Docker Transfer, lots missing

I need to transfer my HA docker installation (2022.11.4) to another host. Process I’ve taken so far is to put the same image on the new host, configured identically. Started it up and registered a new user account to an empty HA installation.

Shut down the new docker and the old docker.

Copied the config mounted volume from the old docker host to the new docker location.

Start the new docker

A lot of content is there but there’s an aweful lot missing. For example, I have integrations running with iCloud3, it prompts me for a new iOS code as expected, yet when I look in the Integrations, I have none except the Sun integration, yet I had loads in my previous install.

What am I missing please?

it remember me something

Not sure what you mean by that, but be very sure the .storage hidden folder was copied along…

Aha, this sounds promising. So to clarify, the volume that you add to the docker image where the db / yaml and lots of other stuff goes is what I meant by copying the mounted volume, but I see no .storage folder (as you say it’s hidden). Let me give that a go.

That was it, I always thought there must be some configuration stored somewhere else!

As a little tidbit, I’m using a Mac as my client, so to copy the files between the two docker locations, I needed to be able to see the hidden files, which isn’t as simple on macOS as it is in Windows. So I’ve linked a document below that shows you how to enable them in Finder.

Thanks @koying

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