Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

v3.4.15 Released

  • Added experimental hw climate mode to operate differently (configurable in options). See wiki for details
  • Changed min/max hw climate temp range from 40-80C to 10-80C - issue #545
  • Fixed issue whereby hw climate errors if temp sensor not available after HA start - issue #541
  • Fixed issue whereby hw climate config requires some entry in the temp sensor select option, even if not enabled - issue #544
  • Fixed issue whereby hw min does not change when setting both via service call if temps are 1C or less different - issue #547

Hi, i m using wiser trv with versatil thermostat to have better control of presence, external temp sensor windows openā€¦

But it make me feel that I m loosing wiser simplicity.

How do you manage windows open, pesence or external temp sensor on your side ?

Hi All,

I know that the question has been asked several time but I cannot acces to my secret key. I used http://192.168.1.XX/secret/ on the same WIFI network but I have an unautorized answer. Do you know how I can acces to this secret key ? I use a hub schneider in France with the firmware 3.18.3. Iā€™m stuck so thank you for any help on this.

It a shame you are having to move on from Wiser but i can understand why given the unexpected behaviour the Wiser system can exhibit. What were your issues?

normally the dress is on the direct wifi connection

Hi all,

Very new to home assistant and loving it!

We use wiser smart system in the house and just have a question. Within the wiser integration it connects to the hub via IP.

My WiFi network uses DHCP so I assume this IP could potentially change on renewal. How am I able to perhaps set it to static or find the hostname of the hub?

I have tried searching through this massive thread but wasnā€™t able to find anything

Many thanks

May be the easiest way to solve this question is to use static ip adress in your DHCP server. In the Internet Box itā€™s possible to configure this.

1 Like

Hi all,

New to the Drayton integration. I have just done the installs from HACS and also have the Drayton app still installed/working

I only have the hub (2 channel, HW and Heating, non combi boiler) and one thermostat, but no TRVs (yet)

I got the hot water working on a schedule

I have a schedule for the heating, but the way I usually use it is that I will ā€œoverrideā€ the temprature during the day (essentially run the heating manually), but I have a few scheduled events, late in the day, to ensure the heating goes off before I got to bed. Unfortunately, these dont kick in
So to explain, I have (set up through the schedule card and drayton app)
00:00->21:00 12C
21.00->23:59 12C
I manually change the temp to 21C at 15:00
I expect the temp to go down to 12C at 21:00, but that doesnt kick in?

The mode is ā€œautoā€

Any ideas?

Thank you

Perfect I didnā€™t see that I have to be on the device wifi. It works perfectly

Try setting one of the setpoints to 11.5c, i think Wiser may be seeing the schedule as one period.

By manually changing the temperature you have, as you say " overridden" the schedule. I believe this will stay in effect until the override is cancelled.
So to revert to your schedule you need to cancel all overrides in your affected zones. In your case you only have one.

I suggest using boost as this will automatically revert to schedule after the boost time has elapsed or better still just make it all automatic by creating a schedule that does it all for you.

Thank you.

Works great, of course I prefer this mode of operation.

Nobody is using wiser integration with versatil thermosat ?

I used to do, I converted all mine to hass-climate-template integration. Has Climate Template Integration. I did like Versatile, and I currently use it for some switch based heaters over the core thermostat integration but I think I will eventually convert those to templates too because I can bring all my heaters inline with the exact same automations then.

I did this because with versatile I had a hard time utilizing the wiser schedule and overriding it with versatile and I also wanted a few more presets that defined certain occupancy states. This way I just have a preset ā€œecoā€ and that follows the wiser schedule and other presets that follow occupancy and override the TRV temperature set points.

I have one automation blueprint for each area that setā€™s the correct preset mode based on windows, occupancy, my custom winter mode. Then I have a secondary automation to set a dynamic set point that is just a template that looks at the current preset of that templated device.

What part of wiser do you feel like your loosing?

