Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

You know? Looking back I think I installed Wiser before I installed HACS, which is why I think I have been having issues. (I added HACS to install the AlphaESS integration). Wiser currently does not appear in HACS as an extra integration, so I think I will have to uninstall Wiser and re-install via HACS to get to the upgrade.

That might explain a iot!

Thanks for your help.

@msp1974 I just upgraded HA to 2023.12.4 and the integration to 3.4.2. It seems fine this time.

One thing I forgot to mention, the 2023.10 to 2023.11.3 upgrade involved a DB schema update.

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Is anyone else seeing this error? I have no idea if it is due to some interaction from me or some other random bug, but looks like a “null” preset is being called for somewhere. I don’t have any automations or routines or custom buttons etc. which make this call, I only use the thermostat card for setting these. Couldn’t tell you if I did so at the time mentioned or not, but in any event something is broken somewhere.

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.wiser.climate
Source: custom_components/wiser/climate.py:408
Integration: Drayton Wiser Integration for Home Assistant (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 26 December 2023 at 23:29:56 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:23:13

is not a valid preset. Valid presets are ['Advance Schedule', 'Cancel Overrides', 'Boost 30m', 'Boost 1h', 'Boost 2h', 'Boost 3h']
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Hi all, first post for a new user of HA etc for about a month, coming from hubitat.
Many thanks for all the hard work on this integration, its what made me go for wiser and HA
I have seen this covered slightly in some post, but cannot get a definitive answer to it. I want to see how much the boiler has been on. My understanding is to create a history stats in a yaml file

- platform: history_stats
  name: Heating On Today
  entity_id: binary_sensor.heating_state
  state: "on"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

I create a binary sensor to map the sensor.wiser_heating in a template file

- binary_sensor:
    - name: Heating_state
      device_class: heat
      state: "{{ is_state_attr('entity.', 'control_output_state', 'on') }}"

both files are linked in the configuration.yaml

Basically I’m not seeing any change in the state for this, its always false or unknown
I’m aware I may have made many noob mistakes, but I have spent countless hours researching before reaching out the hand for help

I’m able to show the sensor.wiser_heating in a mushroom button, which feels like i should be able to access that information to count the time it’s on
Also sorry the code is not formatted correctly

Try using the built in sensor directly (e.g. entity_id: sensor.wiser_heating) rather than creating a new binary sensor. This works for me other than the one-off issue I posted about a few posts back.

You can also find an example on our wiki recipes (admitedly not that obvious - will look at improving that!)

And from @tombadog post.

  - platform: history_stats
    name: Heating on Today
    entity_id: sensor.wiser_heating
    state: 'On'
    type: time
    start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
    end: "{{ now() }}"

  - platform: history_stats
    name: Hot Water on Today
    entity_id: sensor.wiser_hot_water
    state: 'On'
    type: time
    start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
    end: "{{ now() }}"

Thank you so much @darcey & @msp1974 for that.
@msp1974, I tried that example from the the wiki page which lead me what I had, which did not work for me. As a novice, I don’t have a fundamental understanding of yaml, yet, so I appreciate the help.
How often would I see the time refresh for something like this? I’m assuming this is not very dynamic

I can recommend the @tombadog solution. i.e. second part of Mark’s post above. Nothing else needed.

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That worked a treat thanks @darcey

Will it be the same with a room?

- platform: history_stats
  name: Lounge radiator
  entity_id: climate.wiser_lounge
  state: "On"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

The data is not populating

I am not experienced with the HA YAML model either. With a climate entity, I think you would need to check its is_heating attribute.
However I am not sure how you reference that in the history_stats entity_id field. You may need an additional template sensor to expose the attribute as a state, similar to your first attempt with binary sensor.

Revisiting this (displaying heating on/off for a climate entity), use Mark’s first example from the wiki docs.
Incidentally, it uses the control_output_state attribute rather than the is_heating attribute but I am not sure if that makes a difference.

To find out when the boiler is actually on rather than when wiser is calling for heat I have my boiler plugged into a wiser smart plug and I monitor the power level. It shows 3 very distinct levels. Low, boiler in standby, medium, water circulation pump running and high, fan and pump running. The high level is approximately the same as when the flame is burning. It gives a reasonable idea of what going on.
I currently have the wiser hub and the boiler wired from the same plug so if I accidental turn off the smart plug I will kill wiser. So far I have managed to avoid this.

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I have a Glowworm Hxi18 , used esp32 with Dallas DS18B20 sensors strapped to flow and return as close to boiler, another sensor is strapped to hot water tank, allso one inside deep freeze.

use Grafine addon to produce the graphs.
have wiser doing the control for difernt rooms and scheduals.
have managed to down rate the boiler from the original 18kw to 10 kw unfortunatly cannot set any lower, as i realy only need 7.5 kw

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I would like to see how quickly your rooms reach target temps, for me restricting the max flow rate using OpenTherm had the opposite effect. I have been temped to try Weather Comp to see if it any better than OpenTherm.

heres my graphs

Hmm, has passive mode been disabled, none of my stats that were previously set to passive are passive any longer.


Such a long time since I set it, but I’m sure there was a switch here for passive mode ?

Just checked and passive automation is enabled:

I also disabled, submit, enabled, submit but passive mode does not appear.

I have a card with wiser settings, had to put it into edit and add the passive mode for the entity and save it

Yes, I have that too for a long time, but none now work, and when I goto developer > states, the trvs that the passive switch is enabled still show: is_passive: false.

It was al working perfectly for several months and now has just stopped.

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The Passive Mode switch is on the Room Device, not the iTRV device.