Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Don’t worry about it. I think, I have found the reason.

I have added a bunch of TRVs today. All on the old firmware 000000943. And all shows repeater. But the once it updates to 0000dac0 then it shows direct.

Is there any chance to expose the valve position or is that not part of the API? The TRVs show the valve position on a Zigbee network as “Heat Demand PI”. 0% closed, 100% fully open.

good the repeater bit is resolved… Now for the heating “rate”, i think the TRV attribute you want is percentage_demand

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Thanks! I haven’t looked there. I thought it would be under the iTRV attributes.

Hi, I have recently installed the Wiser system in my home and set up this integration in Home Assistant, which is working brilliantly. However, I have noticed that the Wiser TRVs often do not accurately show the actual temperature of the room (I have Aqara sensors in each room which I know to be accurate), instead they are usually 1 - 2 degrees above or below.

Has anyone experienced this, and if so is there a solution - perhaps a way to calibrate the TRVs?

I’ve set up some graphs in Grafana to plot the temperatures from the TRVs and sensors where you can see the discrepancies.

Hey good timing, I have the opposite :slight_smile:
in my new place I have wiser and my sons room I have a growEgg with what I consider quite accurate temp. What Im seeing is that it will say 17c whereas wiser thinks its 19c (1-2c) above.

I think the reason for this is, is that the trvs are at floorlevel , perhaps next to a wall, a blanket etc…

In our master bedroom we have a Thermostat and this is typically +/- 0.5c so for me I plan to buy another roomstat which i know takes precedence over the trvs…

I have not seen a setting which allows you to add a “compensation” value to the trv (my old Max! valves did)…

Anyone else like to comment?

I use the average component as the location of the TRV is not ideal to be used alone as a temperature reference. I have a xiaomi temp/humidity sensors that are positioned at eye sight height then use the avg of the two sensors.

I thought I read in the wiser documentation that they adjust the temperature of the trv with an algorithm to factor in the positioning, to try and give a temperature reflective of the centre of the room

How? For that you should provide some metrics where the TRV or thermostat is regarding the center of the room.

Yeah, no idea to be honest. I am guessing the “algorithm” isn’t very sophisticated.

FYI, found the source:

I do not believe any word what is written there.

Just read this and you will have serious doubts that the person who wrote any of those articles has any technical knowledge of the system.

Edit: Just to make it clear, this article comes up under the Wiser Room Thermostat category, which has nothing to do with 2.4Ghz wifi.

Yeah, whatever algorithm they use is shockingly bad. As far as I can tell the TRVs have been out for 4 years, so you’d think they’d refined their algorithm to be a bit better. Or perhaps what we have currently is the best they can manage :confused:

See this morning’s data:

The TRV thinks the temperature has increased 5 degrees, when in reality it has only gone up less that 1 degree :man_facepalming:

I’m probably going to have to write an automation to boost the heating whenever the real room temp is under the setpoint. Anyone done anything like this?

Yeah I think they make a lot of “assumptions” , I bet their advanced algorithm is, if TRV temp is 18C, then assuming a typical house has 2.5M room height, then the middle of the room temperature is 21C, so lets report that… Like @BBCiplayer suggested I think the best approach is to use either the Wall Thermostat or use some temp sensor and tweak the values…

Isnt it just easier to add 3C, or what ever you want, to the target temp?

Indeed, that’s what I’ve started doing as a temporary solution, but I generally don’t like having to add fudge factors like that. I would much prefer the product work as advertised, even if that means I have to do some work to make it so.

Hi all!

We’ve just released R2.7Final via HACS. This is the last release of the 2.x code base and we’ll soon be releasing V3. :slight_smile:

Upcoming V3

Mark (@msp1974) has been really really busy and has totally rewritten the internal code that communicates with Wiser and HA. This was done to improve stability, make it easier for us to maintain the code and to support the newer HA stuff. Most/all of the open issues are now resolved in V3 and we are doing final tests, that said feel free to pull the V3 branch and have a play. In the next coming days will will release it to HACS but there are some caveats

Due to the significant internal code changes many of the entity names will unfortunately change, this means that V3 is a major breaking changing release :frowning: We will initially release V3 as a V3 PreRelease and only upgrade if you have the time to tweak your dashboards , automations etc to accommodate the new entities (ie not busy eating mince pies, glugging wine etc)

Hope this is ok and we think the effort is worthwhile given the new features implemented

Many thanks and happy Christmas to you all!

Mark, Angelo


This is really an issue of the placement of the TRV, not a single device or code can assume what is really happening else but next to the radiator.

The TRV basically 5 cm away from the radiator which it turns on and it starts to radiate heat to it.

And of course it depends as well what temperature water you are circulating through the radiator and how many radiators you have for the size of the room.

Brotje gas heaters and their controllers has an algorithm to adjust water temperature depending on the outside temperature and they can assume what is your temperature in the room without the room thermostat (just by the in and out flow water temperature). And the algorithm is terrible… There are plenty variables what can be changed in the heater itself, like hysteresis curves, and it depends on the size of the radiators, air flow, etc… So do not assume miracles from any system.

I agree, I dont think there is a way it can be done reliabily without a secondary temperature probe (Ie a room stat)

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The other factor what I forgot to mention, where is your TRV located on the radiator?

I have seen valves at the bottom of radiators, or on the top of it. I have even seen a setup where the radiator was just beneath a parapet/windowsill that has trapped the heat and of course even a dumb TRV was not working well, so it always had to be kept fully open on number 5 position, what supposed to be a 23 Celsius setting with the old wax based TRVs.

Ok. V3 has been released just now as a beta release. Please read the upgrade info carefully and ensure you have at least 2021.12.1 HA version.

I hope you enjoy the new functions. Appreciate any feedback, further suggestions etc. Please log any issues on the github repo and we will look at.



I guess the temperature issue is that when there is no hot water circulating the TRV sensor being sited low in a room is reading below temperature. When hot water is circulating the TRV being adjacent is likely reading high - especially if the pipe runs below it. It’s quite a complex thing to estimate being under in one scenario and over in the other.