Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Demand shows that the wiser hub is activating the boiler. Whether your boiler shuts off when the temp in your hw tank is at the right level is down to your hw system. Often a temp sensor on the hw tank connected to the boiler. Wiser knows nothing of this unfortunaly, unless you have an opentherm boiler.

If you only have your boiler on gas, and you have a smart meter, you can get some info (although only in 15 min inrervals) from that.

just got this warning in my HA Logs

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: components/climate/__init__.py:354
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:45:49 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:45:49

Entity None (<class 'custom_components.wiser.climate.WiserRoom'>) implements HVACMode(s): auto, heat, off and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please create a bug report at https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform/issues

could it be that I now have a Smart Plug assigned to my Kitchen but that room has no climate devices?

I just got the same error following an HA restart:

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: components/climate/__init__.py:354
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 16:52:26 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 16:52:26

Entity None (<class 'custom_components.wiser.climate.WiserRoom'>) implements HVACMode(s): auto, heat, off and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please create a bug report at https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform/issues

I don’t have any wiser smart plugs so it’s not related to that at least. I wonder if this is connected to the errors when using the preset buttons from the dropdown on the thermostat card? @msp1974 - do you know if there was any progress on that front, as I think you mentioned you were going to raise it as a front end issue? I’ve seen similar issues surfacing around Ecobee and using preset calls, but not exactly the same as this.

@andyblac and @Scoff , this is due to a change/deprecation in 2024.2. Already logged on our git repo to resolve in next update. Not an issue and nothing will stop working.


Great, thanks for confirming Mark.

I am trying to save (when a door is opened) and subsequently restore (when the door is closed) the state of a Drayton Wiser iTRV as follows:

  - service: scene.create
    metadata: {}
      scene_id: snapshot_utility_room_radiator
        - climate.wiser_utility_room

and then:

  - service: scene.turn_on
    metadata: {}
      entity_id: scene.snapshot_utility_room_radiator

This is resulting in the error:

Error for call_service at pos 1: The preset_mode is not a valid preset_mode: Advance Schedule, Cancel Overrides, Boost 30m, Boost 1h, Boost 2h, Boost 3h

The state (from Developer Tools) prior to this was:

Entity: climate.wiser_utility_room
Wiser Utility Room

State: heat	

hvac_modes: auto, heat, off
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 30
target_temp_step: 0.5
preset_modes: Advance Schedule, Cancel Overrides, Boost 30m, Boost 1h, Boost 2h, Boost 3h
current_temperature: 15.9
temperature: 15
hvac_action: idle
window_state: Closed
window_detection_active: true
away_mode_supressed: Unknown
heating_type: HydronicRadiator
number_of_heating_actuators: 0
demand_type: Modulating
target_temperature_origin: FromManualMode
is_boosted: false
is_override: false
is_heating: false
is_passive: false
control_output_state: Off
heating_rate: 1200
boost_time_remaining: 0
percentage_demand: 0
comfort_mode_score: 0
control_direction: Heat
displayed_setpoint: 15
include_in_summer_comfort: null
floor_sensor_state: Unknown
occupancy_capable: false
schedule_id: 14
schedule_name: Utility Room
current_schedule_temp: 15
next_day_change: Saturday
next_schedule_change: 22:00:00
next_schedule_datetime: 2024-02-17 22:00:00
next_schedule_temp: 15
icon: mdi:radiator-disabled
friendly_name: Wiser Utility Room
supported_features: 17

Is there a way of restoring state without this error appearing please?

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This is a very smart idea - thank you.

I have a brand new Electrical Heat Switch in front of me. On the front is a sticker that says “Caution:- Not suitable for inductive loads. For instance Plinth Heaters and Contractors. For further information please call Drayton…”

So it does explicitly say “no” albeit with a sticker on the box so it must be a fairly recent realisation. I guess the problem is the large back emf from switching an inductive load.

And by Contractor I presume they mean something like a relay coil, so there goes my plan to use it to drive a relay to drive an immersion heater - albeit I need to check the load of the immersion to see if I really do need a relay.

