RFXcom and klik-aan-klik-uit (KAKU) doorbell

Hi all,

I’m having issues getting my doorbell to work:

RFXcom adds it as a lightning device: so a switch: on or off.
I know this device sends a “groupon” command since it triggers multiple chimes.
Any idea how i get this to work? A simple on or off command wont do the trick.

I’ve had the same issue with domoticz, but there if have the options to send a "groupon"command.

How do you want it to be added?
As a sensor?

Uhm button or switch i guess? Now it adds it as a switch. But there really is no ‘on’ or ‘off’ right? Does HA hass the option for a button? So just “activate”? I want to be able to trigger it for testing. Eventually it should run a script if the doorbell is pressed.

add a switcht in your configuration.yaml

  platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: True
        name: Deurbel
        fire_event: True

add this in the customize section:

   friendly_name: 'Deurbel'
   icon: mdi:bell-ring
   assumed_state: false

example automation:

alias: Doorbell  pressed
    - platform: event
      event_type: button_pressed
      event_data: {"entity_id": "switch.deurbel"}
  service: notify.telegram_koen
    title: Doorbell pressed!
    message: Doorbell pressed!
        - url:
          caption: 'Doorbell pressed'

trigger different sound on chime when a door opens:

add a input boolean:

    name: Notify when doors open
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:alert-circle-outline

add a second switch for the alert sound
(my chime supports up to six different remotes)

  name: Waarschuwing
  fire_event: True

add this to your customize section:

   friendly_name: 'Waarschuwing'
   icon: mdi:bell-ring
   assumed_state: false

add this automation:

alias: Notify when doors open
  platform: state
  entity_id: group.deuren
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on' 
  condition: state 
  entity_id: input_boolean.notify_doors
  state: 'on'
  - service: notify.telegram_koen
      title: ''
      message: Deur open!
  - service: homeassistant.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.waarschuwing
  - delay: 0:10
  - service: homeassistant.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.waarschuwing

note: i have my automations in separate files and include the whole directory in the configuration.yaml so my indentations won’t work in a standard configuration.yaml (i think).


Ok tnx will give it a try. But if I look at your configuration it mainly covers the automation part (which is nice to have, so I don’t need to figure it out myself any more :slight_smile: .

But…does this cover the issue with the GROUP ON command.? My doorbell doesn’t work with a “on” or “off” command. So if I add my doorbell as a switch and I turn it on, it should send a command "group on"instead of “on”. Otherwise my chimes won’t ring. Not sure if the rfxtrx component knows this command.

HA autoadds the doorbell, so I wonder how it interprets the signal it recieves. If I press the doorbell the first time, it autoadds a switch, because it recieves a rfxtrx event. If I trigger that switch from the GUI nothing happens. This is, I think, because it sends the wrong command.

Anyway, I’m going to try your example first!

Just one thing about the telegram notifier: What to use as API key?

I’ve always used curl for sending telegram notification with my bot.

The string in the URL is: botxxxxx:APIKEY-wm
I copied the entire string now, because in the telegram configuration there really is no place to set the botid.
But this somehow doesn;t seem to work:

File "/volume1/homeassistant/deps/telegram/bot.py", line 51, in __init__ File "/volume1/homeassistant/deps/telegram/bot.py", line 75, in _validate_token

The fire event :true in the configuration is key here. And the button pressed in the automation too.

Tnx, works now :slight_smile:

When I click the physical doorbell I get to see a notification as expected, but when I use the switch in the HA UI nothing happens. No rfxtrx event is fired, it seems. Do you know why and/or how to make it work?

Had the same. I added a separate switch in HA with another unit code that I learned on the receiver.

This way you can ring the bell only when you want.
Receive the knob code with HA. Do some logic/automation and send the other code to the receiver , or don’t and send a telegram message or flash a light when the kids are in bed…

You don’t learn the actual knob code on the chime part, only in HA.

Thanks. That was my workaround, so will try that.

The bell is used for a ‘mess call’ to alert my kid to come downstairs for dinner.
Since mostly he is gaming with headphones on, I will also launch a big red light in front of his face (behind his monitor) :slight_smile:

Similar issue now @koen01 @Danielhiversen.

