Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Installed this morning - loving all the additions and improvements, especially power monitoring on the smart plugs. No issues or bugs either yet - thanks for all the hard work!

One question, is there a way to change the away mode set temperature in HA? If not, is this something that would be possible to add? Would be useful to easily dynamically adjust away mode temperatures depending on the time spent away.

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Yes setting the away mode could be done but Iā€™ll be honest Id just use the app.

Log an ER/issue in github and weā€™ll look at it, dont think it will be difficult to implement, it could be a climate device or probably just a service (not sure it makes sense to expose this to the UI asa climate device)

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A service would be ideal. It would be really useful! Will log on GitHub.

Is there an elegant way to have the ā€œboostā€ function to set a defined temperature, rather than what it does now which is a +2 degrees?

Use case is I go into a room that is unheated and could be 8 degrees below what I want. On the room stat it just boosts for a time period and sets 2 degrees above ambient. I would like it to set a defined temp for that room(say 20 deg), or the temperature from the next ā€œonā€ period in the schedule.

I could probably pick up the ā€œoverrideā€ status on the climate entity and do something with it, just wondering if there are any better ideas? Cheers.

Nice update. Although Iā€™m a little confused by some of the new entities. I used to have scripts that would boost heating for different time pereiods. These obviously no longer work. I had buttons on my lovelace display that would call the script and I also had Alexa commands that did as well. How do I get the same functionality now with v3? I can see the boost ā€œpresetsā€ when you click on the thermostat device but not sure how to get them into a simple button to press or Alexa.


I guess your script called a service to set the boost. You have 2 options to do this.

  1. use the wiser.boost_heating service where you can supply climate entity, boost delta and time, to do custom settings for temp and time period.

  2. use the climate.set_preset service and supply the climate entity and Boost 30, Boost 60 etc, ie the preset name to use the standard options. FYI the boost delta for this is set in the integration options.


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What a good job for this 3.0 release.
Thanks a lot.

@a345623456 you have a few of options here. All of which can be set on a button, in an automation (if you have a room motion sensor) or a script.

  1. You can use the climate.set_temperature service and pass the temp you want. This will put the room into override mode (if in auto mode) with that temp until next schedule time or just set the room temp if in heat mode.

  2. You can use the climate.set_preset service with a preset of ā€˜Advance Scheduleā€™ to set the temp to the next schedule temp. Again, this will put the room into override mode until next schedule time. This is assuming that your room is set to auto. If not, then do option 1 or 3.

  3. There is an attribute on each climate device to show the next scheduled temp. You can pass this attribute value to the climate.set_temperature service so that you can effectively set to next schedule temp if not in auto mode.

As a side note, for bosting you are limited to a max of 5C, which is a restriction on the hub itself, so doing a boost may not work for you. Also note, the boost temp delta is set in the integration options and can be changed from 1 to 5 in 0.1C increments. There is also a wiser.boost_heating service that you can pass the boost temp to. Again this could be called from a button, automation, script etc.
Hope that helps.

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Did you get anywhere with your automation? I was thinking of doing something similar as one of my rooms the TRV really over-reports compared to the room sensor. I was thinking that the automation needs to basically be, if room temp is more than 1C less than than TRV temp, then set boost for 30 mins, but have no idea how to do that in an automation!

Update to v3.0.15 released today fixing a few issues that have been reported.

Now handles rooms with multiple TRVs. Previously would create multiple entities under 1 room device
Fix for boost all rooms which was not setting temp correctly as per config options.
Add ability to set target temp or temp delta for boost heating service as was possible in v2.x

Very few issues logged so far on v3, so hope you are enjoying the new features and it is stable. Feel free to share the things you are doing with this integration. Angelo and I love to hear the great things our community is doing.


Hi all,
Any easy way to get rid of the old devices?
Was able to delete all the entities but now way to delete the ā€˜containerā€™ for the room.
The ā€˜ownerā€™ of the room went from
by Drayton Wiser
by Drayton Wiser
Connected via Wiser HeatHub (WiserHeat03XXXX)
I also wanted to thank you and the rest of the HA community for all your input in getting this integration working.


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Please read the documentation for the v3 release which has a simple service to do this called remove_orphaned_devices

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Hi Mark,

My fault did not read the updated docs on the beta.
I read the Final 2.7 but when I switched to the beta forgot to read.
Old ones are now gone.

Thanks again for this great integration. This made me choose for wiser


Thank you for the continued and great work you are doing with this integration.

I have upgraded to v3.0.15 and all is working well. However I seemed to have lost the heat hub signal strength sensor?
At times my heat hub seems to be on the fringe of my wifi and would occasionally drop off the network. The signal strength sensor was a handy way to show how well the hub was attached to my network.

My apologies if Iā€™m missing something obvious here but can we have it back please? (if at all possible)

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Just upgraded to v3.0.15 and noticed several battery levels for iTRVā€™s are showing empty when they arenā€™t. Wiser app shows them correct?

@tfspark the hub signal strength sensor was removed in v3 as it did not seem to make too much sense (could be me through!). It was not a wifi signal strength but a zigbee signal strength. We had feedback that this was being used to see when the hub dropped off the network (which they do frequently for some). As such, we added some new attributes to the heating_operation_mode sensor to show last update from hub, minutes since update and whether last attempt to updated was successful or failed. Does this fit what you need?


I will be releasing a 3.0.16 version tonight and have made a couple of improvements to the way battery data is updated. I am not seeing this issue but see if this improves it.


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Sorry just realised you might meant that the batteries are showing as depleted when the apps says they are not. Is that what you mean? If so, please log as an issue in github repo ideally with screenshots to show examples. Thx

Hi and thanks. I donā€™t necessarily want to use the scripts, this was just an easy way to A) have a button to call the boost and B) have Alexa call the boost.

If there are different ways to acheive these in the new version, Iā€™m happy to swap.


The battery levels are now showing correctly after a few reboots.

Yes they were showing depleted.