Iā€™m just using versatil now in place of wiser. Itā€™s a big integration (occupancy, preset, window, powerā€¦). Itā€™s very nice, but Iā€™m just missing comfort mode (prestart heating base on heating performance).

Can you share your blueprint & automation to better understand your usage ?

Ah following, yeah i dont use comfort mode on wiser but i did use eco mode which versatile didnt effect. Cant versatile be put into follow climate entity mode during pre-start periods or would that be too complex?

It might take me a bit but i can share my blueprints and template configs no trouble. Its not that complex theres just quite a bit too it. My occupancy detection is a little different than most. Ill try get some time at the pc and share it.

Other question, i use versatil for external temperature sensor as i donā€™t have roomstate on all room and trv donā€™t represent room temperature.

How do you manage this ? Same for windows open detection ?

Warning, messy post!

So one of the benefits of the hass climate template is I can run custom actions on set_temperature, set_hvac_mode and set_preset_mode climate actions. I use this to set a pre-defined dynamic set point that I get from a template sensor blueprint to my wiser device. This template sensor I created takes into account my settings for the different presets, and then adjusts the temperature for me. I have another automation that updates the wiser deviceā€™s set point when that value changes and the wiser device is in heat/auto mode. I did it this way because I get a sensor I can plot, check up on, but it would probably be better to re-use the calculation with a jinja template and just apply it with the update set point command.

That dynamic sensor has been great so far, I donā€™t override the radiator to room temperature when itā€™s away, or sleep modes. I mostly use those modes for radiator protection so didnā€™t see much point heating to the room temperature there, so i save some gas, just make sure the radiator trv is at temp.

Windows open detection is just part of my occupancy blueprint. So when it detects the binary sensor I have created for ā€œVented Modeā€ and my ā€œWinter Modeā€ is on, it turns the HVAC mode off and puts the device into a ā€œNoneā€ preset mode so that my blueprint doesnā€™t try to control it until ā€œVented Modeā€ turns off.

My wiser schedules set the background temperatures, the template reads this, and then Iā€™ve got a ā€œTake Over Modeā€ for each room, this looks at the current set temperature of the wiser schedule, and if itā€™s over 15.5 degreeā€™s it will allow my occupancy to take over and set the occupancy set point values. Those are based on my room occupancy blueprint that gives me ā€œJust Occupiedā€, ā€œOccupiedā€, ā€œSettled Inā€, ā€œJust Unoccupiedā€, ā€œUnoccupiedā€ and ā€œSleepā€ states.

Iā€™m still building it all out and Iā€™ve not cleaned up much of my testing/still working on and refining. Anyway, the template blueprint for my dynamic set point is below if it helps. An example of usage is below that I import as a package.

The Dynamic Set Point takes into account the following:

  • Template sensor preset mode
  • Wiser Current Set Point
  • Room Temperature
  • Radiator (TRV) Temperature
  • Eco Mode Input Boolean - My custom mode that looks at how far the current room set point temperature is from the average temperature the floor the room is on, then applies an negative offset up to 1.5 degree. So if my radiator in the livingroom is set to 18Ā°C, and the hallway, livingroom and kitchen are averaged at 19 degree, then it will take a little bit off the rooms set point to account for the additional heat.
  • Comfort Mode Input Boolean - Another of my custom modes that applies a specific positive offset to the target when the outdoor temperature is between 1 and -5Ā° C.
  name: Room Target Temperature
  description: Creates a sensor that adjusts your heater target set point that accounts for the outdoor temperature, indoor average temperature and a trv temperature sensor.
  domain: template
  #source_url: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/ce0117b2b82cda7900f18d781be2d6a8d0f807ed/homeassistant/components/template/blueprints/inverted_binary_sensor.yaml
      name: Templated Climate Device
      description: ""
          domain: climate
      name: Wiser Climate Device
      description: ""
          domain: climate
      name: Room Temperature Sensor
      description: ""
          domain: sensor
          device_class: temperature          
      name: Radiator Temperature Sensor
      description: ""
          domain: sensor
          device_class: temperature                             
      name: Outdoor Temperature Sensor
      description: ""
          domain: sensor
          device_class: temperature                        
      name: Indoor Average Temperature Sensor
      description: ""
          domain: sensor
          device_class: temperature                  
  template_climate_device_input: !input template_climate_device
  og_climate_device_input: !input og_climate_device
  room_temp_input: !input room_temp
  radiator_temp_input: !input radiator_temp
  outdoor_temp_input: !input outdoor_temp
  indoor_avg_temp_input: !input indoor_avg_temp
  state: >
    {% set adjust_presets = ["none", "eco", "home", "activity", "comfort", "boost"] %}
    {% set wiser_away_presets = ["away", "sleep"] %}
    {% set current_preset = state_attr(template_climate_device_input, 'preset_mode') %}
    {% set outdoor_temp = states(outdoor_temp_input)|float(0) %}
    {% set indoor_avg_temp = states(indoor_avg_temp_input)|float(0) %}

