Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Excellent - They are all back. Appreciate the quick response.

Reporting 3.4.7 now and all buttons present for the hub.

I also learnt that HACS is rather unreliable if IPv6 is enabled in Home Assistant. It seems that GitHub doesn’t fully support IPv6 and if you have both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled in HA (Settings >System > Network > Configure Network Interfaces) HACS will attempt to use IPv6 to update sometimes and it will fail without any evidence apart from in the logs. Luckily I was only using IPv6 in HA to monitor my IPv6 address so not a huge loss.

All buttons are back after redownload - thank you so much!

I asked Wiser support, they said:

"Once every 2 weeks the WISER valves will automatically calibrate themselves, to ensure the pins don’t stick, that kind of thing.

This happens in all of our TRVs and can’t be turned off. It’s a built in feature."

So the question is, does the valve protect toggle in HA do anything?

G’day. Some time ago I had an automation that intercepted TRV boost events and I seem to remember boosts, by default, being recorded in the logbook. This doesn’t seem happen anymore. Am I wrong or has something changed in the integration/HA?

@msp1974 Hi. It seems that humidity from room stats still drop to 0 when hub becomes unavailable in latest version

Let me know if you want some logs for this :blush:

I have had an oddity this morning. Integration is at 3.4.7. I updated HA OS to 12.3 this morning and after the reboot several of my wiser device battery levels were unavailable, several TRVs (but not all of them) and the room stat. Everything else in the integration was available as normal. Everything looked fine on the devices display within the wiser app, everything was connected and showing levels. All the devices have been on the latest firmware levels for a while. I downloaded the diagnostics file and on the offending devices the “BatteryVoltage” and “BatteryLevel” values were just missing. They slowly re-appeared, after an hour or so they were all back, has anyone else ever seen this happen?

My system is regularly reporting devices going offline.
That started a couple of months ago.

It also shows up in HA as battery status unavailable.
They come back online usually.
The example posted here indicates on one occasion, an iTRV was offline for around 17hours.

Another oddity.
I’ve switched the Kitchen to Not ‘Follow Schedule’.
That shows up strangely in HA now as ‘Heat On’.

But it’s not ‘causing a problem’ so I just ignore it.

When you switch out of Auto, it is supposed to show as Heat as that’s the mode’s name.

I have not seen that. I don’t have any interruption in the temp readings, it was only the battery info that was missing/unavailable. All the devices were online. On the room stat device for example, the two switches for device lock and identify were working, the signal was being reported, it was just the battery info that was missing for about 45 minutes after the reboot.

This pretty much always happens when the hub reboots. The devices only send their battery levels on an hourly basis. If you check on the hub signal sensor, you will see the hubs uptime. Does this correlate?

As @robertwigley says, Heat is the HA mode for non follow schedule (ie Manual mode) on the hub. We have to match the different Wiser modes to what HA has available.

On your batteries, as said above, hub reboots often result in battery levels missing until devices report in. On the one that did not report for 17 hours, does this have a good signal strength?

EDIT: sorry just looked at all screenshots and see it has medium signal strength. Not sure why it did not report for such a long time.

Ok, missed that one. Will sort for next update. Thanks.

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Er… yes :slightly_smiling_face: I don’t know why it rebooted, how odd it coincided with HA rebooting… thanks.

If reason is WDT then this is a watchdog timer reboot, so something the hub was not happy about. Could be it couldnt reconnect to wifi after a drop. Yes, wierd on the timing but likely a coincidence in that it happened before your HA reboot but batteries hadnt reported by time HA was running again.

It was indeed WDT_RST

I don’t remember them being recorded but catching the event in an automation and adding it to the log via the logbook service was possible. Was this maybe what was happening?

I’m looking for a bit of help coming up with a solution for a scenario which I’d like to deal with a bit better. Fairly frequently, my other half has to get up very early for a commute for work, but the day when this happens varies all the time, so it can’t be set as a fixed schedule.

Ideally, to make the solution as user friendly as possible. I would like a dashboard button on my heating page, which can be pressed during the evening, when she knows that she has to get up extra early the next day. This will activate some sort of temporary schedule, which makes the heating come on at a much earlier time than normal for a couple of rooms, making the house a more comfortable temperature for the early start.

I then need the schedule to revert back to normal once the morning heating has completed, so that the evening schedule, and beyond, is as normal.

I don’t think I can do anything with ‘moments’ in the wiser app to achieve this, but I’m hoping someone here can suggest a way of achieving this as simply and user friendly as possible, with some form of automation. Perhaps someone is already doing something similar and can share their solution? A ‘one-off’ bypass, as such, which has an earlier start time for the heating of 2 rooms than normal, which could then be triggered back off again at mid day, for example.

Obviously, it’s becoming less of an issue with the weather getting warmer, but I’d like to get it in place and tested ready for the colder mornings again!

I have a guest mode button which applies a different heating schedule to our guest room when we have a visitor staying.

Here’s how I did it.

  1. Create the schedule I want to enable when Guest Mode is on. I needed to find the schedule number, which I could do using the Wiser Schedule Editor card.
  2. Create a toggle helper called Guest Mode. This type of helper is really easy to use with buttons, and you can also use it with other automations.
  3. Create an automation that triggers when Guest Mode is turned on.
platform: state
  - input_boolean.guest_mode
from: "off"
to: "on"

It has an action to change the schedule for the guest room:

service: wiser.assign_schedule
  to_entity_id: climate.wiser_guest_bedroom
  schedule_id: 9
  1. Create another automation to change the schedule back when guest mode is turned off. Trigger is:
platform: state
  - input_boolean.guest_mode
from: "on"
to: "off"

And has action:

service: wiser.assign_schedule
  to_entity_id: climate.wiser_guest_bedroom
  schedule_id: 10

Works great! You can set actions for additional rooms, and I change some other things around the house, which is why I didn’t just paste the entire automation scripts.

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@dunxd is a good answer and then use your button to assign the schedule and have another timed automation to assign the original back.

The other option is to use the advance schedule preset. You can have an automation that runs at a defined time if a switch (toggle helper) is set. This automation would then advance the schedule on the rooms you want and reset the switch. This method means that there is no reverting to do as the normal schedule will just finish as normal.