Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

hey sorry not responded earlier. I just noticed this…

mmm not sure. are you sure is your wiser hub? Have you been able to query data using curl or postman?

Also are you using the latest master or the prerelease R1.9Dev branch?


FYI, we’re working on releasing R1.9 soon, the code can be found in the R1.9Dev branch, and we’d love all to test it out…

If you already have the integration installed using HACS all you need to do is

a) git clone https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform.git
b) git checkout R1.9DEV
c) manually replace the files in the custom_components/wiser directory

thanks, should be out soon anyway, just fixing a few niggles…

Hey all, just made 1.9 a HACS release with a nice and lengthy readme!.

Hope all is good

2.0 We’ll focus on two things
a) Including the component into Home Assistant as a native component
b) Configuration via the new device config UI

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Just updated to R1.9 and this switch seems to have disappeared.

Switch platforms - Allows the switching of various system switches including EcoMode, ComfortMode, AwayMode, Valve Protection and AwayModeAffectsWater

It does not show up in Dev/States.
Anybody else have this or am I missing something?

Hey Duke,

I just did a clean install and the switches are all there for me… Are there any errors in the logs?
Also check for unused entities it might be that we changed some of the entity Ids/names during the 1.9 release…

From my system

and its definitively 1.9 because I can see the NodeId/ParentNodeId in the TRVs…


Had same issue with the missing switches, not all files had downloaded and one was truncated. Fix was to just reinstall and restart.

Hi Angelo,

I have re-installed twice now as Fulch suggested but still do not have the switch.
I have an error:

Mon Feb 24 2020 12:59:14 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) Error while setting up wiser platform for switch Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 159, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 442, in wait_for return fut.result() File "/config/custom_components/wiser/switch.py", line 45, in async_setup_platform WiserSmartPlug(hass, data, plug.get("id"), plug.get("Name")) for plug in data.wiserhub.getSmartPlugs() TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Any help appreciated.

I know whats wrong. I bet u dont have any smart plugs right?

HI Angelo,

BTW, I am running Hass.io (or I believe it is called Home Assistant now - confusing) on a raspberry Pi 4 64gb with 2 gb of RAM if that helps with the time out issue in the error message.

I never had this error before R1.9


Hi Angelo,

Correct - I don’t!

Drat i was toying with making r1.9 hacs a prerelease. Ill fix it later and send u a patch file.

It will be a one line fix.

OK thanks

If it helps I will buy a smartplug :slight_smile:

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Well, it would help :slight_smile: but not needed

Ive patched it in the dev branch, can you navigate to the custom_components/wiser directory and replace the switch.py file with this one


cd custom_components/wiser
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform/dev/custom_components/wiser/switch.py

Let me know if it fixes it and i’ll merge to master


Yep - that did it.

All the switches are there now :slight_smile:


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Awesome, will merge in…

Damm , gonna have to make a Release 1.9.1…

I’ll wait to hear if there are any other issues…

Hi @Angelo_Santagata I am very confused, I am new to this so am probably doing something dumb… any advice appreciated. 1.9 rocks btw.
I have set up several automations for controlling the heating triggered by iPhone actions but one I just cannot get to work. It is using the wiser.boost_heating service.
The service runs ok when I run it with the same data in the developer tools and the iPhone message is sent so it seems to fail when I call the service as an action in the automation. Other services work in very similar automations (turning HW on/off, turning heating on in a room etc.).
Thanks in advance. Here is the except from automations.yaml:

- id: '1582988347353'
  alias: Heating Emilys Room Boost
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      actionName: EmHeatBoost
    event_type: ios.action_fired
    platform: event
  - condition: zone
    entity_id: device_tracker.emilys_iphone
    zone: zone.home
  - data:
      message: Emily's heating boosted to 20 for 1 hr. xx
    service: notify.mobile_app_emilys_iphone
  - data:
      temperature: 20
      time_period: 60
    service: wiser.boost_heating
    entity_id: climate.wiser_egr_bedroom

Hi, please ignore the above, indented the client_id to the same level as the Temperature and time_period and it works…

Awesome, I was out and about this weekend and was just getting around to answer you :slight_smile:

Hi Angelo, great work BTW!
I’m probably missing something, but can I set Wiser to Away using automation? I can turn the heating off using climate, but I don’t see a way to set it to Away


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Great work. Am new to hassio and have been slowly installing on a fresh centos 8 install - so far so good. Re the issue with no plugs, would this also throw a wobbler if there is not hot water switch too ?
I too had had issues but did a 2.0 install this morning and see wiser heat hub in integrations but when I click configure it just hangs ?