Dobiss NXT support


I’m very happy to see you developed an integration for dobiss into home assistant ! congrats !!!

I’m new in home assistant and I know very well dobiss NXT and very interested to control my dobiss from home assistant.

My Home assistant is running on a raspberry and when I try to add an integration and search for dobiss, I don’t see anything… can you help me ?

thanks in advance,


Hey @bosjp

Great to see you’re interested in this.

I haven’t gone through the effort of getting this integration in the upstream home assistant repository. That means you need to manually add this custom component, before it will show up as an integration.

I did post a script here: Dobiss NXT support which can help you install this custom component. Once you’ve done this, don’t forget to restart your home assistant server, and then clear your browser cache before searching the dobiss integration.

Let me know how this works out for you!



many thanks… but until now it’s not working.
I unzip and find all files to put in the dobiss directory, but I have no custom_components directory because i’m using as home assistant image on on raspberry …

If you have any idea how to install your development into this home assistant, feel free… I am still continuing to find a solution



If you don’t have a custom_components folder, you have to create one yourself. It should be right next to the configuration.yaml file. Once you have that folder, use my script, or manually copy the dobiss folder from my repository to that custom_components folder.


i stopped use homeautomation at the moment due to lack of proper interface.

Maybe I’ll pick it up again, I had not configured everything as normal lights as work around.




I did it and restart home assistant but I don’t see dobiss when I try to find into Add integration…

here find ls results


problem with cache… now it’s found :wink:



integration is ok… I will play with dobiss… thanks !

first observation, status of door/windows contact are inverted…
your integration say closed if windows is open and the opposite when opened


hi @bosjp
Good to hear you get it up and running already!
about the status of your windows and doors: in your dobiss NXT configuration, how is this done? For me, I have a set of inputs, that are off when doors/windows are closed, and on when they are open. Is that the other way around for you?
For inputs, I don’t do any special processing at the moment - I just show the status as it is captured by the dobiss NXT platform.


here find status into dobiss and in home assistant … the real status for the window is closed.
the window is called “velux juliette” my dobiss version is 2.31-8

I just realized that in my Dobiss NXT configuration, the status of windows and doors is inverted: when a window is closed, the output is off.

What I’m doing for such outputs to show them in home assistant is to reflect the same status: on in dobiss is on in HA. However, HA interprets by default an on-state as open, while at least in your dobiss configuration an on-state means closed.

I’ll have a look if I can create an option to make set this the other way around. I don’t know how easy or difficult that is, as I don’t have any options yet I’m using, but I’ll let you know if I have something you could test…

I’ve uploaded a new version that provides an option to invert the binary sensor state. When using this new version, you should see

When clicking ‘Options’, you should be able to enable the invert option:

Let me know how this works for you!

hey @bosjp, did you get a chance to test this?


I will check asap and i keep you posted



it works !!!
many thanks !

great! thanks for letting me know!

just FYI: I pushed an updated version that keeps track of the last direction of the covers. That way, the ‘toggle’ service of the covers works correctly

merry christmas :wink:

i will update with your new version…
I use a contact on the NXT and I see it’s not showed as a binary_sensor, how can i modify this ?

thanks in advance for your help

How is this configured in th nxt interface? I don’t have those, so not sure how this works. Can you maybe post a screenshot of the dobiss interface?