Thanks for the info. Interesting that there is that label, because I spoke to Wiser support who didn’t seem to know anything about this and simply said if it fell within the 16A rating it would be OK.

Consequently, we went ahead and ordered a plinth heater from Smiths, based on the fact the a chap I spoke to there was using one with the Wiser Electrical Heat Switch himself, with an unofficial modification to bypass the internal wireless control board (which simply involved cutting a couple of wires and rejoining them without the board in between) and have this working perfectly. Additionally, there was no label on the box we received which came direct from the Schneider online shop.

Here is a pic of the label. This one was delivered (straight from Drayton) last week.

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and obvs that should have read “Contactors” and not “Contractors”! Damn you, autocorrect.

Bizarre, especially support not knowing what I was talking about when I called them. Ours came direct from them too about two weeks ago and there was no label on the box. Either way, it’s working fine.

So it goes! Did you ever figure out if you could use one to control an immersion heater? I figure that worst case (assuming the immersion draws <16 amps I could just hook it up with a remote floor sensor probe and put that somewhere stable and just set the room temp to eg 100c and control it on a timed basis. Thermostat on the immersion heater actually governs the water temperature, and I get to see how much electricity is consumed/duty cycle etc by looking at current draw.

Anyone else figured out an immersion heater control?

I haven’t tried the Electrical Heat Switch with the immersion heater, but now I have experience with one, I can’t see how it can be used within the Wiser system to control it, as the on/off functionality is controlled by the thermostat that it’s linked to.

To do what you’re suggesting, although in theory it would work, would be expensive and also be a bit of kludge, as I believe you would need a room thermostat as well, which are not cheap. AFAIK the floor temperature probe is a safety cutoff and doesn’t control the switch, so I think you would need both the switch and a room thermostat.

I did wonder if it might be possible to use it independently via ZHA or Z2M as a binary on/off switch, but looking here, it would appear that this is unlikely to be possible either as it’s a climate device rather than a binary switch.

The 16A rated Smart Cable from Frient/Develco, currently showing low stock but available from Vesternet and also on Amazon for 30% less if you’re prepared to wait until the end of August, can be used independently of Wiser though if you’re in need of something to control an immersion heater and it also has power monitoring. It’s basically the binary on/off switch we need from Wiser to control an immersion heater under 3,840W.

In case anyone is interested, here’s a picture of the wireless control board that needs to be bypassed in the Smiths Plinth Heater in order to use it with the Wiser Electrical Heat Switch. You simply need to disconnect the four terminals (the first of the two neutrals is already disconnected in the picture), cut the connectors off and reconnect the two neutrals and two lives, bypassing the board, which is completely removed from the circuit and can also be physically removed from the casing.

I just had the hub go offline for precisely 2 hours. Reminiscent of the old days before the firmware change that brought pings/keep-alive. No network activity at all including arp
I thought perhaps it was a firmware upgrade, but it’s still on 3.14.0.
Has anyone else experienced the infamous 2hr offline behavbour recently?

No. I still get the odd disconnect, but it only ever lasts five minutes since the firmware fix. Still on 3.14.0 as well and haven’t had a firmware update for quite some time.

Since the last firmware upgrade I have no more such a behavior.
This month I get 33 times on my hub V1 and only 10 times on the V2 (they are very close together, 10 cm)

I see connection issues several times per week (‘issue’ defined as hub failing to respond to 5 consequetive pings or a connection warning/error in HA). But this was the first 2 hr event IIRC since that firmware update months ago.
@LGO44 So do you think the networking stack/hardware is more resilient with the V2 hub?

for my point of view sure

Does anyone have an example of an automation/s that they are using to ‘turn off’ (reduce the setpoint down to 5 degrees for example) a given rooms iTRV, if a window contact sensor in that room is opened? I’m not finding the Wiser ‘Open Window Detection’ setting is having the desired effect, and I have contact sensors on my windows that I can use as the trigger instead. If the contact sensor subsequently closes, I suppose it would be a case of cancelling the override for that room, so that the setpoint returns to the current scheduled setpoint again?