Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Are you sure this is correct? i.e. that the ITRVs do not learn how long it takes to heat the room? Or does this only apply if you are using OpenTherm?

from my learning yes, I found iTRVā€™s pretty useless, and why i forked out for Room Stats for each room ot made a massive difference.

then IMO personally I would ditch OT, and go for Weather Compensation. you can then adjust the heat curve for it on the boiler.

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Hi folks - Iā€™m greatly enjoying fiddling with my new system, but I have a question - is it possible to see (from an automation or whatever) whether a Boost is active or not?

Hereā€™s a room card Iā€™m working on:

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 18.13.36

Default/Warm/Standby/Low are connected to a dropdown helper and load different schedules. I can light up whichever one is active (Default in the example). But, independently of the schedule, Iā€™ve also provided a Boost button which calls the Boost service. This works fine, but I canā€™t see a way to tell whether the Boost is active or not and thereby change the colour to tell the user that a Boost is in play. Yes, I could set a 60 minute timer when handling the action but that would go wrong if someone then cancelled overrides.

Is there anything I can use to light up the Boost icon if there is an active Boost on this entity?

try using Tile card.

If that was addressed to me then, sorry if Iā€™m missing something, but I donā€™t see how that answers my question?

Here is my way to display how a room is boosted and how long does it rest.
based on mushroom template card.

All the data are provided by the Wiser integration.

Thanks - nice. So - my question really is - where exactly are the sensors you are using to get that info?

Iā€™m sorry I forget to join the code of the template card:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Boost 30m
secondary: |-
'Etat: {{state_attr(ā€˜climate.wiser_salle_salonā€™, ā€˜is_boostedā€™)}}
ā€™ reste : {{state_attr(ā€˜climate.wiser_salle_salonā€™, ā€˜boost_time_remainingā€™)}}
icon: >-
{% set boost = state_attr(ā€œclimate.wiser_salle_salonā€,ā€œis_heatingā€) %} {% if
boost == True %} mdi:fire {% else %} mdi:fire-off {% endif %}
badge_icon: >-
{% set boost = state_attr(ā€œclimate.wiser_salle_salonā€,ā€œis_heatingā€) %} {% if
boost == True %} mdi:radiator {% else %} mdi:radiator-off {% endif %}
icon_color: >-
{% set boost = state_attr(ā€œclimate.wiser_salle_salonā€,ā€œis_boostedā€) %} {% if
boost == True %} orange {% endif %}
badge_color: >-
{% set boost = state_attr(ā€œclimate.wiser_salle_salonā€,ā€œis_heatingā€) %} {% if
boost == True %} orange {% else %} {% endif %}
action: call-service
service: climate.set_preset_mode
preset_mode: Boost 30m
entity_id: climate.wiser_salle_salon
action: none

I used attribute of the climate.wiser_salle_salon


The room entity (e.g climate.wiser_room_name has attributes is_boosted and boost_time_remaining.

Tip: You can see all the available attributes in HA> Developer Tools > States and searching for climate.wiser then selecting a room.


OK, so first Iā€™ve learned about where to find the attributes. Now Iā€™m trying to learn about templating - could any kind soul take pity on a newbie and tell me why this doesnā€™t work? (Iā€™ve tried a million tiny variations but not, obviously the right one)

      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: climate.wiser_middleguest
        name: Boost 60
        icon: mdi:plus-thick
            - height: 50px
              border: 0px
              font-size: 14px
        color: >
          {% if state_attr('climate.wiser_middleguest', 'is_boosted') == 'True' %}  
          {% else %} 
          {% endif %}
          action: call-service
          service: wiser.boost_heating
            time_period: 60
            temperature_delta: 3
            entity_id: climate.wiser_middleguest

I should say that the boost function is fine, its just the colour change that isnā€™t.

Yes, I agree regarding the iTRVs and I bought a lot of Room Thermostats as well based on a semi-scientific comparison I did with and without a Room Thermostat way back in the thread. It showed how inaccurate the iTRVs were. However, I donā€™t believe that not having Room Thermostats stops the system learning how long it take for the room to heat (itā€™s just less accurate). I could be wrong though.

FWIW, hereā€™s the comparison with and without Room Thermostats, after I realised how inaccurate the iTRVs are.

So the short answer to my own question is that apparently you canā€™t use jinja templating with the custom button card, I have to use JS templating or go another route.

Thatā€™s why I use mushroom_template_cardā€¦

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sorry i messed the post, are you just trying to set colour in a custom:button-card ?

if so try:

      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: climate.wiser_middleguest
        name: Boost 60
        icon: mdi:plus-thick
            - color: >
                  if (entity.attributes.boosted == 'true') {
                    return 'red'
                  } else {
                    return 'blue'
            - height: 150px
            - border: 0px
            - font-size: 14px
          action: call-service
          service: wiser.boost_heating
            time_period: 60
            temperature_delta: 3
            entity_id: climate.wiser_middleguest
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Thank you - with the minor correction of ā€œboostedā€ to ā€œis_boostedā€, in case anyone is looking, that worked!

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np glad it worked.

Iā€™m having an issue in the Wiser app where when I boost the heating the time shown seems to be an hour behind. E.g in the screenshot above, the phone time top left is correct, I boosted the bedroom for 30mins but it says it will be on until 20:49, i.e in the past. The heating actually stayed on until 21:49 which is correct as I boosted it at 21:19 for 30mins.

The wiser system time is correct, as is the timezone. The daylight savings setting in HA is ON.

I contacted Drayton to ask about this issue (not mentioning HA) and their response was simply ā€œare you using Home Assistantā€?

The last time I used the heating was earlier this year and it was working fine. Iā€™ve not updated HA, this integration or the wiser hardware since then. Only thing that has changed is the Wiser app auto updated.

Any ideas what is causing this?

*Edit: Iā€™ve just updated HA to 2023.10 and this integration to 3.3.10 but still seeing the same issue

Whether boosting via HA or boosting in the app this is a timezone issue either on your hub or your phone.

We do not send date time to the hub only an integer of minutes to boost so it is the app calculating the end time from the minutes remaining provided by the hub. I think you were fobbed off by Wiser support.