Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Dave, if IP is definitely correct, the only thing i can think is that your new router doesn’t allow wifi devices to see your lan. This is normally a setting somewhere on your wifi settings on the router. Have you tried pinging your hub from your HA machine?

Hi Mark, many thanks for your reply.
I’ve had a look through my router settings and can’t seem to see anything obvious.
How would I go about pinging the DW IP address through HA? I’ve had a google and not having much joy!

You dont need to do it through HA just from a console on your machine running HA. How are you running it?

I’m running HA on a Raspberry Pi.

So can you ping your hub from a Linux console on your PI? You could also install the SSH terminal add on to do through HA

@DaveUK83, I would do that as it gives you so many options to be able debug things.

Thank you. Just pinged my DW and this is what it has come back with:ping

You are getting replies to ping of that address, but are you sure this is the IP address being used by the Wiser Hub and not something else?

A tool like Fing might be helpful - it scans your entire subnet and identifies most devices allowing you to see the current IP address, MAC etc. It’s pretty good at recognising stuff. You can find the MAC for the hub in the Wiser app to cross reference.

This can be very helpful for troubleshooting especially if a new router is issuing completely new addressing to all your devices.


Thanks @dunxd
This is what I have in my config file:
and this is what NetX shows:

When I changed router, the IP address changed to something like - Then I reassigned it. I’ve just gone into my router and deleted the reserved IP address, see if that changed anything. Failing that, i’ll uninstall the add-on and readd over the weeked. Been meaning to upgrade to v3!

@msp1974 and @Angelo_Santagata, you hide really well the setting for the Moments buttons. I didn’t know about that until today I pressed the Configure button in the UI.

When that feature has been added? I completely missed the notes about that with v3. It makes things far more easier for me, that I don’t have to reproduce some settings from that app into HA.

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Hi Mark, are you able to help please? I’m trying to use this automation using the Sonoff TH01 temp sensors and struggling with the prefix that I would need to change. see screen shot of my entities.

Many Thanks

I would just use ‘sensor.’ for the prefix and ‘th01_temperature’ for the suffix.

I have a question, and apologies if it’s a silly one.

I needed to change the IP & hostname of my hub and obviously everything stopped working.
I have managed to put a static DNS entry for the old name pointing to the new IP to get it back up and running but I want to change the hostname that the integration is looking at.

Common sense says delete and reconfigure the integration, but with 22 devices and 117 entities I dont want to have to reconfigure it all again. Is there a way I can simply update the FQDN that the integration is using to connect to the hub?



. Edit the config entry file at ~/.homeassistant/.storage/core.config_entries. This is where ip info is held.

If your integration is using setup in the config file, this is a very old version that I have no idea if it would still work properly or not especially with updated versions of HA.

I would recommend upgrading to the latest version of v3.0.24 and re-add as this is the best way to do the upgrade to v3 anyway.

Failing that, if it is one of the latest v2 versions, the config should be in



Thanks, I was on v2.6.
Just upgraded to the latest version and all is working well!
Thanks for your help.

OMG, the schedule editor!
That’s the best thing ever. It’s been on my to-do list to try and make one of my own so thank you. Looking forward to using that.

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Glad to hear. We think its pretty cool too. We’re just doing some final testing but this should be released in 3.0.25 in the next few days.

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Schneider should take you guys on as consultants - you are extending their products and making them much more useful. In the case of the scheduling interface you are beating them at their own game. I hope they don’t just steal your ideas…

OK all. Just release v3.1.0 with our new schedule card. Try it and let us know what you think.

We will be working to re-add the zigbee network card over the coming days but didn’t want to hold this release up.