Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

I think i have found a bug in the wiser hubr firmware. I wanted to stop my gas boiler firing 6 times an hour depending on demand so i have reconfigured my boiler type to “oil” in the wiser app but looking at the demand graph within the wiser integration it appears the boiler is still firing 6 times an hour. So for example a 20% demand the boiler fires for 2 minutes every 10 minutes but i want it to fire for 4 minutes every 20 minutes. Unless i have misunderstood the graphs of course.

I’ve been happily using my Drayton Wiser hub (1st gen) and TRVs for a while now, but now I need a bit of an “expansion” and I am looking at what to do.

Basically I have the hub with only one channel since at the time only 1 was needed. This controls a heat pump. We had two separate heat pumps for many years now - one for heating up water and one for heating. Problem is that the water heater one broke and we decided to just plumb the water lines to the main one and just use the old one as hot water storage tank.

Now the fun begins. When our heat pump is configured with a thermostat it also expects the thermostat to tell it when to switch the mode (to switch from heating to water heating) - by using one input for heating and the other input for water heating. It obviously can’t do both at the same time.

For those of you with the Wiser system… Can the 2 channel variant of the Wiser do that? Does anyone know if they sell any “expanders” that would allow me to add a second channel without replacing the current hub? As far as I see the only ones that support the water heating function are first gen UK models.


This seems to have done it! I now just put 0.5C difference between scheduled times and the schedule kicks in, even if overridden

Thanks for your help!

Hi guys,

I’m trying to get the manage_temps_v2.md created by msp1974 working on my setup however it appears that the “trigger variables” section of the first automation are being ignored. They are currently configured as follows -

  temp_sensor_integration: hue
  temp_sensor_prefix: sensor
  temp_sensor_suffix: temperature

The temperature sensor I’m trying to interrogate has the following entity_id and is integrated into a hue motion sensor -


It seems that I have configured it correctly, however when viewing the “changed variables” under traces it appears that the automation is pulling back event triggers of everything that has a temperature sensor along with motion detection triggers of the hue sensor. So pretty much everything except what I need. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that the trigger variables part of the first automation are either being ignored entirely or the automation is not stringent enough in it’s criteria (“or” rather than “and”?)

FYI I have tried many different iterations of integration/prefix/suffix but am met with the same result every time.

Full automation is configured as follows -

alias: Fire Event When Room Monitoring Temp Sensors change
description: ""
  - event_type: state_changed
      temp_sensor: "{{trigger.event.data.entity_id}}"
    trigger: event
  - condition: template
    value_template: |-
      {% if temp_sensor in integration_entities (temp_sensor_integration)
              and temp_sensor.startswith (temp_sensor_prefix) 
              and temp_sensor.endswith (temp_sensor_suffix)
      {% endif %}
  - event: external_temp_sensor_changed
      entity_id: "{{temp_sensor}}"
      old_temp: "{{trigger.event.data.old_state.state}}"
      new_temp: "{{trigger.event.data.new_state.state}}"
  temp_sensor_integration: hue
  temp_sensor_prefix: sensor
  temp_sensor_suffix: temperature
mode: queued
max: 25

Any assistance on this would be appreciated. Thanks

Does anyone know if there is a way to see how my boiler has been setup i.e gas, oil, electric etc within the integration? I have changed the option from gas to oil in the Wiser app but I’m wondering if the hubr has registered the change as i am still seeing the gas boiler firing upto 6 times an hour instead of 3.

Thanks and Merry Christmas.

By downloading and controlling the diagnostic file from the integration you’ll can see this configuration.

Merry Christmas too

I had the same issue when i swapped gas for oil on the wiser app. I am not sure what eventually fixed it as id changed back to the gas setting and then back to oil a day after and it’s working fine now.

Merry Christmas to all too!

I think that the parameter that configure the number of cycles per hour is “CycleRate” = CPH_6 (10 minutes) for gas or CPH_3 (20 minutes) for oil…

Thanks for this. Ive found the info and it does state that the hub is configured for an oil boiler but i am still seeing the boiler fire 6 times an hour.

Hi guys

I’ve been digging a little deeper into the external temp sensor control automation and I’ve found that it’s actually working, think I was just getting a little sidetracked with something that wasn’t an actual issue :sweat_smile:

Anyway I’ve found the logbook for the specific room control and found this -

So it’s working as intended :+1:

Happy Christmas :christmas_tree:

I think I know the answer already, but I’ll ask anyway. Is there a way for the integration to turn on the Wiser Heating Channel on/off directly? Currently I have a setup that behaves most of the time but there are cases where this would be a better way than all the boost etc options.