I have a kaku remote with 3 on/off buttons and 1 all off button. What I want is to catch the event of that last button. I want it to strat a scene that switches off all light in the living room, including hue.


  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
      0b11001000bb136201010f60: # 0bb13621 kaku remote 1
        name: KAKU Remote 1
      0b11001000bb136202010f60: # 0bb13622 kaku remote 2
        name: KAKU Remote 2
      0b11001000bb136203010f60: # 0bb13623 kaku remote 3
        name: KAKU Remote 3

This is the debug log when I click the all off button:

2018-03-19 22:45:09 DEBUG (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 0bb13621 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0, Pkt_id: 0b11000700bb136201030070)
2018-03-19 22:45:09 DEBUG (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Device_id: 0bb13621 device_update. Command: Group off

What should the automation trigger look like?

[quote=“koen01, post:4, topic:3155”]

  event_type: button_pressed

change to ‘Group Off’. , does that work?

This is the current config, where the door bell event is catched, but the all off remote button isn’t.
What I noticed is, that the all off id 0b11000f00bb136201030070 looks similar to that of button 1 0b11001000bb136201010f60 , so the switch.kaku_remote_all_off sensor is not created.

## Switch

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: false
      0b11001000bb136201010f60: # 0bb13621 kaku remote 1
        name: KAKU Remote 1
      0b11001000bb136202010f60: # 0bb13622 kaku remote 2
        name: KAKU Remote 2
      0b11001000bb136203010f60: # 0bb13623 kaku remote 3
        name: KAKU Remote 3
        name: KAKU Remote All Off
        fire_event: true
      0b110005011afee601040f60: # beldrukker woonkamer
        name: Mess Call
        fire_event: true

## Automation

  - alias: Mess Call Pressed
      - platform: event
        event_type: button_pressed
        event_data: {"entity_id": "switch.mess_call"}
      - service: notify.telegram
          title: 'Etenstijd'
          message: 'Etenstijd!'
  - alias: KAKU Remote All Off
      - platform: event
        event_type: button_pressed
        event_data: {"entity_id": "switch.kaku_remote_all_off"}
      - service: notify.telegram
          message: 'all off'

What I didn’t understand at first is, that I needed to catch the event from ‘button 1’.
I have managed to get it working this way:

## Switch

  - platform: rfxtrx
      0b11001000bb136201010f60: # 0bb13621 kaku remote 1
        name: KAKU Remote 1
        fire_event: true # to catch 'group off' event
      0b11001000bb136202010f60: # 0bb13622 kaku remote 2
        name: KAKU Remote 2
      0b11001000bb136203010f60: # 0bb13623 kaku remote 3
        name: KAKU Remote 3

## Automation

  - alias: KAKU Remote Group Off
      - platform: event
        event_type: button_pressed
        event_data: {"entity_id": "switch.kaku_remote_1", "state" : "group off"}
      - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: group.living_lights
      - service: logbook.log
          name: Woonkamerverlichting
          message: uitgeschakeld
      - service: notify.telegram
          message: 'Woonkamerverlichting uitgeschakeld'

I found some help from this post:

I have the doorbell working but the problem is that i do get the telegram message 6 times every time the button is pressed.
This is a bit to much but i can not find how to fix it
This the automation i used

- alias: deur bel
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: event
    event_type: button_pressed
    event_data: {"entity_id": "switch.deur_bel"}
  - service: notify.telegram_gijs
      message: Er staat iemand aan de deur
        - url: http://my-camera-ip/image.jpg

This is the switch

 -  platform: rfxtrx
        name: Deur Bel  
        fire_event: True

Your automation is the almost the same is mine. Only difference is that - url is indented in my config, so like this

  - url: http://my-camera-ip/image.jpg

Otherwise you can add the following code which I use to only receive one message if the button gets pressed again within 10 seconds.

  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.<your_automation>.attributes.last_triggered | default(0)) | int > 10)}}'

It keeps giving me 6 messages every time even with the conditions.
I think the button fires 6 signals in a very short time.
I use a ACDB-7000A

Have the same doorbell and no issues here.

Are you using packages? If so check this https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/14856#issuecomment-403308134.

Just bought a new doorbell at the action for €5,99 that works with the sonoff bridge, problem solved :slight_smile: