Dobiss NXT support

I’ve pushed a new version - I’ve created a test input like that, and for me it works. Let me know if it works for you!

yes it works… thank you
did you the same for the 3 input in the NXT module ?

yes, all 3 should are handled the same: if the input type is ‘contact’, it will be shown as a binary sensor. If the input type is 0-10V, it will be shown as a lightsensor (hopefully that’s generic enough :slight_smile: ).

perfect !

good job !

do you plan to control temperature ? I mean, actually we can show but we can’t adjust…

I only have temperature sensors, so I’d need some help implementing and testing. If you can already start with some screenshots and explanation on what is possible to control from the dobiss NXT user interface, that would help. The API documentation is absolutely not clear to me…


for sure I can try to help you…

here the standard view …

when you click on “+” next to temperature, the system increase by 0,5 et by default he put the timer for 30 minutes but you can adjust…and come back to the calendar after this timing…

you are not able to define a MAX value into Dobiss application, it would be great to parametrise this to avoid children put 35 degrees :wink:

it would be a great begining… what do you think ?



sounds good - let’s go for it :slight_smile:

I’ve pushed a new version that supports a couple of things:

  • added attributes to all entities
  • added services to send actions or request status directly to the dobiss NXT server

Can you update to this version, and also add the following to your logger configuration in your configuration.yaml file:

    dobissapi.dobissapi: debug
    custom_components.dobiss: debug

With that, you should see quite a bit of logging in your home-assistant.log file related to dobiss.

Could you then open a temperature sensor entity, and take a screenshot of all attributes, like this:

And if you could then change some of the parameters (target temperature for example) in the dobiss interface, and take another screenshot, that would be great.
If you can also send me the dobiss related log (there shouldn’t be any secrets in there, but make sure to double check), that would be helpful as well.


ok, I found a way to test a bit myself. I have pushed a new version that creates HVAC entities for all temperature sensors, if you have a temperature schedule in your dobiss configuration. I would assume that if you control your heating through dobiss, you have such, and otherwise.

Not everything is already working, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how things should be working. Setting the temperature should work fine already, and setting a predefined schedule as well. But besides in the attributes, I don’t show the timer anywhere, and have no way of changing it currently. Not sure how best to do this though.
If you could have a look at what is there now, and give your feedback on what and how you’d like things to work from HA, that would help…


ok… just updated and added logger section in configuration.yaml
I restart home assistant
I keep you posted with the rest…

before change something in dobiss

now i put 17.5 in stead of 17 for 30 minutes…

ah great. Do you also see HVAC devices for all your temperature zones in HA? Those should allow you to set temperature and schedule…

yes I can see it ! very good job !

if I raise up the temparature in HA, I see this into dobiss :slight_smile:

that means timer is set to 15 hours and 45 minutes …
my objective is to define in HA a temp max and timing (let’s say 22 degr. and a timer for 1h)…

an other objective should be in HA you can stop asking temp and come back to schedule when you click for example on image

I already find how to define min and max per climate entity ! and it works !
I don’t find directly how to change the timer (15:45) and how to stop the asked temperature and come back to the schedule

but if i change value (max for example) trough devtools, it works but few time later value is back to max : 35 … normal ?

Thanks for testing. I’ve updated the repository with new features added.

The default HVAC control device looks like this:

The calendar button on the bottom left will enable the automated schedule again, while the flame button on the right will switch to manual mode. By default, this will set a 30 minutes timeout for the manual mode.

The Idle/Heating should also display whether the heater is on or not - both in manual and in automatic mode.

If you change the target temperature when in automatic mode, it will switch to manual mode as well - again, with a default timeout of 30 minutes.

When looking at the device details (top right 3 dots), you can also switch the preset (temp_calendar from dobiss):

The last feature is a new service which is available: the dobiss.set_hvac_temp_timer allows you to set the temperature and/or timer to a specific value:

That should allow you to create an input_number or similar, and use that to change the timer in dobiss for each zone.

Can you let me know if this all works fine, and if there is anything else which might help?

Nice work @kester. Think I’ll just point my readme on dobiss2mqtt to point to this topic / repo for NXT support. Wish I had a NXT installation to play with all of this.

Makes sense to add a custom HACS repository so it’s easy to push updates to all users.

many thanks ! i will try asap…
on the meantime, i see dobiss in the official integration… is it yours or an other one ?




I don’t see anything there?
Screenshot 2020-12-30 at 15.18.03


I’ve thought about that indeed. Currently my repository is a complete home assistant fork, including my custom integration - that’s easier for development. For HACS compatibility, it needs to be a separate repository. Not sure how to ‘automatically’ keep both in sync. Any suggestions on that?
But yes, I’ll look into that again…

i see here :