Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Can confirm also fixed for me in 2023.10.3.

It seems to be fixed also for me.
The issue didnā€™t happen on my second generation hub :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Fixed for me as well

Thanks for the info, yes I already have a separate VLAN for local-only devices and can access Home Assistant via VPN.

Would it be possible to change the label text on the arrows on the Zigbee card from black to blue please so that the text is the same colour as the arrow?

The text is very hard to see against a black background:

Yes. I thought that it did change if you had a dark theme. Maybe changes to UI have broken this. Will look and do something for next release.


@msp1974 : If you have a look on that, can I also suggest another enhancement when a link is off line the arrow is red, it should be nice to display the arrow in orange (for exemple) when its state is unknown.


Thank you. I noticed that it uses var(ā€“primary-text-color) for the text but on my systems (using the standard HA light and dark themes) the text remains black at all times.

the latest wiser app update fixed the login issue with the app on Mac OS

Is anyone else noticing intermittent sluggish on/off status updates in HA when operating wiser plugs over the past few days? Device responds immediately, but the HA displayed status update sometimes takes several seconds, sometimes doesnā€™t update at all, much like the tuya status problems recently.

I noticed it today with the hub but with heating. App shows rads calling for heat, boiler comes on but no update on HA. Even when checking entity states, was showing no demand from trvs and saying heating was off. Took about 30 seconds to update

I think that is just the delay in the integration polling the hub. If the hub ā€œdoes somethingā€, you will see the change in HA on the next poll. If you operate a plug from the app, youā€™ll see the same effect. But when you operate a plug from HA, it (normally) updates the status quickly.

Apologies if already covered but is there a way to use a 3rd party temperature sensor in the Wiser Thermostat cards? I tried using the generic thermostat and replaced the target sensor with my thermometer but it doesnā€™t trigger the heating to come on - maybe because the system itself has another target sensor.
NB reason to consider this is because the temperature near the radiator whilst not bad is not really the temperature of the rest of the room.

Starting to use the heating again this year and still having the problem where Opentherm + Wiser is calling for 80C heat whenever it reaches 100% demand.
I know thereā€™s a way of setting an upper limit with this integration, but Iā€™ve never been able to make it work, it always just seems to get reset a couple of seconds later back up to 80C.

Has anyone managed to make this work and stop burning through the gas when at 100% demand?

Iā€™m still wondering about thisā€¦ Anyone?

in short NO with wiser API, it does pass the setting to the boiler, so next time it reads info from boiler it is reset, you will need an OpenThermGateway see here OpenTherm Gateway Kit

But in regards to you hitting 100% boiler demand, before I go into much more detail do you understand the fundamental differences between Load Compensation (OpenTherm) and Weather Compensation?

Thanks for that - I had a feeling it was being overwritten.

I think I understand the basics, of Load vs Weather Compensation, but happy to be educated. My current set up has iTRVs on most radiators and if it ever calls for heat with more than 1 degree jump it just ramps straight up to 100% and therefore 80C on a 40KW boiler which you can imagine just drinks the gas.

Iā€™m in France, I donā€™t use this hub but the second generation one (CT501801), I connect the hub on my network and I commissioned it with the Wiser Home app.
Then I got the secret key by http:// hub ip adress/secret.
I can say that this hub CCT501801 is compliant with the integration.

the gateway goes in between the boiler and the thermostat, and you get loads more control over OpenTherm.

First let me start by saying I am no expert, this is just my opinion based on my own tests and what I learnt, with that being saidā€¦

Weather Compensation (WC) works by adjusting the flow rate based on outside temperature, so the colder it is the higher the flow rate.

Load Compensation (LC) works on heat demand from the Thermostat, it is designed to heat the rooms as quick as possible, so the more the target temp is offset the more demand, and this is multiplied for each room. It will start off with high demand then slowly throttle back as it gets closer to target temp.

The Wiser Room Stat will learn the room on how long it takes to heat based on outside temps, etc. BUT iTRV will NOT.

There things you can do get the most out of OT, but you have to change the way to heat your home compared to WC and a basic Thermostat with no OT.

1: make sure you set a Set Back Temperature, and NEVER turn off the heating (except for summer, and when heating will not be used)
2: When using Set Back temps, try to keep it as close to your desierd room target temp (iā€™ll post some schedules so you get the idea)
3: When doing schedules try to aviod big increases in target temps, i.e. if you had a set back temp of 17.0 and you want the target temp of 18.5c in the morning, donā€™t just go from 17 to 18.5, do it in steps over a few hours, you think this would uss more gas but trust me it wonā€™t, just like WC would take ages to heat the room with itā€™s low Fow Rates.
4: try to aviod increasing temps during the day / night, every time you increase the temp it increases demand and therefore uses more gas.

The OT Max flow rate is not magic bullet you might think it is, if you set it too low it will have the reverse effect on gas usage, I have mine set via automation that increases the MAX Flow Rate depending on outside temps, and let the boiler decide what the best flow rate should be.

above: 15
value: 50

above: 10
value: 60

above: 5
value: 65

above: 0.01
value: 70

below: 0.01
value: 75

below: -5.01
value: 80

here is last night graphs

in the below screen shot i was testing MAX Flow rates, I had it set to 50c but you can it is struggling to reach target temp, i bumped the max flow rate to 65c but the flow rate only increased by 7c from 47.8c to 55c, I then bumped it all the way to 80c, and it did not change the flow rate, as the boiler detected the current flow rate was enough for it to reach the target temp, as you can see by limiting the MAX Flow rate it was having the opposite effect on gas usage.

you can see with my max flow rates, the return flow rate temp is still well below, so iā€™m prob getting the MAX efficiency out of my boiler, my main problem is it is FAR too big (30kW), you can see the burner cutting in / out allot, i prob should have gotten 20kW boiler.

so, try doing the above and the boiler hitting 100% should be reduced, also if you can afford it get Room Stats for every room, it will vastly help in this situation.

One final thing make sure you make use of ā€œPassive modeā€, I have it enable for ALL rooms except my main Lounge, so they canā€™t call for heat.

if you have any more questions, iā€™d be happy to help.


Thanks for that, really useful, super detailed and Iā€™m sure more than me will find it of use.

I have some issues specific to me which means keeping the whole house at a temperature is almost impossible due to it having 22 radiators and different sections of the house which are very inefficient from a heat loss perspective (A conservatory which has no doors stopping heat loss is a good example). This meant Ā£800/month gas bills last year, leading to us needing to install a Log Burning Stove in that large open area downstairs.

As our boiler is 40kW combined with the need to bring rooms up to temp from quite low means that some of the best practices I would love to be using I canā€™t - (I didnā€™t set the house up like this, it was EPC - E when I moved in).

Iā€™m definitely making strides to improve the house but in general itā€™s big and itā€™s cold. Installing new double convector radiators upstairs has meant overnight now is great and the bedrooms stay at a nice temperature whilst not using much gas.

Iā€™m a little tempted to move the boiler back to ā€˜relayā€™ mode when I can set an upper limit because I have three options at the moment:

  • Manually keep nudging the rooms up to temperature by 0.5 degree each time to stop the boiler running at 100%
  • Switch back to a non OT system and drop the limit to 60ish C
  • Buy a OT Gateway and set the limit myself