Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Hi Mark I could not upload a link but here is a link to the video on my OneDrive

Recording 2023-12-11 204602.mp4

I have the same problem with it on an android tablet. as you will see on the video it disappears rather than greys out.

OK. I am wondering if you are getting an error. I have updated some bits in the schedule card in the v3.4.1 release (released today), to show a whirling circle when saving (it used to do this but as things have changed it seemed to just fade out the button. I expect that if you have this latest version, you may just get the circle whiring and not stopping. If you look in the browser console is there an error and do you see any errors in the HA logs when you save a schedule?

Hi Mark
Just installed v3.4.1and everything works as expected on Edge iPhone and android including the circle. I wounder if the previous version didn’t install correctly.
Thank for all your work on this integration.

Now I’ve finally figured how to install the Better Thermostat, it’s working and looking great!
Much ‘Better’ :slight_smile: than the latest offering in HA.


Did you install the integration as well as the frontend card?

I am playing around with just the card (without the BT integration) using card-mod to try and replicate the passive view. And I am running into some issues as some colours seem to be hard coded in the .js file or I cannot change them using card-mod.
There are vars such as --control-circular-slider-low-color for example that i cannot change, I suspect because they are not global vars.
But I am no card-mod expert.

This is an example of what i’ve got. so far, the top is the Better Thermostat card and the bottom is the new stock card.
The BT card is smaller and that is what first attracted me to it.
I can get the temp display to change colour depending on the mode and ‘is-heating’ ok, its the slider I am struggling with.
Any body else had a go at this?
My next step was to try to edit the .js file directly.

I thought the Better Thermostat card needed the integration as well. I didn’t spend a lot of time investigating though. It’s a project for my time off over Christmas. :laughing:

Is anyone here using Wiser in more than one home? If so, how are you managing this? Unless I am mistaken I don’t think the native app supports more than one home. I couldn’t see a way to add a second home in the app and there doesn’t seem to be any information about running two systems.

My Dad is about to have Wiser installed both at home and in his holiday property, so I need to find a suitable way for him to be able to select which system he’s controlling. My initial thought was to setup Home Assistant at both his properties and create dashboards for each for him. It looks like the HA Android app supports multiple instances of HA as of 2023.3.

I’m also aware there are a few options for cloning apps on Android and that may be the way we end up going (i.e. clone the native app), as no additional hardware for Home Assistant is needed then.

I’m just wondering if anyone here has any experience of a dual setup and any wisdom or learnings they can share?

Blundering about really…

I didn’t know how to install Better Thermostat.
I installed the integration first, via a link posted in an earlier post here.
But then I could not ‘find’ / install the new thermostat card in my HA.

I then saw a link on Github to the Better Thermostat UI on Github.
But did not know how to download / install it.

I eventually twigged to use the Frontend option (read the smallprint?) in the HA HACS menu.
I could then see Better Thermostat option in the cards menu.

So the integration was already installed when I added the card.
I am not ‘doing’ anything with it other than using it for display.

(I still don’t understand the difference between Installation and Frontend).
The ‘Heat’ indication isn’t dramatic though…
The Lounge is indicating Heat on.


I can get your Lounge 16.3 to show as orange when heating which would answer your “not dramatic” enough comment.

Like this

type: custom:better-thermostat-ui-card
entity: climate.wiser_conservatory
disable_window: true
disable_summer: true
disable_eco: true
disable_battery_warning: true
set_current_as_main: true
disable_buttons: true
disable_heat: false
  style: >-
    {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_passive') and states(config.entity,
    'heat') %}
      ha-card {
        --label-badge-red: var(--amber-color);
        --state-climate-cool-color: var(--blue-grey-color);
        --disabled-color: var(--amber-color);
    {% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'is_passive') and states(config.entity,
    'auto') %}
      ha-card {
        --label-badge-red: var(--light-green-color);
        --state-climate-cool-color: var(--blue-grey-color);
    {% endif %} 

    {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_heating') %}
      ha-card svg > text { fill: var(--state-climate-heat-color) };
    {% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'percentage_demand')  | float(0) > 0 %}
      ha-card svg > text { fill: var(--state-climate-heat-cool-color) };
    {% endif %}

This a an EARLY WIP but it is the second if statement that is doing that which was copied from way up in this post over a year ago.

