Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

CCT501801 is the second generation Hub.

Nope. Just tried fresh batteries. Same thing. Recalibrate and it’s fully off, 40s later. Brrp and it’s letting some water through.


Hello Everyone. Just to say I have release v3.3.11 just now. This fixes:

  1. The issue in HA 2023.11.0 whereby non numeric sensors no longer show history (Raised by @RolandLT) .
  2. The issue whereby if you cancel overrides when there are none in away mode, it cancels away mode. This is a bug in the hub firmware but we have added a check to prevent this occuring in the integration (Raised by @robertwigley) .

Let me know if you see anymore issues with HA 2023.11



Will look at this for next release.


I am new to HA and am learning about this integration and how to get the most out of my wiser system. I would love if there would be anyone willing to help me understand and get the most out of it.

Yep. I have two iTRVs doing this now - I guess I just haven’t kicked them hard enough, or in the right place, but for tonight I’m literally going to have to take off the valves and replace them with the old TRVs.

Firstly, welcome to this forum. You’ll find plenty people here to help you on your journey. Would recommend reading the wiki as a starting point to understand the functionality available and then feel free to post any specific questions you have here.

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Many thanks for the quick update. Will integration v3.3.11 work with HA 2023.10?

It should do.

Hello everyone,

I have been using Wiser HA Integration for about a a month now, especially its passive mode functionality. There is a rather peculiar behaviour that I am unable to identify the root cause of, and I was hoping someone in the forum may be able to help:

  • I have a setup with 11 TRVs (4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, reception room, hallway)

  • My config is as following:

    • Between 9am and 10pm, the reception room thermostat is the only non-passive thermostat set at 19C.
    • Between 10pm and 9am, the master bedroom thermostat is the only non-passive thermostat set at 21.5C.
    • All the remaining thermostats are set in manual passive mode to be between 17C-22.5C
  • What I have been observing is that the thermostats set in passive mode randomly call for heat, even though the active thermostat is not when this happens. I also confirmed that when the passive mode thermostats call for heat, their temperature readings are not below the lower threshold of 17C that I set either.

I am quite confused as to why I am observing this behaviour. When this happens, not all passive thermostats call for heat either. This behaviour basically causes my boiler to remain turned on for almost 60% of the entire day.

Thank you for your help!

Can you post some history graphs on this. Thx

Thank you for your reply,

I would appreciate it if you could list the graphs you are looking for. There are 11 TRVs, so I didn’t want to extract post all of it as the graphs may look quite noisy.

Let me share the one below for now. To summarize, this graph plots LTS Boiler Demand data for all thermostats.I filtered the plot to only show the demand from the master bedroom, reception, and total demand. As I mentioned in my previous post, master bedroom is the only non-passive thermostat at night and reception during day.
Therefore, any spikes in boiler demand (blue) for the following cases is something I expect not to happen:

  • When neither the master bedroom nor the reception thermostat demands heat
  • When the master bedroom thermostat does not deman heat between 22:00 and 08:00.
  • When the reception thermostat does not demand heat betwen 08:00 and 22:00.

I verified that none of the passive thermostats drops below the lower threshold set in this period (which is not showing in the plot as it would look noisy, but I can look into getting a plot for that as well).

I was looking for these history graphs from the room climate entities. Can you post your master bedroom and some of your passive rooms that are demanding heat when not expected.

Apologies for the delay, here are a few plots as requested:

A clear example of this behaviour is the following period: November 2 - 09:00-15:00

  • Reception thermostat is the non-passive one.
  • Dining room thermostat is passive.
  • In this period, dining room is requesting heat, even though the reception thermostat is not

Besides this one, I am having a hard time detecting the behaviour through the plot. But I did have many instances when I checked the thermostat states from HA, I saw that the passive thermostats were in heating state while the active thermostats were in idle state, which I think I should never see as long as the passive thermostat temperature reading does not drop below the lower threshold.

I am suspecting that this may be due to one (or a combination) of the following:

  • A time delay in sending passive TRVs the signal to change state, when the active TRV changes state
  • A connection drop at the time when the signal to the passive TRV is sent.
  • A bug in the passive mode implementation

I am leaning towards the last bulletpoint especially because of the behaviour I described that I observed at several instances.

Sharing the other plot separately as I cannot upload both to the same post

Sorry for the message flood, I think this one is plot is more clear. If there is a place to create a separate topic, I am happy to move this question there

Ok so lets focus on that November 2 - 09:00-15:00 timeframe. Given the lack of target temp high and low on the dining room graph in that time period it looks like the dining room is not in passive mode. Is this always in passive mode or does it change at certain times of the day via automations? These graph lines come back at just after 3pm, so im wondering if something is happening that means this is going out of passive mode and setting a target temp it is trying to heat to.

On your last graph from today, it is also missing the target low line during the time it is demanding heat.

Do you have any errors in your logs from this integration?

Thank you Mark for your response. The dining room is always in passive mode. The only thermostats alternating between passive and active are master bedroom and reception, so that I always have only one active thermostat at a time.

In the logs, I cannot see anything besides an occasional connection error (see below):

2023-11-02 13:29:03.126 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.wiser.coordinator] Connection error trying to communicate with Wiser Hub for url  Error is Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Network unreachable]

Ok i think we need to turn on debug logging. This will show what is happening on each hub update cycle (when the automation code runs to control the passive mode). Then share the log with a similar graph to compare the timeframe this is happening with what the automation is doing and why.

If you want to raise this on the github repo as an issue, you can then post the images and logs there.

EDIT: can you also add a diagnostics download file to the github issue too.

I think I might have solved it.

If you check your diagnostic data from the home assistant integration. Does it show a non-zero percentage for the itrv for the overheating rooms?

Power cycling the hub now shows 0 for me and the valve closed.