Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Oops, you’re right, my memory just gets worse and worse.

Thank you @robertwigley

Why would you want a smart TRV to be in passive mode? What are the benefits?

to stop it calling for heat by itself.

If you have a room that you don’t use much e.g. a spare room and you don’t want it calling for heat itself unless it gets to the minimum temperature you want it to be at.

I have rooms we don’t use much set to Passive Mode with a minimum temperature of 12, but it will heat to 16 if any other (active) room is calling for heat. Basically it prevents the boiler from firing up just to heat that room unless it is 12 degrees, but it will put heat into the room until it hits 16 degrees if one of the (active) rooms is already calling for heat from the boiler meaning there is already heat in the system. It makes an iTRV work more like a classic dumb TRV in that sense and saves energy by only heating the room when other (active) rooms are calling for heat.

It allows you to set a range. So in my case, I want the room to be at 16 degrees, but I don’t want the boiler firing just to heat that room and would rather it dropped to a lower temperature (12 degrees), before doing so, in order to save gas. In practice the rooms generally stay around 16 degrees, but they do drop lower when nothing else is requesting heat. It’s mainly useful if you have iTRVs on all radiators.


LTS flow Temp API entity
Hi I have recently started using Home Assistant and have the Wiser integration.

I find though that the data from the LTS boiler flow temperature (and return) can be missing for various times, sometimes hours sometimes days.

I’m new to HA and API’s so wondered if it’s a API issue or something in the hub or boiler. I’m using the opentherm controller.


This could be that your hub is dropping off the wifi but seems a long time. It could also be that your boiler opentherm is stoping talking to the hub.

If you can catch a time when this is not showing data and download a diagnostic and see if the opentherm data is showing there.

Thanks, I think it’s just the flow temps that get lost. They show as unknown when all the other entities have values.

Is it the diagnostics for the hub? What would I be looking for within it?

Something strange happened with the heating system today.

Boiler fired up at 0458 until 0502hrs.

No schedule is set for then and no demand was indicated from any iTrv.

I’ve only just started monitoring the boiler with HA system & ESP32, (yesterday) although I have used the same ESP32 hardware for monitoring it intermittently, for some time now. (Before I had even heard of HA). Not seen any indication of that happening before.

Otherwise, it now seems to be behaving normally.

its the wiser hub firing system for a few mins x times an hour , the number depends on your fuel type setting , i think its to keep system in a warm standby
its anoying in summer as i can heat pump running , to solve this use an timer in the control feed to boiler which opens switch at night

I am having the same issue if I select the override from the dropdown at the bottom of the card. If I select the same action from the pop-out card (three dots top right), then there is no error reports. Regardless, the action seems to work fine, just the error is being reported.

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Looking at the Wiser demand dunction, it was the heating channel which triggered the ‘spurious’ event.
Random boiler2

I’m confident it is not associated with the fuel selected function.

I wonder if there is a frost type setting which triggered.
It’s the first time the outside temperature has dropped this low this winter.

Same issue here, using the preset dropdown menu. I’ve hidden the more info button on my thermostat cards, so I have to use the preset dropdown, but any of the boost or advance presets trigger this error message, although the function still works. The Cancel Overrides preset doesn’t trigger it though.

The source is:
Source: components/websocket_api/commands.py:280
so I guess raising it under the HA Core issues on Github is the best place. If there aren’t any issues with the same error logged already I’ll create one on there.

Had a quick look at this and also can get the error logged. I will have a further look into it as to why it is logging an error but still working. Im wondering if the function is being called twice, but sexond time without the preset value.

EDIT: fyi, the error is from our integration and not core HA.

Thanks Mark - ah Ok I’ll close my ticket on github in that case - I wasn’t quite sure where the issue was being generated from. I knew I’d pick the wrong place! I did spot something while searching, that had a similar message about presets not being valid, and some mode validation changes - not sure if it’s helpful/related or completely unrelated - Implement mode validation in Climate entity component by gjohansson-ST · Pull Request #105745 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

This does seem to be a bug/inconsistancy in the new thermostat card. As @DrJohnM61 said, it only does this if using preset off the card. Setting preset from the more info does not cause this error. I will raise it with the frontend repo.

I’ve looked at this more closely and it does seem to have been triggered by an iTRV.
So please ignore my earlier post…

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I got this error using pre-sets in the tile card as well.



After installing the integration I added the TRV temperatures to the graph I had of temperatures in my house, and was surprised to see lots of drop out.

Is this normal?
I plotted the signal strength status and there doesn’t seem to be a correlation to a poor signal and the null values.
My house if not that large, so all the TRV’s are within 10m of the hub, albeit with a few walls and a floor separating some of the TRV’s from the hub.
Do I need to get a few Wiser plug to extend the range?

Also the Wiser Zigbee Network card shows signal strength as a percentage, but I can only see the strength as a text state as an entity, is it possible to get the actual value so I can plot it on the same graph rather than relying on the state timeline since this does not quite match up?


Firstly, no this should not be normal. Do your more info history graphs show the same?

You can get signal strength % from the attributes of the signal sensor. Not sure if these are available in history or whether you need to create template sensor.