Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Thanks Mark, that would be amazing. I hope it is not a lot of work. I couldn’t find a patreon or ‘buy me a coffee’ on GitHub, but would like to show appreciation somehow.

@robertwigley Hi Robert, sorry to go back to this post after so long, but I’ve finally put my automation together to handle the open windows/doors based on the code you kindly provided.

Regarding the wait template, am I right in thinking that the wiser hub and wiser hub status binary sensors are template sensors, based on a ping sensor setup to poll the wiser hub? If so, any chance you could share these template sensor codes please? I have a ping sensor setup already that i can use, which i used to use during the older firmware dropout issue, but i guess i just need a template sensor which gives a bibary yes/no or online/offline based on these ping readings. Just not sure how the code should look to achieve this? Thanks in advance

It’s always nice when an old friend comes to visit again.

I have noticed that I am getting a changing message on operating mode, Fluctuating between OTplus and OTplusCommunicationFailure

Did this also resolve itself when the flow temps returned? I’m seeing the same toggling between OTplus and OTplusCommunicationFailure on an Ideal Logic 35. Just moved to Drayton from Honeywell T6…

Yes, binary_sensor.wiser_hub is a Ping (IMCP) sensor, which is added through the Integrations UI, and binary_sensor.wiser_hub_status is a template binary sensor.

# Template Binary Sensors
- binary_sensor:
    # Wiser Hub Status binary sensor
    - name: Wiser Hub Status
      device_class: problem
      icon: >-
        {%- if is_state('binary_sensor.wiser_hub_status', 'on') -%}
        {%- else -%}
        {%- endif -%}
      state: >-
        {%- if is_state_attr('sensor.wiser_hub_heating_operation_mode', 'last_update_status', 'Success') -%}
        {%- else -%}
        {%- endif -%}

Great, thanks for confirming. Just one thing tripped me up - I’m not sure whether the sensor.wiser_hub_heating_operation_mode name changed at some point, but on my integration it shows as sensor.wiser_heating_operation_mode, so after I updated that, the wait template evaluates correctly.

I’ve renamed a lot of my entities from the defaults. Anything that is hub related, I have appended _hub_ to. Glad you got it working.

Ah I did wonder after I replied, whether you had simply renamed the default entity. Thanks again - just saw it ‘live’ in action for the first time, due to a patio door being cracked open while there was still a demand for heat in that room. The iTRV closed and the heating changed to ‘Off’ for that room - until the door was closed again, and things switched back to Auto for that room :slight_smile: Very satisfying!

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Spotted my boiler ( Viessman) reported an opentherm error this morning at 1AM.

Checked and my wiser hub has updated to version 3.18 ( no mention of any change in the wiser app)

I had to reload the wiser integration for HA to report as 3.18

Has anyone seen any changelogs?

My hub is also now at 3.18.0. I’m guessing the firmware upgrade ocurred shortly after midnight GMT.

uptime: 0d 09:45:49
last_reset_reason: SOFT_RST

Like you, I cannot find any mention of the changes.

The firmware update occured at 01:20 for me. I have an automation that monitors this. You do need to change the version in the from trigger each time an update occurs. This could probably be automated with a text helper, but I haven’t bothered as it doesn’t change that often. Automation below, for anyone that wants to use it.

My iTRVs are also (still) slowly receiving an update to 0.62.0.

There is a changelog of sorts here and a video here.

# Wiser Hub firmware monitor
- id: 1C3845B1-BEF9-4A2C-8E4D-2E7AD3FCA73F
  alias: "Wiser: Hub firmware monitor"
    var_date: "{{ now().strftime('%d/%m/%Y') }}"
    var_time: "{{ now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.wiser_hub_signal
      attribute: firmware
      from: '3.18.0'
    # Prevent notification on restart and integration reload
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.state != 'unavailable' and trigger.to_state.state != 'unknown'}}"
    - service: notify.all_devices
        title: Wiser Hub Firmware Update
        message: >-
          The Wiser Hub firmware has been updated from {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.firmware }} to {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.firmware }}.<br>
          {{- var_time }} {{ var_date -}}
          notification_icon: mdi:router-wireless
            - action: URI
              title: View
              uri: /lovelace-home/heating
          clickAction: /lovelace-home/heating
          ttl: 0
          priority: high
          color: green
          sticky: true
          group: Wiser
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Hey, thank you for the great work!
I have couple of Wiser RoomStats and recently noticed when, I assume, hub goes offline for a bit humidity drops to zero and then recovers. Temperatures seems to behaving fine for these stats during same time.
I wonder if humidity hasn’t received treatment of being marked as unavailable or similar like mentioned about temperature in some previous pots.

It is very low priority, the only issue is it’s harder to read humidity as dropping to zero causes chart scale become smaller.
Thank you!

Schneider are terrible at informing their users about changes to firmware. I guess they dont consider us important enough. :face_exhaling: :sleepy:

Maybe not as comprehensive as you would like but:


We are working on much more public changelogs for the community.

We tend to roll out updates in a particular order. It is not uncommon for firmware to be release in anticipation of a full update. After all the components are updated you will get an in-App, App Store, email, and update section on https://wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk/new-and-improved-wiser-app

You have to admit the limited info on that site is unacceptable.

One of the major selling points of Wiser is that it seemlessly takes care of your heating (and other devices) in the home without you even having to think about it. Wiser is there to maximise comfort whilst saving energy and the feedback we have from the very vast amount of customers is that they have piece of mind that they do not have to think about it. They don’t want the details. But, there are other people in the community that want to know all of the details about everything, not just the highlights, and we want to also support them. We will improve the granularity of our release notes for these people, it is coming.


This is one of the reason why I chose a system that can work autonomously to home automation, I appreciate that one model cannot fit all users and it appears that if someone is here talking about improvements, it’s a good direction for the product.

I would prefer to see some action rather than talking, Wiser could be so much better.

There are all kinds of users but i would have thought that most users would want to know what Schneider is doing with their heating system.