Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

I am at a loss as to why I am seeing different behaviour to you as well. It’s very strange! As I said im my respone to Mark, now I have the lovelace-canary repository loaded and working with the in_card extension to the native vertical-stack card, I’m going to do some more testing with both that and the vertical-stack-in-card, in tamdem with the card-mod fix that @msp1974 has so kindly provided. Thanks again to both of you for all your time and effort on this. :star_struck:

Each room entity has a heating_rate and a comfort_mode_score attribute.

heating_rate seems to be 1200 by default, and comfort_mode_score seems to be 0 by default.
But for some rooms these are very different, e.g. some rooms have heating_rate about 400 or 6200 or so and comfort score 10000 or 30000.

Does anyone know (a) what do these numbers mean? (b) how are these calculated and (c) how they are used?

Also they almost never seem to change in my case - they seem pretty static numbers, different for each room.

I have some assumptions of my own, but wanted to see if anyone knows for sure. E.g. I think heating_rate is associate with the heat loss of each room (but not sure why some rooms are stuck at default 1200) and comfort mode score is also associated with heat loss but also with how early to start heating when comfort mode is enabled.

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I think your assumptions are probably correct. It makes sense that they are related to how quickly the room heats up and/or loses heat and how early to start heating when Comfort Mode is switched on.

In my case the heating rate does vary. Excluding 1200 which looks like a special value, I see numbers between 1680 & 2350 for one room and 1904 & 3300 for another room. What does seem common is the ratio of approx 2:3 between bottom and top. As the name implies it seems to be a number showing how effectively a room warms up, higher values go with rooms that are slower getting up to temperature.

The comfort mode score has a very wide variance from about 250 up to 8000. As you say it does seem to correlate with the time comfort mode is in effect.

@robertwigley and @tombadog I have just released a v3.3.1beta with support for the Passive Mode Follow Schedule. Can you please have a look when you get chance and give any feedback/issues/missed expectations etc etc.

@nofuse - this beta should also fix the saving of on/off schedules.

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Just installed and getting the following error when trying to change temperature on any room.
"WiserRoom’ object has no attribute ‘_is_passive_mode’.

Will revert for now and do some more digging tomorrow

Oh bugger. Sorry thats me. I think i didnt push a commit on the api. Will pull this beta and fix tomorrow.

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OK, have corrected and republished beta. You can redownload it to update or reinstall previous version and then this again.

This may need further changes to how it works as both Homekit and Alexa (prob Google Home too) complain about an invalid state. They seem to work ok but complain in the logs. Would like to see how we get on with it and then we can make final adjustments to be as compatible as possibe with HA and other integrations.

Thanks will give it another go this morning. Ultimately, if it turns out to be more hassle than it’s worth we can always revert back to original passive mode.

Initial impressions are very positive - great job @msp1974.
Will continue to use/test and let you know if I find any problems…

I think it was actually a problem with previous version too but just didn’t notice. There was an issue logged re Homekit by @LewisSpring that I looked at and closed because HA lets you have ‘custom’ HVAC modes but Homekit won’t. Seems Alexa and Google Home likely the same problem so, due to challenges in getting all these to allow, we maybe need to resolve in this integration.

I am looking at whether we are better having Passive Mode as a preset (custom presets is allowed by all) and then work out how this displays to make sense in the Thermostat card. However, other thermostat cards (specifically mushroom that I use - haven’t yet looked at better thermostat card), don’t seem to then support well.

Will keep working/thinking…

I’ve not been following this for several weeks and see mention of a new 'Passive Mode".

I have looked back through but can’t figure out what this is.

Would you mind explaining ?


It’s basically way to use iTRV as mechanical TRV by setting min and max values

  • if room is below min value, room demands heating
  • if room is above min but below max value, iTRV is kept open, but heat is not demanded. When heating is on in other rooms radiator with Passive Mode iTRV is getting heat as well
  • if room is above max value, iTRV is closed and heat is not reaching radiator

This is a workaround for rooms where maintaining consistent heat is not important - this was first iteration and pretty much replicates mechanical TRV except ability to demand heat if temperature falls below min

Next iteration Mark is working on will allow controlling Passive Mode using schedule. This allows to deal with following scenario:
During working hours I like it to be around 20C but don’t care about sticking to setpoint (it’s a box room and I have a small heater there if I need extra warmth) outside working hours I would like room not to go above 17C so it’s easy enough to raise it to 20C, but not wasting energy. I don’t particularly care to maintain 17C as no one is in the room, but with normal Wiser implementation room will fire boiler when temperature falls below 17C.

