Does HA KNX integration support free format address groups?

Hi there, I just found out about HA and its KNX integration and it’s just what I need atm.
In the KNX integration page I read that it support the classic 3 level address format (eg. 1/1/1) but the ETS project I have has free address format (eg. 1224). So, does HA supports free address style?

It does support 2-level (1/5) and free format also. If it doesn’t work you can always calculate your GA numbers to 3-level format and configure it with the converted value.
You may have to configure it as string. So put quotation marks around the numbers (eg address: "1224").

Please let me know if you run into troubles with this.

Thank you, it works just fine by putting the group address in double quotes as you said.

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I am using KNX with free group address format as well.
Configuring it in yaml works perfectly fine.

But I have the following problem: When I open the /knx/group_monitor for example, all group addresses are shown in 3 level address format. This is not really a big issue.
But I think this is the reaseon why: If I write an automation with either KNX Interface -> Telegram trigger or event trigger -> knx_event, then the triggers do not work if I enter the addresses in free format, but I always have to convert them to 3 level address format to make them work.

Is there a setting or anything that I am missing to fix that?

If you load a knxproj file, it will use the address format specified there in group monitor, logs and probably anywhere else.

AFAIK knx.telegram trigger and Knx Interface trigger support any format (there has been a bug when it was first introduced, but that should be long fixed). Not sure about knx_event though.

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Thx a lot, uploading a knxproj file indeed fixed my issue! For the group monitor, the knx.telegram trigger as well as for the knx_event.