Does anyone own an EE/Plusnet SmartHub?

I’m currently maintaining the BT SmartHub integration and it’s been pointed out that EE uses the same SmartHub with different branding. The library scrapes some JS to do device tracking but I don’t have access to one to test if the integration works or not.

Is someone able to try the BT SmartHub integration with their EE SmartHub to confirm if it works or not? If not, I’d love some example JS files from the the devices page of the router (/cgi/cgi_basicMyDevice.js and /cgi/cgi_owl.js).


Looks like Plusnet uses the same router, so example files from a Hub 2 would also be very helpful.

@typhoon2099 I have the ee smart hub (white one) set up successfully using the HA built-in BT Smarthub integration for some time now.

It is the same integration in configuration.yaml as for the bt smart hub:

     - platform: bt_smarthub
       smarthub_model: 2
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Ah, that’s great! Thanks for letting me know, I can update the README for the library and possibly the Home Assistant integration too.

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Hello Matthew,
I have been using the BT Smarthub integration with my Plusnet Hub Two and it has been working fine for some time. Recently it has stopped creating new entities and I can’t work out why.
My config is:

  • platform: bt_smarthub

which worked great. I have tried adding:

smarthub_model: 2
  track_new_devices: true

but that has made no difference. How can I troubleshoot this please?

Hello, have you tried looking through the logs in Home Assistant to see if there are any relevant logs in there?

If there isn’t anything to go on it might be a good idea (if you have the time and expertise) to look at the BT Smarthub library and try the example code in the README to see if you can get the list of devices that way. If you can’t then there may be some work to do, the router may have changed through an update and is no longer compatible.

If the library above works and returns devices then the issue may be in the Home Assistant integration itself. I inherited both the library and the integration and my Python skills are limited, but if there’s an issue with the integration then I can take a look. It may take a moment as I’ll need to get my head fully around it first,

If the integration has been working before then I’d be surprised if there’s an issue with either the library or the integration as is, but something new may need to be supported.

Just a note but you shouldn’t have to specify the smarthub_model value, the integration should take care of it (but it also doesn’t hurt to leave it there).