Hopefully this makes things clearer @crankshaft

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Thanks so much, yes I understand now.

Is this rolled into the current release and if so how is it enabled / configured ?


OK, just looked thru the last threads and it’s in beta only, and it seems that Mark is considering controlling this via presets.

Slight off topic as I am still not using the integration (my HA Yellow has finally arrived so that should change soonish!).

However, I have had the dreaded red LED on my Hub 3 times in the past 2 days, having never had it before. So its a) clearly nothing at all, related to the integration, and b) how its gone almost 6 months with no issues, then suddenly 3 in 48h is very odd. Nothing has changed with anything network, zigbee or hardware related here.

Additionally, whilst it was red, I tried the app and it said it could not find the hub, even locally. Which was somewhat annoying - I am presuming the fact my phone was on my main VLAN and the Hub is on my IoT network is the reason?

I went downstairs a bit later to click Setup, and low and behold it was back to green.

All very odd. F/W 3.10.8

I’ve installed the new beta today. I did not install yesterday’s release. However, I am not seeing the new Passive Mode dropdown (input select) as an entity. My old Passive Mode switches (toggles) are still showing, but are unavailable (no longer provided by the integration).

The thermostat cards had also reverted to manual heat mode after the upgrade, probably because it’s not set to Passive Mode, as I can’t select it anywhere that I can see.

Am I missing something, or has something gone wrong with the upgrade?

On a positive note, the On/Off (Hot Water) schedule is now saving correctly. :slight_smile:

You have to re enable passive mode in the integration configuration and then delete the old passive mode entities.

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Thanks. :+1: I will give that a try later. Gone back to 3.3.0 for now.

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I’m using the 2 generations of Wiser Hub.
After 3 weeks of test only one type of device on the 2nd generation, my first impressions

  • The 2d generation run well with “our” integration.

  • I haven’t noticed any Wi-Fi leak as wit the firs generation (they worked in parallel) I 've got many issues on the first generation.

  • the installation had been easy with Wiser Home as in HA

  • The new generation seems to be more powerful it can manage more devices
    “Roomstat”: true,*
    “ITRV”: true,*
    “SmartPlug”: true,*
    “UFH”: true,*
    “UFHFloorTempSensor”: true,*
    “UFHDewSensor”: true,*
    “HACT”: false,*
    “LACT”: false,*
    “Light”: true,*
    “Shutter”: true,*
    “LoadController”: true,*
    “SmartSocket”: true,*
    “TwoGangLights”: true,*
    “FLS”: true,*
    “BoilerInterface”: true,*
    “WindowDoorSensor”: true,*
    “MotionLightSensor”: true,*
    “WaterLeakageSensor”: true,*
    “TemperatureHumiditySensor”: true,*
    “PowerTagE”: true,*
    “CFMT”: true,*
    “EVSE”: true,*
    “SmokeAlarmDevice”: true*

  • new feature: automations in addition of the schedules and moments
    “FeatureCapability”: {
    “Automation”: {*
    “MaxActions”: 10,*
    “MaxTriggers”: 10,*
    “MaxTimeConstraints”: 10*

  • This new hub will be able to manage Zigbee and matter…
    I have an excel file which summarizes the differences between the two generation, @msp1974 we’ll have some modifications to do.
    An example: a same push button used with the 2d generation can also manage the tilt position of a shutter.
    @jamiebennett :
    One thing to improve is that I had to create another account for deploying the new hub; I should be nice to have the possibility of adding a new hub in the same account.
    Using the new generation is easy even If we lose some information provided by the first generation.

Thanks. That worked. I have just reinstalled and am now seeing the select dropdowns after enabling Passive Mode again. I hadn’t realised it was automatically disabled when upgrading. I have deleted the old entities too. :slight_smile: :+1: