Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Sure let me add an image with the Wiser Smart system in the readme so that people know if it fits their need or not.

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Wiser is a bit of a mess from the outside. They have different systems and functionality in different geographies. It first started many years ago in the US and they just used the same name when rolling out differently produced systems in different areas. Its slowly starting to converge into a more coherent system as I understand.

You can see the availability here: https://www.se.com/ww/en/home/smart-home/wiser/country-selector/wiser.jsp

Disclaimer: I work for Schneider Electric, although in a totally different Line of Business and have nothing to do with Wiser itself. All views expressed above are my own and not that of the company.

Hi Angelo,

I assume you are aware of the error messages HA 0.109.x is throwing up?
Specifically regarding an IO loop and translation.

Log Details (WARNING)

Logger: homeassistant.util.async_
Source: util/async_.py:120
First occurred: 7:34:40 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:34:40 PM

Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for wiser doing I/O at custom_components/wiser/init.py, line 217: self.wiserhub = wiserHub(self.ip, self.secret)


Logger: homeassistant.helpers.translation
Source: helpers/translation.py:206
First occurred: 7:35:06 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:35:07 PM

wiser: the ‘.translations’ directory has been moved, the new name is ‘translations’, starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this

I hadnt seen it, but @msp1974 has seen it, and just issued a PR for it, https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform/pull/99.

Fancy testing it before I merge?

R2.3 Now released to HACS

Every time I try to install the integration it breaks my HACS.
I have been asked by ludeeus, to remove /config/custom_components/__init__.py from the folder and then mark the integration as broke in hacs.

Has anyone else got this issue.

Works fine here… I just upgraded my production HA to the latest , using HACS, and works fine.
I restarted HA just to make sure and HA is fine, the integration is fine and so is HACS.

Im running the latest HACS, 0.24.3.

What error do you get?

Also /config/custom_components/__init__.py isn’t a wiser integration file, all the integration files are stored within the /config/custom_components/wiser directory…

Whats in this file?


Thank you for great integration that this is but…

I’m trying to automate my heating through Node Red where I intend to keep all the automations.

Does anyone here knows which service call I need to use in order to switch the thermostat back to Auto Mode? In Lovelace you can choose from three different modes of operation but I can’t find which service call I need to use to switch it back to “Auto”, turn_on puts it on “Heat” mode and turn_off is rather obvious.


Have you tried this call?


you can set the state of the radiator using the “state” card in the lovelace UI, if you want to set it from a service then you can use the generic climate.set_havac_mode service


I guess you can can call this from NodeRed

(Must have a nose at node red again…:slight_smile: )

The JSON payloads above from Lev would also work but these are direct REST calls to the HeatHub, nothing to do this with this integration but might be easier…

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Set/Cancel Manual mode for a room

/data/domain/Room/ <roomNumber>

{"Mode":"Manual"} or {"Mode":"Auto"}

I will try again.
Do you know how to manually remove the integration so I could reinstall, it seems to be still showing up in HACS

Thank you, Angelo. This is exactly what I was looking for.

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Adam, you can remove the integration from the HACS UI but if the UI doesnt work then try removing the wiser directory from within the custom_components directory…

I had a look in the HACS install but I couldnt see a “catlog” of installed repos… So I think it just scans the custom-components directory…

Try that and let us know ?

Adam , could the issue be this? https://github.com/asantaga/wiserHomeAssistantPlatform/issues/104?

edit : Just released a new version without the extra comma 2.3.1 on HACS

Hi Angelo
I removed the old version and installed 2.3.1 and it worked fine. No errors on restart and hacs shows it as being installed properly. I have not yet tried to configure the integration but will look at the UI now. So far so good. Thanks

Awesome, somehow an extra comma appeared in the manifest.json, thanks to some of the guys in the git ticket, we found and fixed it asap.

The same problem. Installed the latest version of HA. Can you find the solution?

I think this is fixed in the latest 2.3.1 release. Can u check which version you are using.



Yes I can confirm this is fixed in 2.3.1.


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