Doorbell, succes (ESPHome, ESP-01S)

I came across Frencks site and perfect description for connecting a traditional doorbell with home assistant. After waiting a few weeks for alieexpres delivery, I have now gained my first experience with ESPHome (and ESP-01S).

The connection with home assistant and ESPHome was successful and with the setup as shown on the photo I can operate the doorbell chime via home assistant. Hoera !
The problem now is that the bell cannot be operated with the push button. I have tried everything but unfortunately so far without result. So in the depicted setup esphome works but the push button does not work

Hope someone can help

What does your esphome config look like.

What does your automation look like?

If he copied the esphome config from frenck, it should be OK. And it works from home assistant. But if I look at my own relay, the GND is the top one if the esp is down. According to frencks wiring schema, the doorbell push button needs to be connected to GND and GPIO pin 2. From the picture, it looks as the doorbell push button is connected to 5v and (maybe, can’t be seen) GPIO pin 2.

Thanks for the input. Doorbel.yaml file is indeed a copy of Frencks file (excl Wifi info).

If I push "“Doorbell Chime” in Integrations, “ESPHome: doorbell” the doorbell rings. So that part is OK. But if I push the old doorbell button nothing happens…
Later today I can check your suggestions Francis. I let you know

YES!! doorbell push button was wrong connected. After reading your suggestion I again looked at Francks wiring schema and switching GDN /5v was the sollution.

Thank you Francis!!!

Hi Guys,
i am also trying this one. I got all the hardware as stated by Frenck. But when i connect the ESP-01S to the FTDI adapter (with all the wiring as described by Frenck) i can’t get a connection. I have triple checked all the wiring. I tried using different flash software (including the one suggested by frenck). But i keep getting connection error. I also am not seeing a red LED. Is this just a case of a broken ESP-01S?
I am able to produce a blue LED. When i also connect the GPIO2 with the GND pin. If i do that the blue LED goes on. And then when in disconnect the GPIO2 the blue LED keeps burning but very dim.
If i don’t connect the GPIO2 i am not getting any led.
But the fact i am getting a blue LED leaves me thinking that the ESP-01S is not totally busted. Or can that still be the case…