Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

I had a vague recollection of something like this (overrides initiated via hub buttons) being discussed before but couldn’t remember the outcome or find the posts.

EDIT: just to add also, the ON periods don’t seem to be registered under hot water demand when initiated via the hub button.

So it looks like when you use the hub button, the hub data does show that it is on via the button but does not show that the hot water is overridden (boost is a type of override). It maybe that we should show that it is being heated via the hub button. Will put on list to do.

"HeatingButtonOverrideState": "Off",
"HotWaterButtonOverrideState": "On",
"HotWater": [
            "id": 2,
            "OverrideType": "None",
            "ScheduleId": 1000,
            "Mode": "Auto",
            "ManualWaterHeatingState": "On",
            "WaterHeatingState": "Off",
            "ScheduledWaterHeatingState": "Off",
            "HotWaterRelayState": "On",
            "HotWaterDescription": "FromSchedule"
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Hi @jamiebennett @msp1974

I had an open call with the Support Desk regarding the HubR, wifi issue, I’ve seen various positive posts on here regarding the amount of effort going into this issue and that a new firmware release is planned, some have it on beta test and confirm that is alleviates symptoms with drop outs and Mesh networks etc.

However, the support desk vehemently deny this “we’ve spoken to our advanced team here, and there is no known firmware upgrade due out over this issue anytime in the immediate future.”

Can I trust the knowledge here, and put these comments by the support desk down to “they just don’t know”?

The support desk also suggested that I “fit a faraday cage” ← I have closed the call.

In the latest beta release (3.2.3beta2) we do have a new service to be able to set opentherm params. A few people have tested it with differing results but you can have a go and see how you get on. It is not yet documented but if you use it through developer tools, it kind of shows you how to use. Use the diagnotics to get the endpoint/parameter/values you want to set with it.

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From another field in the data

“System”: {

“HotWaterButtonOverride”: {
“OverrideTimeoutUnixTime”: 1675177860

you can determine the remaining time for the manual override. In this case it expires at 15:11

hhmm = datetime.fromtimestamp(OverrideTimeoutUnixTime).strftime(’%H:%M’)

There is a new firmware version being tested, customer support will not be aware as it is not ready for release just yet.

We do not promise release dates because people tend to be disappointed if we do not release as expected so all I can say is that we have a new firmware version cooking that does improve WiFi robustness for some situations. Please bear with us, we are doing everything we can to get it out but the most important thing is to ensure quality remains at it’s highest level, so it is taking a little longer than expected. As soon as it is ready the changes will be automatically delivered and the change log will be available at: https://wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk/new-and-improved-wiser-app


I watched a Drayton video on Youtube yesterday and the instructor was using the Wiser Heat app v6.2.0. Is there any news on when this will be released?

I’m using this HA integration exclusively now in preference to the app (thanks again). The Wiser app itself doesn’t seem to acknowledge manual HW overrides, initiated via the hub, in any way.

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Hi David,

Which video was that?

As for the next version of the app, it will be mostly bug fixes and addressing feedback from users. There are no major features in the next release for UK users. I can’t give you timelines but it will be sooner rather than later.

Updates are coming regularly and all release notes are available in the app store and Drayton website so keep an eye on them.


approx 23:30 minutes in

Thanks Ian.

James has done another great video which is on point for anyone worrying about connecting to your Wiser hub to boost or force heating when the WiFi connection isn’t working for some reason - Controlling your Wiser System During a Cloud or Wifi Outage - YouTube - and a new firmware version is on the horizon.

Happy to see the healthy HA community discussions.



I’m assuming you work for Drayton, right?

Really nice to see communication on a forum like this.

I’ll be switching my entire UFH system to Drayton Wiser just because of the local control via HA.

Have you considered sponsoring a video with HA in mind? I’m not asking for myself as I’m not a content creator.
It took me some time to find such a system.

Perhaps you can get one of those ‘Works with HA’ badges?

To the others on this thread, could you suggest which YouTubers would be key for Jamie to be aware of?

My personal favourites:

Everything Smart Home
Mark Watt Tech
Smart Home Makers
Paul Hibbert
Will Surridge Tech
(Will edit in more)

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Hi guys – I need to change the zigbee channel on my wiser hub. I’ve read a full reset and the new setup should do that and apparently the hub will automatically find the best zigbee channel. Not sure if that is correct or not.

So how would I go about resetting the hub? Also is there any way to force a zigbee channel that fits around my other 2.4 networks? Thanks!

Unfortunately there is no way to choose the channel yourself. To reset the hub, hold the Setup button for about 20 seconds until all the lights go off. It will supposedly pick the least congested channel for you.

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Thanks Robert – I’m struggling with some coexhistence issues but believe it will be fixed once the wiser kit is on a lower zigbee channel (currently 25). I’ll give it a go.

Neither Myself or Mark work for Drayton Wiser. For the badges we probably need ot be fully integrated into Home Assistant, however its not an easy process. I did most of the the work a long time ago submitted it and it got rejected because I submitted more than one integration platform (sensors, climate etc), the HA guys wanted me to split the project up into chunks and submit it piece by piece… At that point myself , Mark and the community decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. HACS works fantastically, allows us (well mark nowadays) the ability to have beta releases, push patches etc etc. all independent of HAs release cycle…

I wonder if HACS has a "Works with HACS " program :slight_smile:


I understand, well I look forward to using your work in the near future.

Thanks Jamie, I am also on the Schneider Wiser forum but unfortunately no one from Schnieder or Drayton ever seem to answer questions over there. Its a shame as people are asking for help and making feature requests and no one acknowledges them.

It’s just for the love of it! :grinning:

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WAF dropped from 100% to about 50%. Hub connectivity to my mesh quite unstable at times.