Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Hi Nial, welcome.

Yes there are a couple of reasons:

  1. We did try to accomplish this but the HA devs insisted on it being striped back to virtually non functioning for them to review and include it. We would then have had to build it back up in increments over some period. In the end we decided that this was too disruptive to those using.

  2. Using HACs, we can deliver updates and fixes very quickly to our own schedule. Being part of the HA core means we are aligned to their release schedule and also their review capacity, which can be slow based on the number of changes being submitted.

Whilst I am a big fan of HA and the work the whole HA community does on this software, in the end, for our time availability and the process to get a well developed integration into core, it was better to have in HACs.


OK, I can understand that that may happen as it does not dynamically update devices and rooms, so if you delete one, it will error when trying to update due to it expecting that room in the payload and it is not there. Likewise if you add a room/device then you have to reload to pick it up.

I will add this to the bug list to look at (at some point) but if that is the only reason yours it failing then this is probably (for now) an acceptable situation as not a daily activity.

In order to remove old rooms, you can go into the room device (via devices and services), click 3 dots and delete. If you have valid rooms but want to delete entities, you can click on them in devices & services and delete individual ones that are greyed out.

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Will grab some screenshots after football but basically when I was changing the max/min target parameters for a climate via Dev tools, it updated and I could refresh and the changed values would be still shown but then after 30-60 seconds the parameters reverted back to min & max that were set* before I changed them in dev tools. (Assume the next time the integration checked the temps to action any changes)

I was already between the range so heat was being called to that climate zone. Which possibly is causing the issue? Although changing the values with thermostat card in the same passive already on state worked as expected.

*not the orginal values that were set by switching on the passive mode, just the last value that I set on the thermostat card for that climate.

set to 12-20 via the thermostat card

Screenshot 2023-01-22 184616
Screenshot 2023-01-22 184603
Screenshot 2023-01-22 185629

update to 12-19 via dev tool

update is shown on thermostat
Screenshot 2023-01-22 184740

wiser_custom_data… file still has 12-20
Screenshot 2023-01-22 190243

short while later (seems quicker than 30 seconds i mentioned in last post) theromstat card & parameter will revert back to 12-20.

if i change it to 12-19 via the thermostat card then file will update

Screenshot 2023-01-22 190134

tried both passive heating already on & off and got the same issue. also tried changing state to OFF and then changing back to Passive state with the updated target_temp_high and same outcome that it doesn’t change the figure in the file and reverts back to that figure shortly afterwards.

Just gone and checked a radiator that’s been calling for heat in passive mode for last 40 minutes (was showing is_heating true & percentage demand was about 35%) and was stone cold. Looks like its a crap valve on that radiator as when I manually set +1c and percentage change to 67% it instantly started heating up & know another climate zone worked fine on the +0.5, but think the value added to the current temp to set the target temp would be useful to be a user config option rather than hardcoded to 0.5 (per climate would be very nice but global option for all climates would be good).


I plan to use the 6-zone UFH controller + Hub to integrate into my HA setup.

Is there anything I should be cautious of before installing?
Is there more than one Wiser hub?

My current UFH setup is six Emmeti CS 17 thermostats connected to manifolds.


Hmm. Can you do me a favour. Post the yaml of the service call from dev tools and what version of HA you are running. Do not see this behaviour so something is different.

Hello all,

Can someone please confirm the following two use cases:

  1. If Wifi is down, can I still use HA to control Drayton Wiser thermostat + smart TRVs?
  2. Is there a smart button which I can use to basically boost all TRVs or certain TRvs?