    {%- set ns = namespace(current_target=state_attr(template_climate_device_input, 'temperature')|float(0)) %}
    {%- if current_preset == "eco" -%}
      {%- set ns.current_target = state_attr(og_climate_device_input, "current_schedule_temp")|float(0) -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    {% set eco_mode = is_state('input_boolean.heating_eco_mode', 'on') %}
    {% set eco_adjust_max = 1.5 %}
    {% set eco_raw_adjustment = indoor_avg_temp - ns.current_target %}

    {% set comfort_mode = is_state('input_boolean.heating_comfort_mode','on') %}
    {% set comfort_cold_max = 3 %}
    {% set comfort_min = -1 %}
    {% set comfort_cold_adjust_max = 0.5 %}
    {% set comfort_frozen_max = -5 %}
    {% set comfort_frozen_adjust_max = 1 %}

    {% set room_temperature = states(room_temp_input)|float(0) %}
    {% set radiator_temperature = states(radiator_temp_input)|float(0) %}

    {%- if eco_raw_adjustment > 0 and eco_mode -%}
      {%- set ratio = eco_raw_adjustment / eco_adjust_max -%}
      {%- set ns.current_target = ns.current_target - min((eco_raw_adjustment * ratio), eco_adjust_max) -%}
    {% endif %}

    {%- if comfort_mode and outdoor_temp >= comfort_min and outdoor_temp <= comfort_cold_max -%}
      {%- set adjustment = comfort_cold_adjust_max * (( comfort_cold_max - outdoor_temp ) / comfort_cold_max) -%}
      {%- set ns.current_target = ns.current_target + min(adjustment, comfort_cold_adjust_max) -%}
    {%- endif -%}

    {%- if comfort_mode and outdoor_temp <= comfort_min and outdoor_temp >= comfort_frozen_max -%}
      {% set adjustment = comfort_frozen_adjust_max * ( -outdoor_temp / comfort_frozen_max|abs ) %}
      {%- set ns.current_target = ns.current_target + comfort_cold_adjust_max + min(adjustment, comfort_frozen_adjust_max) -%}
    {%- endif -%}

    {%- if current_preset in adjust_presets -%}
      {% set radiator_adjusted = ns.current_target - (room_temperature - radiator_temperature) %}
      {%- if radiator_adjusted <= 20 and radiator_adjusted >= 5 -%}
        {{ radiator_adjusted|round(1) }} 
      {%- else -%}
        {{ ns.current_target|round(1) }}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- else -%}
      {{ ns.current_target|round(1) }}
    {%- endif -%}
  device_class: temperature
  state_class: measurement
  unit_of_measurement: 'Ā°C'
  availability: "{{ states(template_climate_device_input) not in ('unknown', 'unavailable') }}"

My Livingroom package for the radiator that uses hass-climate-template:

### Preset and HVAC Modes
    name: Template Livingroom Climate Preset Modes
      - Away
      - Sleep
      - Eco
      - Home
      - Activity
      - Comfort
      - Boost
      - None

### Target Temperature Input Number
    name: Template Livingroom Climate Home Temperature
    unit_of_measurement: Ā°C
    min: 5
    max: 20
    step: 0.1
    name: Template Livingroom Climate Activity Temperature
    unit_of_measurement: Ā°C
    min: 5
    max: 20
    step: 0.1
    name: Template Livingroom Climate Comfort Temperature
    unit_of_measurement: Ā°C
    min: 5
    max: 20
    step: 0.1
    name: Template Livingroom Climate Boost Temperature
    unit_of_measurement: Ā°C
    min: 5
    max: 20
    step: 0.1

### Dynamic target temperature
  - use_blueprint:
      path: homeassistant/room_target_temperature_sensor.yaml
        template_climate_device: climate.template_livingroom_radiator
        og_climate_device: climate.wiser_livingroom
        room_temp: sensor.livingroom_thermal_comfort_heat_index
        radiator_temp: sensor.wiser_lts_temperature_livingroom
        outdoor_temp: sensor.average_outdoor_temperature
        indoor_avg_temp: sensor.average_downstairs_temperature
    name: Template Livingroom Dynamic Setpoint
    unique_id: template_livingroom_dynamic_setpoint
  - use_blueprint:
      path: homeassistant/room_scheduled_heat_binary_sensor.yaml
        og_climate_device: climate.wiser_livingroom
        cut_off: input_number.scheduled_temperature_cutoff
    name: Template Livingroom Occupancy Take Over
    unique_id: template_livingroom_occupancy_takeover

### Climate controller
  - platform: climate_template
    name: Template Livingroom Radiator
    unique_id: template_livingroom_radiator
    min_temp: 5
    max_temp: 20
    temp_step: 0.1
    precision: 0.1
    mode_action: "restart"
    #max_action: 3
      - "heat" # Occupancy Mode
      - "auto" # Wiser Mode
      - "off" # Winter Mode Off
      - away
      - sleep
      - eco
      - home
      - activity
      - comfort
      - boost
      - none
    hvac_action_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.wiser_livingroom', 'hvac_action') }}"
    current_temperature_template: "{{ states('sensor.livingroom_thermal_comfort_heat_index')|float(0) }}"
    current_humidity_template: "{{ states('sensor.average_livingroom_humidity')|float(0) }}"
    #hvac_mode_template: "{{ states('input_select.template_livingroom_climate_hvac_modes')|lower }}"
    preset_mode_template: "{{ states('input_select.template_livingroom_climate_preset_modes')|lower }}"
    #target_temperature_template: "{{ states('input_number.template_livingroom_climate_target_temperature')|float(0) }}"

    availability_template: "{{ 
      not is_state('climate.wiser_livingroom', 'unknown') or 
      not is_state('climate.wiser_livingroom', 'unavailable') 

    ### This should reflect the different modes
    icon_template: >-
      {% set current_state = state_attr('climate.wiser_livingroom', 'hvac_action') %}
      {%- if current_state == "heating" -%}
      {%- elif current_state == "off" or curret_state == "idle" -%}
      {%- else -%}
      {%- endif -%}

    #1 - presets attributes are changeable via HA
    #2 - presets attributes are preserved over HA restarts
    #4 - hvac mode is preset attribute
    #8 - fan mode is preset attribute
    #16 - swing mode is preset attribute
    #32 - target temperature is preset attribute
    #64 - high/low temperature are presets attribute
    #128 - target humidity is preset attribute
    ## 1 + 2 + 4 + 32
    presets_features: 39
    presets_template: >-
          'away': {
            'hvac_mode': "auto",
            'target_temperature': states('input_number.wiser_holiday_mode_temperature')|float(5) if states('input_boolean.holiday_mode') == "on" else states('input_number.wiser_away_mode_temperature')|float(5), 
          'sleep': {
            'hvac_mode': "auto",
            'target_temperature': states('input_number.wiser_sleep_mode_temperature')|float(5), 
          'eco': {
            'hvac_mode': "auto",
            'target_temperature': state_attr('climate.wiser_livingroom', 'current_schedule_temp')|float(5), 
          'home': {
            'hvac_mode': "heat",
            'target_temperature': states('input_number.template_livingroom_climate_home_temperature')|float(5), 
          'activity': {
            'hvac_mode': "heat",
            'target_temperature': states('input_number.template_livingroom_climate_activity_temperature')|float(5), 
          'comfort': { 
            'hvac_mode': "heat",
            'target_temperature': states('input_number.template_livingroom_climate_comfort_temperature')|float(5),      
          'boost': { 
            'hvac_mode': "heat",
            'target_temperature': states('input_number.template_livingroom_climate_boost_temperature')|float(5), 
    ## SCRIPTS 
      - variables:
          wiser_device: "climate.wiser_livingroom"
          passive_mode_switch: "switch.wiser_livingroom_passive_mode"
          template_device: "climate.template_livingroom_radiator"
          dynamic_set_point: "sensor.template_livingroom_dynamic_setpoint"
      - alias: Set temp if passive mode
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ is_state(passive_mode_switch, 'on') }}"
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ not is_state(wiser_device, 'off') and not is_state(template_device, 'off') }}
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {% set nearest_5 = (((state_attr(wiser_device, 'target_temp_high')|float(0)/5) | int) +1) * 5 %}
              {{ nearest_5 != states(dynamic_set_point)|float(0) }}
          - action: climate.set_temperature
              entity_id: "{{ wiser_device }}"
              target_temp_high: "{{ states(dynamic_set_point)|float(0) }}"
              target_temp_low: 10

      - alias: Set temp if no passive mode
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ is_state(passive_mode_switch, 'off') }}"
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {{ not is_state(wiser_device, 'off') and not is_state(template_device, 'off') }}
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {% set nearest_5 = (((state_attr(wiser_device, 'temperature')|float(0)/5) | int) +1) * 5 %}
              {{ nearest_5 != states(dynamic_set_point)|float(0) }}
          - action: climate.set_temperature
              entity_id: "{{ wiser_device }}"
              temperature: "{{ states(dynamic_set_point)|float(0) }}"

      - alias: Set Wiser HVAC Mode
        action: climate.set_hvac_mode
          entity_id: "climate.wiser_livingroom"
          hvac_mode: "{{ hvac_mode }}"

      - variables:
          template_device: "climate.template_livingroom_radiator"
          device_presets: "{{ state_attr(template_device, 'presets') }}"
          dynamic_set_point: "sensor.template_livingroom_dynamic_setpoint"          
      - if:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ preset_mode != 'none' }}"
          - action: climate.set_hvac_mode
              entity_id: "climate.wiser_livingroom"
              hvac_mode: "{{ device_presets[preset_mode].hvac_mode }}"

          - action: climate.set_temperature
              entity_id: "climate.wiser_livingroom"
              temperature: "{{ states(dynamic_set_point)|float(0) }}"          

          - action: input_select.select_option
            metadata: {}
              option: "{{ preset_mode | title }}"
              entity_id: "input_select.template_livingroom_climate_preset_modes"

My goal is to eventually bundle all this into the hass-climate-template, or at least what I can but whilst I figure it out itā€™s just easier to have it in automations/templates. Iā€™ll probably write all this up on my blog over christmas but for now thatā€™s the best I can muster with the state itā€™s currently in. The automations are just triggering on my mode and room changes and constantly applying the correct offset so it survives restarts and any changes. The dynamic one the same pretty much, anytime the dynamic temperature updates, it sets the new target to the wiser device.

This sill enables all the wiser features, inc. passive mode and I can also manually control everything with the thermostat cards on the inteface.


That very impressive how you manage things. Thanks a lot

Thank you for saying. Hope you can pinch something from it!