Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Thanks Mark. When I re-enabled it, my automation catches the event fine, no issue there. I must have confused my automation notification with logbook entries. Cheers.

Great, thanks @dunxd and @msp1974 I should be able to do something along those lines :+1:

I wanted to ask a setup question about Wiser (not the integration) to you experts around here.

My living room (~18sqm) is connected to a conservatory (~10sqm), and we removed the sliding door separating them back when we changed the conservatory roof to a solid roof with insulation (best decision ever btw). So visually, they are like a single large open plan area and all 3 rads are needed to heat the area. The flow of heat is always in one direction though, and the conservatory is always the coldest side (in cold months) and the warmest point (in warm days).

Living room has 2 radiators, each with iTRV, and conservatory has 1 rad with iTRV too. Also have 1 room thermostat, also always in this area (sometimes moves within these 2 subrooms).

I did the initial setup as if all this was a single room, with 3 iTRV and 1 Room thermostat. It works, no complaints.

But on really sunny days, the conservatory gets to 26-28C, while the main living room area remains fairly stable as it has no direct sunlight. This wonā€™t make any diff in terms of boiler time, as itā€™s not triggered by far these days.

But, would you redo the setup and make it so they are 2 different rooms to Wiser eyes? Iā€™m unsure if it would have any benefit in terms of heating, but itā€™d probably show some interesting data difference between the 2 sub rooms.

What do you guys think?

If the gradient between the two spaces is only significant in the summer months, when the heatingā€™s off, then any thermostat setup seems irrelevant. But if it is significant in colder months when the heating is on, i would think the best bet is to reinstate the door, close it in winter, & treat them as independent spaces again.
EDIT - I in no way consider myself expert!

If your 2 areas have noticably different thermal characteristics, having 3 trvs in a single room setup will heat the whole to an average of them, which will be incorrect for both.

Possibly overheating one and under heating the other. As such, i would say seperate back into 2 Wiser rooms and that way, each area will heat as needed. This may or may not reduce energy use.

However, due to the flow of heat around the whole area, obviously, heat will be lost from one to the other.

Agree with @darcey, that it maybe an idea to put some doors back to maintain comfort in winter months but maybe bifolds to allow opening back up into 1 space.

Thanks both. No, the doors are not going back for sure (we got rid of them 2 years ago anyway). Itā€™s the best decision we ever made in the house.

The difference is not that big. 1 or 2C at most in cold months.

Just to add to that ā€¦ I had a solution along those lines (not quite the same use case but the same technical outcome). It worked fine, but I wanted more ā€¦ Instead of having to remember to push the button the evening before, how about having the system work out for itself that tomorrow needs the special schedule?

There is a way, as long as there is an entry in an online calendar somewhere!

  • Sync that calendar with a Google Calendar, if it isnā€™t one already
  • Connect the Google Calendar to HA (use the Google Calendar integration)
  • Write an automation that looks at tomorrows diary entries, parses for the key word or location that indicates that you need to activate Special mode, and if it finds it then set the mode (Guest Mode in the example youā€™ve been given) using another script.
    Job done!

Notes: the email at the end is entirely optional but I like the reassurance

  • and this usecase has the added need that I have to know the start of the first matching appointment and the end of the last, so I can set the schedule accordingly, but you may well not need that.
alias: CheckEvents
  - service: calendar.get_events
        - calendar.zzzzz_gmail_com
        hours: 23
    response_variable: myagenda
  - variables:
      my_events: |
        {{ myagenda['calendar.zzzzz_gmail_com']['events']
          | selectattr('location', 'eq', 'xxxxx') | list }}
  - condition: "{{ my_events | count > 0 }}"
  - service: input_datetime.set_datetime
      entity_id: input_datetime.treatmentstarts
      timestamp: "{{ my_events[0].start | as_timestamp }}"
  - service: input_datetime.set_datetime
      entity_id: input_datetime.treatmentends
      timestamp: "{{ my_events[-1].end | as_timestamp }}"
  - service: script.treatmentspecialset
    data: {}
  - service: notify.emailnotify
      title: Automated Schedule Set
      message: >-
        The first real event starts at {{ my_events[0].start }} /  The last real
        event ends at {{ my_events[-1].end }} /  My count is {{ my_events |
        count }}
mode: single

@Hillman10 Thanks for the suggestion, i really like the calendar sync/trigger idea and may well incorporate this into my setup :+1:

This is a bit odd, since this reboot happened I have been keeping an eye on it, and I have had 3 WDT reboots, 2 at PRECISELY 9am (as was the first one that I first talked about), and 1 at PRECISELY 1am. Not every day. Any thoughts on why? Nothing else happens on my network at those times.

Saw this today, very nice :slight_smile: Someones built a youtube video for the installation of this integration


I have created a node red routine to spot the uptime on the wiser hub resetting (IE: itā€™s rebooted) and notify me. It is doing it most days I have discovered. Reason is always WDT_RST, and it happens at various times (Iā€™ve seen 1am, 9am, 5pm) but it is always on the hour. I currently have a ticket open with drayton, they are looking in to itā€¦ If I hadnā€™t spotted the battery levels being unavailable after restarting HA the other day, I donā€™t think I would notice this. Nothing is showing unavailable beforehand, nothing in HA logs at the time, it just randomly reboots. Always on the hour.

