Doorbird integration

Hence the reason why i want the http call for relay1 notification, then you don’t need cables. Since you can use automation to trigger the door open event as example. But granted, that is another valid solution.

@Klikini the fix in 0.67 has done the trick, all working very well now, thanks again!

I’ve got it working with Sonos and lights doing different things when the doorbell is pressed depending on the time of day. I’ll update the doco example automation code and post in Share Your Project too.

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Thanks, I got it working, but I still have a question:

I don’t see that “event” listed anywhere in my services or states. How do I know events like this are available?

It won’t show up in services because it’s incoming, not called by HA; and it won’t show up in states because it is a momentary event.

The easiest way I’ve found to test it is to set up something like the example I provided, but make the action something like pushing to Pushbullet or logging in the HA logbook, then ring your doorbell and check if something happened :slight_smile:

@riemers Sorry, I’m confused as to what all of this is, especially in a thread with other issues going on.

Could you please open threads at detailing each of the features you want me to look into and mention me in them?


I’am sorry, was trying to be help full maybe i got a bit carried away. I made Doorbird, use new API and add motion as requested.

Anyway we can get it so we can integrate with Google Home so we can talk to/through the Doorbird?

Hi all, I can’t get my DoorBird_doorbell event to work.
I can see the event under Developer tools/Events on the front page, and also manually trigger it, so I know my automation is okay, but hassio does not respond when I press the button on my Doorbird.

I’m using duckdns and https, and cannot access hass via my local IP address, only via the duckdns address.

My config:
host: 192.168.X.Y
username: !secret doorbirduser
password: !secret doorbirdpass
doorbell_events: true

Any ideas?


BR Christian

OK, I’m not so sure my automation was working correctly anyways. But TBH I don’t exactly know what did the trick because I also tinkered with the override URL setting, but… it works! :wink:

For those who need motion, there’s a nice PR in the queue.


Did this get added in in the .70 update?

It did not.

it did now, but no motion so far. Looking at the PR i do see a note from Klikini,

And this one is still in heavy talks, lots of good work there!

Motion events are available as of 0.72. One thing to note about the motion events is that they depend on a schedule. You can verify that the schedule is setup on the main Doorbird app under administration for the doorstation. If for some reason the schedule has been cleared, HA won’t receive the event. All squares should be blue.

I noted the upcoming firmware release in the other topic…

If i have a schedule for the doorbell, the motion is all grey saying “occupied by doorbell”…
(swapped them around, but no luck so far)

You must go into the motion settings, then click on the schedule in there to edit the motion schedule. I have no idea why they decided to separate them out like that. App flow and UX is definitely not one of their strong suits.

what is the motion sensor name doorbird_[name]_motion ?

Yes, that is the convention if you provide a value for name for the doorstations in your config. If you do not use a name, the devices will use doorbird_{number}_motion where number is determined by the order the devices are defined in your configuration (starting with 1).

Also, to further clarify, an entity is not created for doorbell or motion events, so you will not see status in the HA interface. You must create an automation that responds to the event by name.

Example in the documentation:

That did the trick though, but i can only set one (motion, or door bell event) not that i need the doorbel event but still its weird you can only do one. Or am i missing something. (motion is working now with my automation)