Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Hi, just updated to v3.1.0 but the schedule card is not appearing in the cards available to add to my dashboard - have I missed something?

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You might need to do a browser refresh with Shift F5.


Thanks, seems to be working now and itā€™s great, well done all involved.

Just to let you know, had to issue an urgent update as one of the fixes we included in v3.1.0 cause the away mode temp entity to break in versions prior to HA2022.7. As such, you will get a deprecation warning in the logs in v3.1.1 if you are on HA2022.7 or higher. We will be working to fix this in a coming release but it may have to require HA2022.7 as a minimum version.

However, good news is that we were able to include the zigbee network card along side the new schedule card, so 2 new toys to play with!

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@gccp and @skanx this is a message for you! Give it another try!

Both the zigbee network card and the schedule card are working, and are amazing! A big thank you to the team!

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Iā€™m missing something ā€¦ I just get a blank card. If I go to the YAML Config option it just shows :

type: custom:wiser-zigbee-card

I kind think there should be an entity config in there but Iā€™m struggling to find the docs for this card (not that they arenā€™t there just that I canā€™t find them)

Ah ha ā€¦

2022-07-11 17:27:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139783479717376] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/decorators.py", line 27, in _handle_async_response
await func(hass, connection, msg)
File "/config/custom_components/wiser/websockets.py", line 513, in websocket_get_zigbee_data
"label": f"{device.name}\n({d.wiserhub.rooms.get_by_device_id(device.id).name})",
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'

Ignore my post above; it appears to have been a browser issue. All good.

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Hiya there.
Will this work with Wiser by Feller? Its also made by Schneider Electric but works with a K-Wire. Im interested in their Lineup of Products but only if i can use it with HA.

I suspect not as I think it would use very different firmware on the controller. It does seem that Wiser is a series of very different products by country.

So far we only know UK and French versions work and they both use zigbee communication and the same firmware.

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really weird systems they are building up. I guess ill just use Shelly Switches in my new home then.

As Mark says most likely not, looking at the website it appears to be something totally different to the UK Variant of Wiserā€¦

Iā€™m looking at going down the track of installing wiser in a new build in New Zealand. From what I can read, the NZ variant uses the same Zigbee hub, but would anyone know for sure it is able to work with our version of the product? The spec sheets seem to be the same as the European version PDL Website

I checked out the page and physically the hub is very different to the uk drayton wiser hub.

The NZ, and many other, varients, appear to be focused on lights, switches etc whereas the UK is almost all heating.

You could try getting the authentication key and see if thatā€™s the sameā€¦

Just updated to the latest Wiser Home integration (from the previous version) and everything has gone pear shaped! Contact with the hub seems to have been broken and Iā€™ve lost all contact with countless entities on multiple Loverlace interfaces. Itā€™s at times like this that I realise how dependent I have become on this integration. HA core and OS all also on the latest version. Help and advice urgently sought. Iā€™m reluctant to reinstate a full system backup since that has causes some major issues in the past.

Ive pulled this release as 2 people have said the same thing, however, this tested fine. You can revert back to the previous version in HACs. Just select redownload and pick the earlier version. Can you tell me what errors you have in the logs?

Sorry for the double posting (Guru Gubbins in Forum) but I was truly shocked at the outcome of the v3.12 update, exacerbated by the Hub mysteriously going off-line in the process. Iā€™ve now reverted to v3.1.1 and everything seems to be back to normal although I havenā€™t been able to check every entity.

Thanks for your help with this. My panic was purely the result of my everyday reliance on this amazing and ever evolving integration and my shock at its loss. Many thanks for your ongoing efforts

Very weirdā€¦ mines working fine.

I dont use mdns but the fixed ip addressā€¦
Could that be it?

All fixed IP addresses here too. Iā€™ll watch to see if any more issues are raised before trying v3.1.2 again - Iā€™ve had enough excitement for today!