That does look far more noticeable.
Thanks for the info, I may have a play…

Whilst not ideal, you can just sign out of the app and login into your second account. Note that requires two email addresses, one for your primary home and the other for your holiday home. Your dad can just allocate a “[email protected]” and use that as a placeholder.

Thanks @ian1182. Simple, but effective. I suspect this is what Wiser will say is the official way of dealing with two accounts (I have opened a support ticket with them). I was hoping for something a little more seemless, but it’s a workable option nonetheless.

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You do NOT need the integration. I simply installed the Better Thermostat Card via HACs then duplicated my 17 thermostat readouts using this replacement card. Useful tip - the code editor is where you choose target or set temperature priority and various other options. Set the first card up with your preferences and then duplicate this card for your other thermostats. I didn’t notice this and had to go back and tweak them all again.

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Hello everyone,

I have just had a Wiser system installed (a hub, 1 thermostat and 3 TRV’s) and I mainly chose the Drayton system since I was impressed by the look of this integration, so thank you to the maintainers. And also by the fact that Drayton engineers interacted here (rather than the current trend to want to lock everyone into propriety cloud apps).

I want to live with the ‘vanilla’ system for a little while, but over Christmas intend to add the Integration to my HA. I am reading through the Github wiki, but without trawling back over 5 years and 3113 posts, does anyone have any ‘best practices’ or suggestions for someone just starting out?

Just had an error on restarting HA, can’t load the wiser integration. Looks like it’s a case of the wrong case in the module name? @msp1974 any ideas?

Unable to install package aioWiserHeatAPI==1.5.1: ERROR: Cannot install aiowiserheatapi==1.5.1 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies. ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/topics/dependency-resolution/#dealing-with-dependency-conflicts [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.2.1 -> 23.3.1 [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip

I tried adding the second ‘if’ statement to one card with limited success.
Heat card 2

When the heat came on via the schedule, there was no difference.

However, if I click on the Heat option, the bar changes colour as commanded…
but not the threee little lines.

On first glance it looks like your indentation is wrong.

The ha-card line should be aligned under the space between % the i in if.

{% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_heating') %}
  ha-card svg > text { fill: var(--state-climate-heat-color) };

And the “3 little lines” will only change to orange if the room is heating… It looks like your target is 10 degrees but your actual is 18.1 degrees so not heating at all.

Ok, thanks. I’ll check.

When I’ve made that type of mistake in the past, some text code has shown in red and I couldn’t save the yaml until it was correct.
(Although that was using File editor as opposed to Raw configuration editor).

I’ve now changed the alignment as suggested and tested it again.
No difference.

I changed the target to be sure. It took some time to update, but the the 3 lines did eventually go red.

Although I have little experience in this area, would it not have worked at all if it was an alignment issue?

No this is a package requirements conflict. Is this all the error message? Nothing stating what it is conflicting with?

What version of HA are you running and how (HAOS, container, direct install etc). If not HAOS, what version of python?

Also, have you installed another integration recently? Only requirements changes to the api recently is httpx (v3.4 and above) which is same version as HA uses in 2023.11.x and beyond.

That is all of the error, yes. I read it as looking for the package with one version of capitalisation and finding installed, the same name with a different capitalisation. Python package names aren’t supposed to be case-sensitive, though.

HA is 2023.10.2 as container, OS is Ubuntu Jammy. Python is 3.10.12. Wiser integration failed after an update to latest, now doesn’t load. OS doesn’t show any updates available to Python.