Doorbird, use new API and add motion

The current Doorbird component uses the old API references. They should be updated to use the new and that would also help with getting the notifications from pushing the “lock” button in the doorbird app and the motion sensor for sending a signal to Hass. Currently only the doorbell is supported with notificaiton towards hass.

For more information on the new layout and how it should work imho. See Doorbird integration

@Klikini , hope this is sufficient for you. If not let me know and i’ll be more then happy to talk about it. (or just look me up on discord)

Tagging @Klikini

i would love to see this. I bought Doorbird only because i heard (at that time) that it’s a doorbell with best HomeAssistant support.

I have updated my library (DoorBirdPy) and created a PR for Home Assistant but even the new LAN API doesn’t support checking the states of relays :frowning:

Motion is in there now though :+1:

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Motion is good! About the relays, there is no need to monitor it afaik. I only need to be able to trigger it from the icon in the doorbird app. I think you already had that (uncertain) will check out your PR when it is merged or update the component if i have some spare time too.

Thanks for your hard work on this, was missing the motion for my lights a lot :wink:

All HA can do with relays is turn them on. The DoorBird API doesn’t offer a relay event trigger input (only an output) for some reason, so there’s no way for HA to know when they’re triggered in the official app or another program.

They finally added a way to list relays to the API, so this component update adds a switch for the IR lights as well as every relay the device reports is connected or paired, rather than just assuming there are 2, so now HA can work with BirdGuard/etc.

I was expecting to be one of a small number of people who used this component, but I’m glad there’s a large crowd I can help out and who appreciate it :smiley:

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Just so i get it clearly in my head. From your text your saying the api doesn’t offer a relay input event trigger, only the output. The output is supported right? As when i click on the “Key” icon i can tell it to do a call to HA. But if you have a non-HA trigger there is no way for HA to know right, presume your referring to that.

Input event = HA can know when relay is triggered (not possible)
Output event = HA can trigger relay (possible)

So if the key icon you’re referring to is something you made in HA, it’ll work. But you can’t build HA scripts that run when you click the key icon in the official DoorBird app.

Ugh i see “http://bha-api/monitor.cgi?ring=doorbell,motionsensor” there is no dooropen event anymore. These api guys are really bad at doorbird changing so often and not being backwards compatible. you can still see the dooropen event. Perhaps complaining to them helps, i’ll try.

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From doorbird support:

As the notifications.cgi is depricated, you will be able to get the “dooropen” event within the broadcast mentioned in the API document.

The “dooropen” event is not part of it yet, but will be updated with the next firmwares, most likely 000113. We kindly ask you for your patience. The API document will receive an update with an example as soon as it is available.

Sincerely yours,
DoorBird Team
Martin Peter

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I dont get it.
I do have this integration: DoorBird - Home Assistant (
Is this a different one? As i dont have any event for motion.

If it is different from the “default”, how can i install the mentioned with motion events?