Was on 2023.1.6 but ran upgrade for 2023.1.7 as i shutdown my pc after last post. Just tested again from my phone and seems to be working fine now (looking at the file via the vscode addon), even restored backup for 2023.1.6 and working on that too :confused:

  1. Yes (assuming you mean no internet connection not no WiFi; Without wifi the hub wont be able to communicate to HA or the wiser cloud service. Although will still communicate to the TRVs as theyre zigbee and heat to the schedule that was set)
  2. Yes Integration has a boost all button (and cancel all boost button too) and you can also boost individual TRVs

@msp1974 thinking about it @PJR101 might be onto something. I haven’t delete rooms that morning, but my bedroom iTRV lost signal to the hub, so I’ve reset iTVR, re-added using Wiser app and cracked on with my day just to find integration not working few hours later.
So maybe if there is any interactions with devices in Wiser integration needs restarting? I’ll try testing my hypothesis once I have some free time.

Yes thats right. As said above if you delete rooms or devices (even if you re add it will be a new room/device with a new id) this will atm need a reload of the integration.

I actually meant no WIFI… as in the router is off?.. I thought HA could communicate using zigbee to drayton hub?

No the connection between HA & the Wiser Hub is LAN, the hub itself then uses zigbee to communicate with the TRVs.

If you want a system that works no LAN then pretty sure you’ll need a zigbee relay & zigbee TRVs with all the scheduling, relay & TRV logic control done in HA (aka dont think a self controlled zigbee only kit exists.)

The hub has its own local AP, so if you’re WIFI router is down, you could connect to the local AP with your phone for example, and then launch the Wiser App to be able to control the system “locally”, as others have said, this would be without HA.

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Can you confirm whether or not the Wiser hub uses the local outside temperature shown in the app in the algorithm controlling boiler heat output. Currently Wiser indicates +3C whereas BBC and my outside thermometer show -3C. That’s a big discrepancy and could explain why my heating struggles with cold snaps despite having an oversized boiler.

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It is supposed to use weather compensation, so I would imagine it’s using the temperature shown in the app. Even though that seems like a big discrepency, it’s better than no weather compensation at all (as long as the algorithms are actually working properly).

The sensor.wiser_heating sensor, created by this automation, has Room IDs like so:

  - 3
  - 4
  - 5
  - 6
  - 7
  - 8
  - 10
  - 11

Is there an easy way to tell which room corresponds to which ID? Is this the same as schedule_id which is an attribute of each room entity?

–edit: Answering my own question: The schedule_id is different to the room_id. The room_id is not reported via any entities as far as I can tell, however it is in the diagnostics file that can be downloaded from the integration. It would be nice if room_id was one of the room entity attributes for easier access to it.

@jamiebennett a major issue for me on my wiser system

This issue appear the last days as I finish to install the heating devices.
This issue doesn’t impacted only the heating devices.

My installation:

my devices:

the temperature given by roomstats falls to -19°C (in the wiser app display —°) on the roomstat screen for example 16.5° with the red triangle …
This happens randomly on the different roomstats.
The heatingactuators can also have their led in red


Trends of temperatures:

Exemple of issue in sdb

We can see that the temperature of the roomstat is not refreshed sometimes, in this example the consequence is that the target temperature is “lost”.
During this time the heating actuator is asked to heat ( shown by its power)
Today at about 6 o’clock I made an action disable and auto climate to stop the heating (climate.wiser_sdb)
The roomstat is always on the zigbee network as show the signal sensor (sensor.wiser_roomstat_sdb_signal)

sdb schedule

My shutters are also impacted by this issue, this morning were closed another one was opened at 80% instead of 100%.

It seems like the hub is not enough powerfull to manage these devices. the hub send an order by pilse to the devices , but if the device miss it then it stays in the previous state

a case number 98070152 is running by the french Customer Care

Can you please log a ticket with the support team and they will investigate for you.


Is it possible to overwrite the diagnostic parameters from the Wiser Hub? and if yes, is there any tutorial somewhere on how to do that?

I have a Hot Water Priority system installed with Drayton Wiser thermostat. The thermostat is connected through an Opentherm. I’d like to change the max flow temperature for my Central Heating and Domestic Hot Water. I see those values in the diagnostics json from WiserHub, but don’t know how I could upload some new values there to override what’s currently there. Is it possible using this software?