Looking at sensor.wiser_heathub_signal in my influx DB, last_reset_reason_str is always WDT_RST. Other than after power cycle, I am not sure what other value you would see here. Problem for me is, it happens alrmingly frequently. I have had an issue the past few days with the hub offline (red light, no http and no ping response) for several hours on several occassions. I did have an ISP problem (confirmed by them) with the wan down for about 90 minutes. But any correlation timewise is not apparent and the hub has continued to go offline for extended periods. It is okā€™ish now but ping response from the hub is still slower than usual. BTW ā€˜studyā€™ is actually what we call the dining room but I donā€™t like mutliword room names :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I hadnā€™t thought of looking backā€¦ I see long periods (days, even weeks) of it being SOFT_RST or even GENERAL_RST, but it has been WDT_RST since May 6th. All that tells me is it did a WDT reboot then, and has probably been doing it regularly since, as I have just discovered. But my hub is not going offline for long periods. It is ā€œworkingā€ as far as I can tell right up to the moment it reboots.

Hello all,

Iā€™m setting up a new heating system and considering drayton wiser trv instead of hive for all radiators. Main reason for this is because wiser speaks to opentherm boilers so can modulate the temperature for lower energy use.

Heatmeiser for the underfloor heating as wiser ufh is too expensive without opentherm advantage.

I understand wiser works with ha via the integration here. My query is:

  1. How well has this integration worked for you all.

  2. How granular is it?

  3. Is it cloud based or direct to zigbee locally.

  4. If local zigbee control, can the wiser TRVā€™s pair with both the wiser hub + HA at the same time?

thanks in advance.


I write the integration, so iā€™ll leave others to say how well it works but we get a lot of good feedback and have about 600 users.

For the rest of your questions.

The integration provides lots of sensors, action buttons and services to allow you a high level of control over and data analysis over your heating system. See our wiki for more detail.

It uses a local rest api directly to the hub. So the hub deals with all the zigbee and we read the data and send control commands to the hub. However, should your HA system be offline, the hub will ensure your heating continues to function. So yes, the TRVs pair with the hub and the hub talks to HA, so you can use HA or the wiser app at the same time.

Hope that helps.

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Hi Mark,

Amazing for such a quick response from the developer himself.

Without even getting feedback, that level of care tells me the integration will be great.

I think this alone has sold me to go the Wiser way instead of Hive.

Can I check if the integration gives access to the Opentherm dialogue between the hub and the boiler for modulation of boiler flow rate with weather etc. input, instead of basic boiler on/off control at full boiler temp (until the desired trv temp is reached) - as this wastes energy by overshooting temp, then repeatedly undershooting.

Opentherm integration would be crazy amazing.

Finally, does this allow to control the underfloor heating too (both wet and dry as I think drayton use different switch/hub for each)?


The integration is excellent and allows you more control over the system than the Wiser app. Itā€™s been very reliable for me and I donā€™t think you will find any other heating system on the market that, when paired with this integration, allows such granular control and most importantly all works locally. This integration, plus the fact that Wiser is local, was the reason I choose Wiser over Hive or Tado. I came from Nest, which was garbage. Regarding Hive, I know a company that installs smart home kit to work with Home Assistant used to use Hive and have now switched to using Wiser.

Although I donā€™t have UFH, the integration will allow you to control this too. It will allow control of anything that is paired with the Wiser Hub and @msp1974 support and maintenance of the integration is second to none.

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thanks for the recommendation robert.

On the underfloor heating, do you know if this covers dry aswell as wet systems as they have different equipment I understand.

Also, is there a reddit and discord/telegram etc. chat channel for this community?


For UFH, they have two different bits of kit. The Electrical Heat Switch for dry systems and the Underfloor Heating Controller for wet systems. I have no experience with the Underfloor Heating Controller, but have successfully setup the Electrical Heat Switch to control an electric plinth heater for my Dad (see further up the thread for details), as it can be used to control other items without the remote temperature probe that you need for UFH.

This is the main channel for discussing this integration and is very active with @msp1974 regularly participating, as you have seen. I am not aware of any others.

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Yes, you can see opentherm info and we have some sensors for that. This is not directly from the dialogue between the hub and the boiler. The hub controls all this and we just read or set values via the hub. I do not have an opentherm boiler but have developed this based on data and feedback from some of our user base. I understand that the Wiser opentherm implementation could be better and I am not sure how much control you can do over settings. However, always happy to improve things based on feedback if it is possible.

We create 2 sensors if your boiler is connected via opentherm, flow temp and return temp. On the flow temp, we also show most of the parameters available.

And yes, we can also work with the UFH controller. Again, developed from data and feedback of some people who have one, so again, can improve if something is missing/not working etc with your help.

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