Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

If it’s a slow roll-out, could that explain why I’ve been getting random reports of devices going offline on my phone recently? (From Wiser App).

The Room Stat has done it 3 times in a week.
30th March.
Although the display comes on, I checked the batteries. Both measured 1.32V
Wiser system / HA was indicating 90% battery life.
Changed the batteries and all seemed good.

4th April.
Received another report that Room Stat had gone offline again.
Checked batteries. Measured 1.6V.
Refitted batteries and all seemed good again.

7th April.
Received another report that Room Stat had gone offline again.
Looking at the Zigbee network, all the devices apart from the Room Stat have migrated to the Smart Switch. Room Stat showing 0% to the hub.
Removed and re-fitted batteries, seemed all good again.
Signal strength now connected to hub showing 50%.

9th April
Received report that one iTRV is offline.
That recovered itself after around 2 hours. (60% battery).

The system was installed around 18months ago.
Batteries have been replaced over recent months, so nothing showing less than 60%.
I’ve not had this nonsense before.

Unfortunately, I actually doubt most people care and just trust the manufacturer to look after it for them. I suspect it’s only the enthusiast and smart home community that want this information.and most people are completely oblivious to the fact they’ve received a firmware update at all.

Personally I think it’s great to see that @jamiebennett is still present in this forum and looking at and responding to feedback here, even if not much is feeding through into changes or is taking a very long time to happen.

It’s more than other manufacturers do to get involved in a third-party integration forum in a smart home system. So I am at least very grateful for that, even though I would like to see faster implementation of feedback into the product itself, which could take it to being market leading.


Well said.

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When we roll out new updates it can include changes to the end devices too like iTRVs and the thermostats. When the update is applied to them there is a very brief period of time where the device will appear offline but it will come back, with the latest firmware, when the update completes. Normally it is transparent.

I hear you, it’s coming.

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Since the hub firmware update to 3.18 I am seeing improvements in the time taken for the hub to reconnect to WiFi when it loses connection.
Before the update the hub would take around 5 minutes to reconnect to WiFi, now it is taking around 30 seconds.
Is anyone else seeing this or is it just a coincidence that my last few disconnects have reconnected quickly?

It’s still taking 5 minutes to reconnect following the firmware update for me.

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If I have a disconnect it is reconnected at exactly 30 seconds. I have observed this prior to this firmware update to 3.18, so I suspect you are seeing the integration polling doing its thing when a disconnect occurs.
I may be wrong but having a strong wifi connection is key. I have put a dedicated wifi AP next to the hub and I have had very few disconnects since the previous update which was pitched to have resolved this issue - well it did for me.

30 second disconnects a few times a week is not an issue for me.

Looks like there’s a Gen2 version of the HubR inbound - found this on the French site:


In the UK can see RS has the single channel version but not the Heating + Hot Water version.

Tempted to jump on one as soon as it is just to see if it fixes the wifi connectivity issues. Still no ethernet port sadly.

Unfortunately, this has been out quite a while now in France. Not sure if we’ll ever see it in the UK.

Does it support any different features? It’s still running 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n WiFi and doesn’t have any external antennae so WiFi connectivity might not be any more reliable.

A big improvement for me would be if it supported more ZigBee routers so expanding the network don’t rely on the expensive Wiser smart plugs. IKEA are selling these for £10 now vs £42 for a Wiser one. That’s a huge premium for just expanding the network. I get that the hub needs to be a ZigBee controller, but since the boiler control wires and thus the Hub, are often in the worst location for ZigBee and WiFi giving more options for connectivity would be a huge improvement.

I’m in France, I have a hub generation 1 and one generation 2 for a year, working at home, here are the result of the ethernet issue for the current month, the 2 hubs are on the same place (same table)

I think that the generation 2 is more powerful then the first generation on ethernet link, it can manage more Wiser devices and introduce also automations.

@LGO44 Thanks for the feedback, so it looks like the gen2 is more stable overall. Can I ask how you have the error counters in your dashboard configured?

since the wifi drop I’ve created a sensor

sensor wiser status

  • sensor:
    • name: “Wiser Status”
      state: >
      {{ state_attr(‘sensor.wiser_heating_operation_mode’,‘last_update_status’) }}

an automation manage an error counter “counter.wiser_status_mensuel_1”, reseted every month, displayed in the dashboard:

alias: incrémentation compteur faute wiser
description: “”

  • platform: state
    • sensor.wiser_status
      to: Failed
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
  • service: counter.increment
    data: {}
    entity_id: counter.wiser_status_mensuel_1
    mode: single
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Hi all, new to Home Assistant but set it up and connected my Drayton Wiser Hub/Thermostat/TRVs to HA and all worked beautifully, thanks for the effort on this integration!

One quick qu, and apologies if I’m being blind, but I just got a Drayton smart plug and was wanting to add it into my existing setup in Home Assistant, but it doesn’t automatically find it, and if I press the ‘Add device’ button on this integration’s ‘devices’ page it just says “This device is already configured.”.

How do I go about adding the plug?

Add the plug to your Wiser Hub using the Wiser app.

It will then be detected by the integration and added to Home Assistant where you can control it.

This is the best way as it also allows the smart plug to extend the range of your Wiser network.

Hm I added it to the Wiser app yesterday when it arrived, but still no sign of it in Home Assistant on the integrations screen (same 7 devices showing as before, no plug).

It should automatically show then I take it? Nothing manual that I should be needing to do?

Update: Ah a HA restart did the trick this time (did try one earlier but seems like this one did it). Showing up now. Cheers!

Hi everyone, @RolandLT,

I have the same behavior (A randomly return to 0), but for my heater energy sensors (Here the consumption of my bathroom heater) :

And the problem is that It detects a new cycle for my energy dashboard :

It can be seen below that a behavior has changed (around April. While it was continuously increasing before April) :

Does anyone have experienced this kind of trouble ?
I’m wondering if it’s related to the Drayton new version 3.4.6 (" * Prevent entities going unavailable if hub update failed")

Many thanks for your help !

Im going to have a look at all sensors and make sure they do not go to 0 if hub update fails. Hopefully for next update.

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Thanks for your help @msp1974, appreciate it