Hi everyone, great to see this integration is supported and under continued development, nice one!

I’m seriously considering Wiser for a smart heating upgrade at my Mum’s house. It seems that the old Salus RF thermostat has stopped working, the existing programmer is a Drayton LP522 so I’m hoping it should be a straightforward switch to a Wiser controller and stat. I then want to get her a small HA setup to give us smarter control, similar to the one I have at my home (HA and a Salus RT500).

At my place, I have the Salus permanently in heat mode and turn the heat on and off by sending thermostat setting changes, thus I bypass the Salus’s built in timer programming and do everything with HA. Is this likely to work using a Wiser + this integration? Or is there a better way to do it?

Either way, I’d be grateful for any observations from those of you successfully using the kit and the integration, anything to look out for or be aware of.


Im getting frustrated with my Wiser system because it doesnt behave in a consistant way. This evening the lounge was under its target temperature by 0.2 degrees c but for 2 hours Wiser stayed silent and didnt request the boiler to fire, yesterday the lounge was over its target temperature by 0.3 degrees c and Wiser constantly requested the boiler to fire at 20% demand for approx. 2 hours. Isnt that the opposite to how it should work.

In my experience Wiser operates on 0.5 degree increments. So it only fires up when below by 0.5 and only stops when above by 0.5.

That’s why my schedules are always 0.5 degrees below my upper required temp and higher than my lower threshold.

This is especially noticeable if you have any zones in passive mode.

I think if you look further up this massive blog you will find this has already been discussed.

Thanks for this but its not logical for Wiser to work this way. This evening my lounge is 0.4c over target temperature but HA reports there is a 38% heat demand, my hall is also 0.4c over target temperature and i have a 29% heat demand!

I think you are describing the way Wiser works. As I said before, Wiser uses 0.5 degree C increments.
I suspect the heat demand is analogous to the valve open status. So it’s saying I’m nearly there (0.5 degrees above) so start to close the valves. This integration does not alter the way Wiser works.

Does the demand stop when it reaches 0.5 degrees C above? It does in my set up.
If it’s a problem for you, reduce your high target by 0.5 degrees C. I bet your heating will over run to your target or close. I think Wiser algorisms work this way by assessing your heat loss and heat up times compare to outside temperature and your schedules.

EDIT: Having done a search on this blog, I can confirm there is a 0.5 degree C threshold on the targeted temperature and demand becomes zero once this upper threshold is breached. Conversely, when the temperature is below your lower threshold by 0.5 degrees C then the demand on your boiler/zone/iTRV’s increases from 0% to whatever the algorithm suggests based on temp, insulation and schedule.

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To what extent does Wiser heating use your historic data?
The impression I get from the behaviour is that it looks at a small preceding window for, say, rate of heating/cooling, current temp and target temp, in order to decide when to turn on and by how much to open valves. Or is there more to it? With eco and comfort mode disabled, does it still build some kind of model for each zone’s heating characteristics? Does it still need the cloud if eco and comfort modes are off?

I suspect it doesn’t use any of “my” historic data. It probably uses its own based on my Wiser account. Maybe others on this thread can shed some light. Bear in mind that this integration does not control any of the Wiser algorithms.

I suggest you ask Wiser support.

This integration doesn’t build anything, it allows access to things the Wiser App doesn’t and exposes stuff so you can automate things in HA to make it perform the way you like it.

Since this integration doesn’t influence the Wiser algorithms I would ask Wiser themselves.

Wiser needs the cloud to build these profiles. How else would it know how to shut off early based on heat loss in “eco” mode, or to fire up early when “comfort” mode is enabled? I suspect it still needs the cloud even if these modes are off to guess the outside temp and monitor heat loss/gain.

Wiser functions on your schedules even if the cloud connection is lost but I think an internet connection is required for the “smart” stuff.

Again others on this forum more knowledgeable than me, can maybe help you with some of your concerns.

EDIT: All of your questions are all relating to the Wiser system itself. This thread is about the HA Wiser integration so with respect, maybe you are off topic?

My impression is that many the contributors to this discussion wish to use the HA integration to get the best out of the wiser system how ever they define that. To do this you need to understand how the wiser system works. I thus disagree that this is off topic.

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I disagree that there is always a 0.5 deg threshold. My system held the temperature in my kitchen to +.03 and -0.1 of the 18 deg set piont for over 3 hours this morning.
I did have a problem with the system controlling to 0.5 Deg above the set point. the room thermostat would show the flame symbol even the the temperature was showing as above the set point.
Wister support told me to do a factory reset on the roomstat. After doing this and also resetting the trv the offset disappeared. I have had to do this a couple of time since with other rooms.