:

Can anyone help me install the dmx component?