Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Awesome thought it was. but got worried it wasnt!

Are you talking about those errors?

Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for sonoff doing I/O at custom_components/sonoff/init.py, line 267

hacs: the ā€˜.translationsā€™ directory has been moved, the new name is ā€˜translationsā€™, starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this

I still have it. And I have no possibility to change UI language. What is 2.3.1? This is my latest version http://prntscr.com/setcfb


Sorry I didnā€™t make it clear. I was referring to the wiser version.

I am running the same version of HA as you are (0.109.6) on a raspberry pi.

The 2.3.1 is the latest version of the wiser integration and works without errors on my setup.

I am running HACS 0.24.4 if that makes a difference and is the latest version I think.

Hope that helps.

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Sorry, I have no wiser integration at all. I think I should find solution in sonoff integration((

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Is there any way to use external temperature sensors (such as XIaomi Aqara) to sense the room temperatures? I find the TRV temps to be unreliable.

Hi ineedsheet,

mmm not reallyā€¦ XIaomi Aqara are already integrated with HA so you could use them, but I dont think we can easily override the Wiser TRV temperature sensorsā€¦

What you could do is deploy a bunch of Xiaomi Aqara sensors and then operate the TRVs manually with custom rules etcā€¦ to be honest Im not sure its a good solutionā€¦

An expensive solution is to get a roomstat for each room where the temperature difference is an issueā€¦

Anyone else like to comment here?

Hi Angelo - I created a Community account just so I could say thank you for this integration - after some hiccups on getting my brain around HACS for the first time, Iā€™m now up and running with Wiser in HASSIO. Thank you very much indeed!

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thank you
Its a community effort though and there are other contributors, like Mark - but thanks!

This integration is really useful - and looking pretty nice now.

One issue - I assume it is something to do with my network rather than the Wiser hub, but Iā€™m struggling to get the hub to use a consistent IP address. I do see some duplicated IP addresses (for other devices), so probably itā€™s my network setup but thought it was worth making a post just to see if anyone else sees this.

Hi Angelo,

I keep getting these errors in the log every time I restart HA.
I think I first saw these on 0.110.x but they are definitely there on 0.111.x
I havenā€™t tried 0112.x yet.

2020-07-03 14:11:01 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify WiserSwitch to extend SwitchEntity
2020-07-03 14:11:01 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify WiserSmartPlug to extend SwitchEntity
2020-07-03 14:11:03 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] ClimateDevice is deprecated, modify WiserRoom to extend ClimateEntity

Is there something I should be doing to resolve these?

I also notice that your integration can now be added through the configurator UI.
Should I remove the old one configured in the configation.yaml and re-install it through the configurator UI? If so will all the device names and entity names change?
I wouldnā€™t want to have to go through amending all my automations, scripts and the lovelace yaml.

Thanks for a great integration

Hey im sure we resolved these in the latest Wiser integration. (2.3.1) have you upgraded?

Iā€™ll check later (its my sons birthday today) but im sure these are solved.

Oh, no need to use the configurator UI (configFlow) , you can continue to use yaml


Happy birthday to your son.

According to HACS iā€™m running 2.3.1
I havenā€™t seen any updates from you for a while though hence my thoughts that maybe I need to install through the configurator rather than HACS.

Thanks, Iā€™ll wait for you to come back.


Right , we fixed this bug in dev but didnt push it to master yet. Why?

Well , weā€™ve been working to try and get the Wiser integration included with HA as a native componentā€¦ Alas weā€™ve done all the code changes, tests etc and now the HA team want us to publish the component , one platform at a time. Given we have sensors, switches, services and climate we think this is kinda daftā€¦ anyway weā€™re asking that given this component has been around for a while on HACS , if we can work around thisā€¦

Alas I havent received a response from the HA team so I dont knowā€¦ For now its on HACSā€¦

Ive released a new version of the code to HACS (2.4Beta), can you give it a swirl?


Hi Angelo,

Yes 2.4Beta solves the errors and all looks to be working.

Why bother with the the native component. It appears to me you will lose the control and flexibility you have now through HACS.

Thanks again

I know,ā€¦ Im thinking of keeping it a HACS component

ok , based on https://github.com/home-assistant/architecture/issues/408 I have to split up the PR into multiple pieces and thats itā€¦

q: How important is having this integration with HA Core? Or is leaving it in HACS just fine.?

After a few weeks of my system working fine with this Integration (apart from a rebuild due to ye olde SD card burnout), I came to do a reboot (upgrade to Hassio and to the Wiser integration) and HASSIO seems to have lost any connection to Wiser, with all my devices/entities showing as Unavailable. My wiser app works fine (as does the heating, thankfully) and Iā€™ve tried rolling back on the Wiser integration itself, with a few reboots, but no dice. Any ideas whatā€™s up?

Has your IP address of the HeatHub changed?
Any error messages in the log files?

Iā€™ve a few ā€˜unable to findā€™ messages in the logs, so I expect you could be right with the IP changing. How do I view what the integration expects the IP to be? I used the interface to set up the IP and secret initially, rather than the config.yaml, but I donā€™t know where it stores it. Iā€™ve had a route around in the File Editor and the Integration itself but canā€™t seem to find any record of what it expects it to be set to. Presumably I can make my DCHP server set it back again once I determine if itā€™s changedā€¦

Hi there.

Right firstly I recommend you use your router to set a fixed IP to the wiser heat hub. I have a virgin hub and in the DHCP section you can select the wiser heat hub and say ā€œreserve this IPā€ā€¦

In the same section you can see what IP address has been allocatedā€¦

Secondly, the ā€œcurrentā€ setting can be found in ./storage/core.config_entries look for the domain wiser

Mine looks like this

        "connection_class": "local_poll",
                "data": {
                    "boost_temp": 2,
                    "boost_time": 30,
                    "host": "",
                    "name": "WT724R1S0902",
                    "password": "xxxxx"
                "domain": "wiser",
                "entry_id": "xxxxx",
                "options": {},
                "source": "import",
                "system_options": {
                    "disable_new_entities": false
                "title": "WT724R1S0902",
                "unique_id": "WT724R1S0902",
                "version": 1

Just edit this file and perhaps restart HA if it doesnt take immediate effect

Let me know how this goes