Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Any ideas why my TRV is open when it’s 8 degrees above the set point?

Why is this not zero? "PercentageDemandForItrv": 25,

          "id": 6,
          "ManualSetPoint": 160,
          "ScheduleId": 6,
          "ComfortModeScore": 1245,
          "HeatingRate": 1530,
          "SmartValveIds": [
          "Name": "Bedroom",
          "Mode": "Auto",
          "DemandType": "Modulating",
          "WindowDetectionActive": false,
          "CalculatedTemperature": 190,
          "CurrentSetPoint": 110,
          "PercentageDemand": 0,
          "ControlOutputState": "Off",
          "WindowState": "Closed",
          "SetpointOrigin": "FromSchedule",
          "DisplayedSetPoint": 110,
          "ScheduledSetPoint": 110,
          "AwayModeSuppressed": false,
          "RoundedAlexaTemperature": 190,
          "ComfortTarget": 160,
          "EffectiveMode": "Auto",
          "PercentageDemandForItrv": 25,
          "ControlDirection": "Heat",
          "HeatingType": "HydronicRadiator"

try to recalibrate the valve, by removing the batteries, turning the dial to drain excess power, then reinsert batteries.

I’ve tried that several times. It’s perfect after the calibration…for about 40 seconds and then the motor moves a tiny bit and I can hear the water flowing through the valve.

I think other non numeric sensors are still working fine

Ok i have found the issue and will need to release an update to fix. However, one bit of good news is that the history is still being recorded and will display once issue fixed. Give me a day or 2 as need to check why the code that is causing the issue is there as doesn’t make sense tonight!


I had an ASHP fitted last year as part of a hybrid system, which includes a regular gas boiler and a ‘hybrid manager’ which decides whether to burn gas or electricity depending on the outside temp, demand, required room temp and the ratio of gas price to electricity price. So my analysis is somewhat skewed as it’s not just an ASHP running, but could be a regular gas boiler…

Previously I had a system boiler, so had the 2-channel Wiser Hub controller - one channel for heating, one for hot water. As the new hybrid system was using a combi boiler, I had to purchase a new single-channel Wiser Hub, as the 2 channel hub switches mains voltage, whereas the new hybrid manager required a zero-volt switch.

Once the single-channel was connected up, I set the Boiler Type to heat pump, as I assumed that would be the primary source, especially before any harsh winter weather started.

Obviously the ASHP does not reach the same flow temp as the gas boiler, so the heating tends to run longer when using that as the heat source. Another thing I soon noticed was the ramp-up time for the ASHP - it can run for about 30mins before I even start to notice any heat in the first radiator in the circuit. I know the Heat Pump setting on the Wiser system means it should run 20 minute cycles, and I personally find this is too low for my system. To overcome this, I have set the default Boost to 90mins and a +3deg raise, and when the ASHP is used as the heat source, I will use this to ensure the pump runs for a decent time.

I do feel the Wiser system - when left by itself - will start the ASHP running, and then stop it when it’s just starting to produce heat, then start it up again a short time later. It might be the ‘learning’ side of the Wiser system is confused by the response when the gas boiler kicks in, with instantaneous heat and higher flow temps. I spent a lot of time setting different ‘required room temp’ values on the hybrid manager to either force the ASHP too kick in (lower req’d room temp) when generating a lot of solar power, or forcing the gas boiler to kick in (higher req’d room temp) when no solar generation or colder outside temps.

So in summary, I don’t think the Heat Pump setting on the Wiser system really allows the ASHP to run long enough - I think there is too much modulation. But this might not be a Wiser issue - I really wish I had more (remote) control over the Hybrid Manager so I could force it to run and burn gas or electricity based on my own - or HA’s - observations of required temp, solar generation and ambient outside temps.

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check for device states in HA. there you can see if it has been turned on from within HA or if not - its likely the wiser home app. or if you have cats, kids or similar - try it again with (if available) keylock on the trv.

thanks, locks are on iTRV’s and Room Stats, I looked for boost entity for lounge but could not find one, which entity should I be looking at ?

@Scoff - meant to tag you on this reply too, as I had to swap my existing 2-channel hub to a single-channel to get a zero-volt output. Might not be the case for your system though, but worth checking.

Same for me. I’m using a Nefit EMS-OT OpenTherm converter with a Worcester Bosch Greenstar 25i. It was working last winter, but isn’t now. I’ve contacted Wiser Support.

@liveware-problem Thanks for the info on your setup, that’s useful to know about the cycling from the Wiser hub on the Heat Pump setting. Ours will be a straight ASHP setup, annoyingly, as I still have several hundred litres of oil in the tank!

I’ll have to see what standard controls come with the new ASHP and see if I can continue to use the Wiser 2 channel hub and this integration instead, or if I need to move away from the setup that I’ve been fine-tuning for months!

This was the response that I had from Wiser support, regarding the Heat Pump setting on the hub:

"Yes, you would select the heat pump option inside the hub.
It will still cycle things according to industry standards for the particular fuel type/ heat pump that you are using.

Best regards,"

Sorry to be harbinger of bad news, but I think I found another issue - popup when adjusting temperature in schedule doesn’t appear any more. So only releasing slider one can see what temperature is set.
Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 13.36.41
To be hones slider is hard to use on HA app as screen is small so maybe we could use this opportunity to use different UI element? For me personally even + and - buttons would probably be better as adjustments are rarely more than several degrees.
Thank you for the great work!

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Thanks - I contacted Wiser support and had them push a firmware upgrade: I am now at 3.14.0 and we’ll see how it goes. Slightly annoying that it didn’t happen automatically, and that I had no opportunity to force it myself, but Wiser support were very responsive.

Dont know if its the same hub as i have,
but mine is on v4.20.2 / Model is: CCT501801

Be interesting to see what Wiser support says.

I believe mine is still working via OpenTherm (although I don’t know how I know that😁)

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Did you resolve this? Here is one of mine, running away with itself. The blip in “actual” towards the end is when I recalibrated the valve.

Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 16.59.41

CCT501801 is the second generation Hub.

Nope. Just tried fresh batteries. Same thing. Recalibrate and it’s fully off, 40s later. Brrp and it’s letting some water through.


Hello Everyone. Just to say I have release v3.3.11 just now. This fixes:

  1. The issue in HA 2023.11.0 whereby non numeric sensors no longer show history (Raised by @RolandLT) .
  2. The issue whereby if you cancel overrides when there are none in away mode, it cancels away mode. This is a bug in the hub firmware but we have added a check to prevent this occuring in the integration (Raised by @robertwigley) .

Let me know if you see anymore issues with HA 2023.11



Will look at this for next release.