Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Ah. For that version of HA you will need to stay on 3.3.11. I prob need to update the docs to make this clear. V3.4.x requires HA 2023.11.0 or higher.

There isnt really much in 3.4 for you so not missing out.

S’okay, sorted. HA hadn’t told me that there’s a new version of itself, so I didn’t spot that dependency.
Pulled the new HA container image and after a bit of faffing with it demanding other updates, we’re back in business and Wiser is back online :slight_smile:

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Hello Dave - in case you’re feeling invisible, here is one hint from a relative newbie (I started this game a few months ago). If you have a room called, say, “Lounge”, don’t make the mistake I did and call it’s schedule “Lounge”. You can, and it works, but it’s confusing. Call its schedule “LoungeSchedule”. Or, as I do, have two - “LoungeWinter” and “LoungeAutumn”. (Spring is the same as Autumn, and Summer should be the same as “off” !). Use the excellent Schedule card that comes with the integration to take command of these things.



Apologies for ignoring your request. Been very busy trying to finish our new kitchen for xmas. Still 70/30 i’d say!

Anyway, the integration is more about being able to do things with Wiser that are not in the app than setting up the system. So make sure you have it all set up before adding the integration.

As @Hillman10 says, configuring your schedules is much easier with the schedule card than in the app IMHO. So make sure to add that to your dashboard.

You also have a zigbee card with the integration to allow you to see the signal strength to all your devices from the hub or what repeater they connect to. Note: repeaters do not show daisy chaining due to limitation in hub data. This will help you make sure all your trvs are talking to the hub well and can help diagnose wierd issues where rads do not respond as you think. Also identifies if you need a repeater plug.

In terms of things to do with this integration, one of the common things people start with is setting away mode when no one is home (and the reverse when back) via automations.

Also, to extend @Hillman10 note on schedules, you can have a single schedule assigned to multiple rooms, which can be useful if you have rooms that are not used much (guest room etc) to create a not occupied schedule and assign this to those rooms, then have an automation controlled by a toggle helper to assign a different ‘in use’ schedule when they are being used.

The wiki on our github page maybe a good place to familiarise yourself with what can be done and there are a few recipees that will also give you some ideas.

Beyond that, whilst we have started badly :grin:, there is plenty help from many of this thread if you get stuck with how to do something.

Get it installed, have a play and let us know how you get on.

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I case you think I’ve ignored you I replied to you in this separate thread so as not to contaminate this blog with something that is not entirely relevant.

Did you not get a notification? I was trying to communicate with you directly.
General question - How do you PM someone?
Anyway… Cheers

click on the persons name then you have option of chat or message.

Thanks. Yes I did that but got no response so just checking I had it right.

Has anyone made much progress with the thermostat cards/styling, following the recent changes to the thermostat card? I’m going to take a look at the better thermostat ui card as mentioned by a few users here, but I normally struggle with CSS. I was happy with the styling that I had in place for the old thermostat card, using code posted much earlier in this thread, but interested to see what others are working on or have achieved so far if anyone is willing to post their cards? I would like to keep my presets for boost, advance and cancel overrides, which I had on the old card style.

I’ve added the Better thermostat card and with a bit of help from Robertwigley and Duke_box, it now looks like this:-


The bit after card mod: is setting the actual temperature value red.

type: custom:better-thermostat-ui-card
entity: climate.wiser_lounge
set_current_as_main: true
name: Lounge
disable_buttons: true
  style: |-
    {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_heating') %}
      ha-card svg > text { fill: var(--red-color) };
    {% endif %}

I don’t think it has presets buit in though, you may have to look into adding some code for that.

Can you explain what you mean by this?

Can you post an example card image and associated card config yaml please?

I have been working on the Better Thermostat card ( as @Johnboy08 has mentioned) as it is based on the old thermostat card, so I am interested to know what you mean by the above.

Also the devs have been working on the new card and it looks like the target and actual temperature will become a configurable swap. The same also on the humidifier card. And lastly it looks like they were discussing removing the more info button to make room for longer names and therefore are going to make the name clickable.
So it might be worth waiting for the next point or main release.

IMO if all the features of the tile climate card were available in the new thermostat card then there wouldn’t have been so much discussion - but that doesn’t address that the new card is way tooo big.

I’ve been holding off on doing much on this and have not yet upgraded to 2023.12.x, partly due to lack of time in the run up to Christmas, but also in the hope that the main issues are addressed by the devs. From what you say, it sounds like they may be soon. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

I don’t think the main issues for me are addressed by just swapping the target and the current temp values around.

