Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Just replying to my own comment with a question!

I just found out that if away mode is set then you can still override an individual room which means the heating relay comes on. I would prefer this not to happen as the hot water will not be heated properly. What’s the best way of absolutely inhibiting the heating while the hot water is on?

Only way I can think of Is to press the “cancel all heating overrides” button within the automation as the hot water comes on. However once the hot water has finished warming then I’ve lost that override.

I’ve just tried to upgrade from v2.x to v3 and am getting an error when re-adding the Wiser integration.
I removed the wiser directory from custom_components then copied over a complete new wiser directory cloned from v3 branch. (i.e manual method, not HACS method)

In HA, when adding the integration I get this error:

Config flow could not be loaded

Then in the HA logs I see:

AttributeError: module 'homeassistant.components.zeroconf' has no attribute 'ZeroconfServiceInfo'

My HA install is in a docker container as I don’t have full control on the host machine, for this reason I don’t think Zeroconf is running (even tho I have added it in the configuration.yaml).
Is it possible to manually set up the hub in V3 without using zeroconf?

What version of HA are you running?

doh, schoolboy error, got distracted by this message…

Updating to v3.0 - IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!

…and missed the line directly above saying minimum version of 2021.12! I was on 2021.11, so thanks for the pointer!

I did still however have an issue with the auto discovered hub - it wouldn’t accept my key. Immediately after submitting the key it would say it had timed out. I ignored this auto discovered integration and added it manually which allowed me to enter the IP address and it accepted the key no problem.

Does upgrading to Insights+ add any API hooks for energy use? I just got the Trio device that talks to my smart meters which is working nicely in the Wiser app and wonder if it is possible to access that data in Home Assistant?

Happy to help investigate this if the team doesn’t have Insights+.

If it is through Geo (Green Energy Options), then look at this post:

Geo has an open API… (The topic has other options as well.)

What about a automation which uses the time trigger to initiate, The trigger then sets all the rooms to their away temp.

Run the trigger every 5mins for example…

@nadnerb33 [quote=“nadnerb33, post:368, topic:80965”]
I did still however have an issue with the auto discovered hub - it wouldn’t accept my key. Immediately after submitting the key it would say it had timed out. I ignored this auto discovered integration and added it manually which allowed me to enter the IP address and it accepted the key no problem.

Yeah we’re seeing that a lot with some people (including me). Using the IP address works fine

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My meter isnt Insights+ compatible, @msp1974 is yours?
If not then providing someone can provide the json payload from postman we could add it…

I would suggest this be a seperate integration. Happy to help / advise but its a seperate integration to HA

I can’t see a service for each zone, unless I’m missing something. I have a service for heating and for hot water.

In the app, I click the clock symbol and then choose the time I want to boost for.

Looking at this, I presume you have a roomstat upstairs and one downstairs?

I think then you should have 2 rooms in HA, one for upstairs and one for downstairs. And you should be able to control temps for each one? If so, then you can either use the Boost Heating service and select the upstairs or downstairs climate entities or use the climate.set_preset service or the preset options (3 dots on the climate card in HA) to boost it.

If not, can you tell me what climate devices you have in HA.

Think we will revert this to use IP as that seems less of an issue than the dns problems being encountered.

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No. Can’t seem to get my energy supplier to even respond about fitting a smart meter.

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Correct I have two room stats, one for each zone.

So I would need a button that calls the Boost heating service for then select either of those entites?

I’ve tried creating a Lovelace button for this but it doesn’t do anything.

Ah, you need to set the target temp, not temp increase.


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You can set a temp increase too. There seems to be a bug in HA that if there is a default set but you don’t change it, it doesn’t recognise it. If you change your 60 to 61 and then back to 60 and set the temp increase (change from 3 to 3.5 and back to 3).

Also, you have the standard options on the climate card by clicking on the 3 dots.

Ah OK cool, I’ll check that.

I knew you could do it from the stat card, but that is clucky from an iPad screen.

I can give you this if it helps to have a nice layout on an iPad. It is a copy from here. Calls the preset mode boost, using the default setting to boost temp rather than the boost_heating service.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: thermostat
    entity: climate.wiser_dining_room
  - type: entities
      - entity: input_boolean.dining_room_occupied
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            preset_mode: Boost 30m
            entity_id: climate.wiser_dining_room
        icon: mdi:fire
        entity: climate.wiser_dining_room
        name: 30m
      - type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            preset_mode: Boost 1h
            entity_id: climate.wiser_dining_room
        entity: climate.wiser_dining_room
        name: 1h
        icon: mdi:fire
      - type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            preset_mode: Boost 2h
            entity_id: climate.wiser_dining_room
        entity: climate.wiser_dining_room
        icon: mdi:fire
        name: 2h
      - type: button
          action: call-service
          service: climate.set_preset_mode
            preset_mode: Cancel Boost
            entity_id: climate.wiser_dining_room
        entity: climate.wiser_dining_room
        icon: mdi:fire
        name: Cancel
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: sensor.wiser_lts_temperature_dining_room
        name: Dining Room Temperature
        unit: C
        line_width: 6
        hour24: true
        group: true
        align_icon: left
        align_state: right
        align_header: left
        hours_to_show: 24
        color: '#385581'
          fill: fade
          icon: false
          name: false
          state: false
          name_adaptive_color: false
          labels: hover
          legend: false
          action: none
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That was just an interim solution, as Geo has a quite good API and people are already using it. It can be queried with a few REST sensors easily.

I didn’t want to go off-topic. I am not in the UK, so I have no idea how the Insight+ works, but read about Geo before (on another platform) and people were happy with what it provides.

Otherwise, what I read about smartmeters in the UK, the mess is shocking how they are included and excluded from the networks…