Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

@msp1974 the zigbee network map is very useful
It update the map (showing new devices ), t would be nice to be able to fix the positions of the different device in the map to have very quickly a statement of the different equipment and the link.

Initially, I thought the same as you and then found it disabled in configuration. So far so good though…

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Can some please explain exactly how to determine what wiser device(s) is/are calling for heat? I sometimes hear the boiler fire up and wonder why, and I thought it would be useful to be able to ask Alexa what is calling for heat. I can do this in node red, I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem figuring out the relationship between the climate attributes is_heating, control_output_state and percentage_demand. For example, right now, the lounge is (or should be) calling for heat, it is 18 degrees and I have set the thermostat (a room thermostat which controls 2 TRVs) to 19.5, but I see the is_heating and control_output_state going on and off every few minutes. Right now, on the lounge climate entity, I see

hvac_modes: auto, heat, off
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 30
target_temp_step: 0.5
preset_modes: Advance Schedule, Cancel Overrides, Boost 30m, Boost 1h, Boost 2h, Boost 3h
current_temperature: 18.8
temperature: 19.5
current_humidity: 43
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: Override
window_state: Closed
window_detection_active: false
away_mode_supressed: false
heating_type: HydronicRadiator
number_of_heating_actuators: 0
demand_type: Modulating
target_temperature_origin: FromManualOverride
is_boosted: false
is_override: true
is_heating: false
control_output_state: Off
heating_rate: 1200
boost_time_remaining: 0
percentage_demand: 25
comfort_mode_score: 0
control_direction: Heat
displayed_setpoint: 19.5

sensor.wiser_heating is set to on… so how do I deduce reliably what is calling for it? Any one of is_heating or control_output_state being on, or percentage_demand being non-zero, doesn’t seem quite right. What exactly do these various attributes actually mean?

Is support something that can be added via firmware update, or would it require the 2nd gen hub?

I know that radiator banacing should be done my measuring the flow / return difference for each radiator but I thought I would take a different approach and I am ready to be flamed and shot at dawn for what I have done :slight_smile:

Basically, this is the procedure:

  • Measure & record the temp of each zone / rad
  • Set each rad temp increase by 0.5 degrees
  • Time how long it takes each rad to reach it’s target
  • Wait for last rad to reach, this is the total time
  • Divide the time each rad took by the total time to ge a percentage for each rad
  • Multiply each rad percentage by the max number of turns of the valve.

I also created a valve key with graduations so I could more accurately judge the rotations.

This is the kind of out put I get, of course if you run it twice you will never get identical values, and the rads must be cold to start with, but it was an interesting project written in python.

  "climate.bed_3": {
    "pct": 0.0,
    "turns": 0.0
  "climate.bed_2": {
    "pct": 0.519,
    "turns": 1.8
  "climate.bed_1": {
    "pct": 0.173,
    "turns": 0.6
  "climate.kitchen": {
    "pct": 0.216,
    "turns": 0.8
  "climate.bath": {
    "pct": 0.259,
    "turns": 0.9
  "climate.lounge": {
    "pct": 0.216,
    "turns": 0.8

Firstly let’s deal with the attributes. is_heating and control output state are one and the same. We added is_heating to be a boolean to be used for automations but is actually the state of control output state from the hub for that room.

Each of the trvs present a demand value to the hub and in turn, the hub using algorithms decides when to fire the boiler. Depending on eco mode, comfort mode etc, the cycle time setting (boiler type setting) and the number of rooms and their percentage demand will all affect the total heat demand (Percentage demand Channel-1 attribute on the sensor.wiser_heating) and therefore when the hub decides to fire the boiler.

In your case, I think you are saying the boiler is firing but it is not clear which room is causing it, I would imagine that one of them should show is_heating as true. I certainly see that with mine, however (for reasons too long to go into) my hub is still on 3.10.6 firmware.

It is also possible that the boiler itself fires in a frost mode depending on the capabilties of your boiler.

Sorry not a succinct answer to your question. I have personally used graphana to see how rooms demand heat and how that in turn uses gas (posted previously). This can give good insight into how your rooms affect boiler firing (if you tweak slightly the parameters you are graphing). Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration - #1299 by msp1974

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I have on the list to look at a better visualisation plugin for this card but for now, this is a limit of the plugin used and the way it has to redraw the whole map on hub updates unfortunately.


