I’ve a cheap wireless doorbell of which the signal is received by RFXTRX on HASS. The problem is that the push button is seen as a sensor which transmit (on push) a value of 139. Because automations can only be triggered on changed value, I’m unable to trigger an action every time the doorbell is pushed. (Value stays 139)
EntityID: sensor.0716021a00ddXXXX_sound
State: 139
Sound: 139
Battery numeric: 0
Rssi numeric: 8
friendly_name: 0716021a00dd8b80
Configuration sensors.yaml
- platform: rfxtrx
automatic_add: True
name: Deurbel
fire_event: True
I’ve try to configure the device as a switch instead of sensor, but this doesn’t seem to work for my device. (RFXcom and klik-aan-klik-uit (KAKU) doorbell)
Can anyone give my a hint on howto trigger an action on every doorbell push?
Hass version: 0.75.2