The card is too big, it doesn’t show all the attributes the old card did e.g preset mode (passive, Comfort, boost etc) and the colours are not to my liking. Not to mention that passive mode is not displayed like it was.

this is an example of how it was before in my setup.
Old_thermostat_for comparison

And this is auto as I have it in the better thermostat card at the moment showing the same data as above in the Kitchen

with the the tile climate card showing the same info below.

And here is my attempt at Passive

Again with the tile card for comparison and showing the same data as the old card example for the Conservatory.

I’ve tried to look at carving out the hui-thermostat-card from 2023.11.3 but it’s beyond me as there are loads of dependencies and libraries. I thought because the Better Thermostat UI card was based on the old card I could somehow drop the .ts file in there and recompile but that’s proving too much as well.
I found a thread where Mark was explaining how to create a card from a .ts file to get a .js file but that didn’t help me much. I guess I would need a load of help to attempt it.

BTW the I could only get the passive view and the colour hues by hacking the BT card .js file which is not a good way to go!
So i’m persevering with card mod and hacking the BT card .js file for now.


Edit - some of the elements in the BT card are buried deep so I can’t get to them using card-mod (or I’m not good enough to get to them!).
However they are the same elements used in the old thermostat card and it looks like, the new one as well. So someone with better card-mod skills might be able to do this meaning I don’t have to hack the BT .js file. :crossed_fingers:

Sorry, you can disregard my earlier comment - it was that long ago when I set up the cards, I forgot how I had organised things. Although part of my ‘card’ config for each room, it is actually a separate horizontal stack of button cards, that I simply positioned beneath each thermostat card in a stack:


The buttons no longer have borders due to some other theme and style changes I am making at the moment, so it looks a bit odd now, but I may just resort to having the presets in a dropdown or something like that.

It sounds like the new card will be getting some improvements hopefully, so I’ll hang fire for the moment and see what changes are made. Thanks for the info.

OK - no worries.

Can’t you get most of your buttons (apart from Advance Schedule) by just adding the Climate preset modes as a feature in the new thermostat card?

Like this

edit - or get to them using the more info button?

Yeah I’ll use the ‘climate preset modes’ feature in the new card for now, to give the dropdown shown in your screenshot above. I want to avoid having to use the more-info button if possible, and would like as much control from the thermostat view as without additional clicks - to keep things as easy for other users in the house. Here’s my current layout - which is undergoing an overhaul - along with the reset of my dashboard…

Is this a Passive mode bug?
Or do I misunderstand passive mode?

So, while mucking about with the Better Thermo card and card-mod, I noticed that, in both BT card and the old thermo card, that when in Passive mode, the upper target is ignored. The heating continues while there is demand elsewhere.
I would have expected, in Passive mode, that when the upper threshold is reached the heating demand would stop and the valves close irrespective of demand elsewhere in the system.

Is this expected behaviour?

Assigning schedule via Node Red

I have a simple dashboard button toggling a boolean switch helper to trigger a Node Red flow. When the switch is toggled to ON the ‘Bedroom Guest’ schedule is to be assigned to Bedroom 2 and when the switch is toggled to OFF the ‘Unoccupied’ schedule is to be assigned.

Node Red call service node is used to call wiser.assign_schedule with the service parameters being passed as JSON data. Node Red updates to show that the service has been called. The schedule is NOT assigned in Wiser.

Run with debug logging enabled the log shows:

2023-12-20 20:46:02.335 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.wiser.schedules] Assigning Bedroom 2 schedule to Bedroom 2

I have tried using both the schedule name and the schedule ID in the data and both deliver the same log entry.

{“schedule_name”: “Bedroom Guest”, “to_entity_id”: “climate.wiser_bedroom_2”}


{“schedule_id”: 14, “to_entity_id”: “climate.wiser_bedroom_2”}

What am I doing wrong? I’ve tried searching this topic but not found the answer

Yes that is how it should work. When you say it continues heating, what are you looking at to see this?

Have you tried calling the service in the developer tools? Does it also fail to assign the schedule?

You mean apart from the temperature going up :grin:

The preset in the new thermostat shows “Heating”, in the case of the old thermostat card its “Heating Passive”.


In the BT card the icon changes from heat to windy, I assume to show cooling as it is now in the cooling part of the arc.

And finally the attribute percentage_demand is showing >0% which makes my current temperature show as var(–state-heat-cool-color).