You get much better toys on the continent! Would love to have the light switches and blind control, never mind these new exciting things coming! :wink:

@jamiebennett do Schneider have plans to bring more goodies to the UK or will we just have to be jealous of @LGO44 and buy other companies products for our homes?


Thanks for the clarification on is_heating and control_output_state, I had guessed they were the same (they always mirror each other). But that doesn’t help. I have 3 rooms that can call for heat. The lounge has a room stat and 2 wiser TRVs, grouped in the wiser app, so (in my mind anyway) it is the stat that calls for heat or not, and the TRVs are “passive”, they open and close together depending on the room stat. The other two rooms just have a single wiser TRV. When I posted this morning, the other two rooms were definitely “off”, the lounge was theoretically calling for heat (temp 18, target set to 19.5, boiler running), but I couldn’t see how to deduce that from the attributes - as I showed, is_heating was off on the lounge climate entity (seemed to go on and off every few minutes), but the more global “sensor.wiser_heating” was on. How should I deduce from those attributes I posted that it was indeed the lounge calling for heat? (hot water was also OFF, btw). Is any non-zero percentage_demand an indicator of “calling for heat”, even if the calculations based off that may not actually cause the boiler to light at that moment?

This is the sort of graph I am looking for :slight_smile: Is there any way you can post here the basic code for what is needed so I can adjust it with my own entities etc? I’m a Home Assistant noob and found the History Explorer card but couldn’t figure out how to get the current iTRV temperature, outside temperature etc so that I am able to export the data to csv through the card :slight_smile: Thank you in advance.

A new firmware “3.12.1-9d8272a087” has just rolled out for the Wiser Hub, hopefully this addresses the wifi problems we have been seeing. This is on my UK WT724R1S0902 hub

There is also a new “HealthCheckStats” section under “network”

“HealthCheckStats”: {
“IPv4AddressPing”: “”,
“HealthCheckingEnabled”: true,
“ExternalPingEnabled”: true,
“InternalPingEnabled”: true,
“DnsResolutionEnabled”: true,
“RecoveryActions”: 1,
“ExternalPing_Count”: 7,
“InternalPing_Count”: 7,
“DnsResolutionTest_Count”: 7,
“WifiTotalUptime”: 0,
“WifiLastUptime”: 0,
“WifiTotalDowntime”: 0,
“WifiLastDowntime”: 0,
“WifiChannelChanges”: 1,
“WifiStateNoError_Count”: 1,
“StationTransitionToConnected_Count”: 1},


Yes - mine is showing firmware version 3.12.1-9d8272a087 as well.

The website shows it dated 3/3/2023 acknowledging the improved Wi-Fi connection.

The New And Improved Thermostat App | Wiser (draytoncontrols.co.uk)

Nothing to announce at this stage.

Yes, this is the firmware we have been working on for some time, sorry it’s a little later than anticipated. It does have increased network diagnostic information in the data model (as seen above). It is more resilient to modern network behaviour so hopefully this addresses most peoples problems with connectivity.


We also get this firmware in France, my excel file has been made with this firmware.

@msp1974 I think it should be nice to have these informations in the integration.

@jamiebennett , I notice something very strange, I don’t know if there is a link between the firmware upgrade , but all the data were no stable during one day example of the temperatures

@LGO44 Temperatures for all my rooms dropped to -20C as well, not radically like yours, but on few occasions today. So it is probably linked to firmware roll out.

The roll out will result in a short (very short) disconnection. I can’t comment on the HA integration but Wiser functionality shouldn’t be affected.

I also saw a 2 hour solid red episode recently after a long period of unbroken service. Solid red supposedly indicates no cloud connection rather than no network connection (flashing red). However I’m not able to reach the hub in either state via the app, ping or otherwise. FWIW mine is also on a separate VLAN.
It seems from an external POV, the hub is unreachable be it a solid or flashing red LED.
EDIT - looks like this may have been the aforementioned firmware upgrade. I see I am now on 3.12.1 too. Thanks.
EDIT2: The change in reported firmware came over 24 hours after the hub went offline for 2h. I’ve had a very good run on connectivity lately so assumed the two events were connected. Seems they were not.

Where is the “HealthCheckStats” as I can’t find it anywhere?

we find it in the json file network but not it’s not yet expose by the integration.