Do NOT Buy Slaesh's Zigbee Stick

The same thing happened to me, I bought the CC2652RB on December 6, I couldn’t pay anything other than by bank transfer or Paypal, I did it by the latter method and I’m still waiting for them to send it to me (I think they won’t).
I have denounced it in Paypal but I imagine that they will not be able to do anything. IS A GOTCHA

Most of the reported issues I’ve seen have been due to DHL delays and/or Australia Post delays (they seem to be struggling horrendously right now)

There’s numerous reports on GitHub of people both receiving with no issues (mostly European buyers) and still not having received their purchases (mostly Australian buyers).

I think it would be useful for people to include what country they’re buying from, to help gauge their likelihood of success.

I bought one CC2652RB slaesh stick for openthread. I had to wait but finally I received the product. I suggest you to go their website, start a chat, and in the chat, tell your situation and write also an email so they can answer you by email.

This needs to be removed, its just slander.

I own 3 of these sticks bought at the same time, and I am in Australia. Yes the shipping is slower than Amazon, he is just one guy, not a global multinational. Pull your heads in, seriously.


Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion.
It’s great you got your stuff. Others didn’t.

The fact is there are at least 6 other ‘small’ suppliers for this product recommended by z2mqtt in the website and this is the only one that has had these issues reported by a number of people.

Really, you know that do you? Ive actually had appalling issues with electrolama, but I dont hop on here and try and trash someones business like you are. Sorry, I really have a problem with this type of trolling. Its not what this community is for.

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This topic is over two years old, so the community’s administrators and moderators don’t appear to have a problem with it.

If you disagree with their decision, feel free to contact them directly.